The final gentleman

Chapter 258 Different crazy shells

In Yi Chen's understanding of biology during his lifetime, the structure of viruses was relatively simple and usually required living cells to show life activities.

Now as a virus, he has a sound consciousness, and can even perform 'air crawling', micro-control the virus body, and even use the related abilities as a human.

Spending hours adapting to the process from human to virus,

After some inspections, Yi Chen had completed a complete review of his own structure and lamented that the structure of this virus shell was exquisite, even better than the human body.

Mainly composed of two parts:

Characteristic capsid (Capsid) in the form of 108 octahedrons

Absorb-Brain wrapped inside

The characteristic capsid mainly contains the following three important parts:

1. "Spike": It is a tentacle structure distributed at the connection points between each surface.

These tentacles are rooted in the capsid and are directly connected to the internal brain nerves, allowing Yi Chen to directly control them.

It can swim in the air through floating tentacles and quickly parasitize different types of patients. For example, patients with rock formations can control the hardening of their tentacles to make them look like drill bits.

2. "Shell": A total of 108 octahedrons, each side can effectively capture and inward light, achieving a wide-spectrum panoramic imaging, allowing Yi Chen to have a panoramic view of all surrounding scenes.

3. "Inner Shell": The strongest inner structure, which plays the role of buffering and protecting the brain.

The "Na Nao" wrapped inside the characteristic capsid can be regarded as the predecessor of the "Epilepsy Brain".

A nascent brain-body structure that is still in the stage of accepting knowledge, which is equivalent to integrating all the organs of a normal living body with the brain.

It can not only perform various life functions, but also play the role of accepting external information and sensing efficiently.

Unlike other epilepsy viruses,

The virus that Yi Chen transformed also carried his human characteristics. There was also a kind of spiked iron chain wrapped around the entire Na Nao, and he could even control these iron chains to grow out of the body along the spike structure.

Moreover, the aura of death is squeezing deep in the brain, making the virus appear black instead of the usual flesh-colored color of the epilepsy shell. This appearance looks quite scary.

"It seems that they want me to experience the whole process of the formation of epilepsy, return to the old world before the blockade in the form of a virus, and experience the detailed process of infecting living bodies, absorbing knowledge, and evolving the epileptic brain, so as to deepen my connection with the origin of the disease in the old world. connections to understand the nature of infection.

When my special epileptic shell virus becomes an epileptic, it may be the time when the external body breaks through its limits, which will be interesting. 』

Yi Chen was not in a hurry to carry out virus invasion, but observed the current environment.

As he subjectively writhes the tentacles on the surface of his capsid, he swims in the air in a