The final gentleman

Chapter 238 Questions

The document review and approval process lasted three hours, during which Yi Chen sat on the sofa without making any movement.

After the last document was signed and sealed, the female doctor stretched her arms back, stretched her waist and stretched her body. Her tight figure under the white coat was clearly highlighted at this moment.

Unfortunately, Yi Chen's eyes only stayed on the tea leaves.

"I'm sorry~ A lot of patients were delivered yesterday, and each patient's information needs to be reviewed and signed by me.

We just need to go through a simple process and you will be a "regular employee"... That's right! What you just drank is our special grave tea. This big bag is all given to you, so be sure to keep it.

After drinking it all, you can spend money to buy it within the organization. "


Yi Chen decisively put the tea leaves into his pocket. This kind of food that adapts to his current physique is quite rare.

The female doctor put her right hand on her chest,

"I haven't introduced myself yet, have I?

My name is Lu Xin, one of the attending doctors at Lushan Psychiatric Hospital. I can provide any patient with various mental needs.

I didn’t expect to see you again in just two years. You are worthy of being Mr. Yi’s descendant. You are even better than him. "

Yi Chen would only nod slightly without making any response. He was not particularly interested in the father he had never met. It was enough to know that he was not a murderer.

He was more interested in the [Orphanage] and why he didn't die.

"You need to make a decision before signing a formal contract. Because there are many types of employees, we will usually determine a suitable position for you in advance based on your performance during the temporary period."

As he spoke, Lu Xin reached out and applied a layer of foundation from Yi Chen's cheek.

"Your makeup skills are very good. Do you want to consider staying with us as an "emborist"? The risk is low, the reward is high, and you have access to some of the resources of a mental hospital.

And your current state is also very suitable for dealing with dead people. "

"It's not impossible."

"Haha, I knew you would agree! But let's keep this as a "backup option" first. It would be too wasteful for you to be thrown into working in the morgue at such a young age.

Moreover, the ventilation in that kind of place is not very good, and it is easy to create a certain distance from reality if you stay there for a long time.

You should still be yearning for life outside and more opportunities for growth, right? "


"Based on your excellent performance over the past two years, we will give you the employee status of "Lone Wolf". The total commission and bonus can be more than ten times what you are now, and you can also enjoy the absolute priority of single-player tasks.

The so-called lone wolf means that he is not under control and needs to complete all tasks alone, which is not much different from the state during the temporary work period.

The "intelligence dealers" in each region will enthusiastically connect with you, and anything you want to investigate can be easily accomplished. Of course, some information will cost a lot of money, or even be very expensive. "


What Yi Chen learned in the orphanage was independence. He was not willing to place important things on his companions.

After signing a few documents, the formalization was completed. There was neither a gift of weapons nor an identification card. It was just as simple as going through the formalities.

According to Dr. Lu Xin,

The organization has completed the change of his identity information, and let all [people] who serve the organization know about it through telegrams, paging messages, letters and other conceivable information transmission methods.

"Let's go, I'll take you around the hospital. This is one of the most important strongholds of the organization. As a lone wolf, you will definitely have frequent dealings with Lushan Mental Hospital in the future."


Lu Xin took the initiative to hold Yi Chen's little hand, feeling quite like a sister and brother.

As the two wandered around the hospital, Yi Chen gradually discovered the problems here.

The people imprisoned deep in the ward are not "mental patients" in the conventional sense at all, but the "weirds" that need to be involved in the mission objectives.

The entire Lushan Mental Hospital is more like a shelter and research institute.

Just during the visit, I encountered many medical staff with sinister faces, all of whom had considerable fighting capabilities.


"That's right, the "weirds" who can be captured alive are imprisoned here, and we will provide the most comprehensive mental treatment. If their mental illness can be cured, they can be discharged from the hospital smoothly and even become one of us.

Catching monsters alive can get 300% of the mission reward, but you must do it according to your ability. "


After roughly understanding the structure of Lushan Mental Hospital and walking through a lengthy passage, Yi Chen finally asked the question he was most concerned about.

"Dr. Lu Xin, do you know about an institution called [Black Mountain Orphanage]?"

"A special institution jointly created by international organizations in our country has the power of 'first-level personnel' intervention and is responsible for the elite training and selection of human children."

"What does Level 1 personnel mean?"

"The orphanage has direct control over all orphans, criminals, gangsters, etc. In other words, these people can be directly assigned to the Montenegro Orphanage without any legal constraints.

Yi Chen, you should be considered the only "escape" since the construction of the Black Mountain Orphanage. Am I right?

But don't worry, the information about you has been specially encrypted, and according to our investigation, the orphanage has regarded you as a dead individual and determined that you have been burned and cremated.

Unless you deliberately ran to the orphanage door and yelled, no trace would be found on you.

If my sister is right, you should really want to raze that place to the ground, right? "


"That's great. Only when people have dreams can they live a meaningful life and be willing to go up against the current.

I need to remind you that there are many forces involved behind the Black Mountain Orphanage. Even our organization does not dare to directly interfere with some of the orphanage's actions.

However, the organization will provide you with a growth platform and sufficient resources, hoping that you can reach the level of realizing your dreams as soon as possible. "


"By the way, there should be something else you want to ask me, right?"

"That's right... I have never been able to understand why I keep living when I should be dead."

"Wait a minute, I am not suitable to answer your question. We happen to have a professional who is proficient in death in our hospital. He can give you a better and more comprehensive answer."

Unknowingly, the two of them had reached the depths of the hospital, passing by a ward here.

A pitch-black tongue suddenly emerged from the narrow gap between the door and window, swaying up and down.

Then an old woman's voice came from inside:

"The smell of death is extremely fresh~ This shouldn't be my food today, right? Dr. Lu Xin."

"This is a new employee. He has a similar origin to you. He wants to ask you some questions about death. And he also brought you some meeting gifts."

Yi Chen reacted very quickly and immediately took out the tea leaves in his pocket, pinched a small amount with his fingers and placed it on the surface of his exposed tongue.

As the tongue rolled around the tea leaves and retracted inside, a pleasant sound immediately came out:

"Lushan Grave Tea is an accidental tea produced in the cemetery on the mountain top on the sunny side. It is small and precious. It is really a good gift~ If there are more, I am willing to talk to you for an hour."

As soon as he finished speaking, the door that should have been closed opened on its own.

It's as if the old lady inside is not imprisoned and can come out at any time if she wants to.

Doctor Lu Xin made an inviting gesture: "Mother Tang is a lifelong resident of our place. She came to us voluntarily about seventeen years ago instead of being captured by us.

According to the statement, she has been dead for more than four hundred years, and you should be able to get the answers you want from her.

Come on in, you don't get many opportunities like this. "

Yi Chen never expected that there would be a similar deceased person in the mental hospital.


When I stepped into the room, bang! The soles of the shoes were filled with some kind of thick, smoking black liquid, and the entire room was covered with this liquid.

Not only was Yi Chen not repelled, but he was very fond of the black liquid.

As the black smoke rose up and was inhaled into the nasal cavity, it even further stimulated Yi Chen's body, and the same black liquid also flowed out from between his eyebrows.

There is an old-fashioned dressing table made of locust wood placed in the corner of the room.

The old woman in royal attire was combing her hair. There were no lamps in the house, and it was impossible to see clearly the appearance of the mother-in-law in the mirror just by relying on the light in the passage outside the door.

boom! The iron door suddenly closed, instantly cutting off the light that penetrated through the passage, and the room fell into complete darkness.

at this time,

A faint firelight came from the corner, and a red candle was lit on the dressing table.

With the light of the fire, I could just see the old woman's face reflected in the mirror.

White face, wrinkles, exaggerated red lips and two red spots on the face.

The old woman was using the mirror reflection to reveal her flexible black tongue to Yi Chen.

"Come over quickly and feed me the tea~ I can't wait any longer."

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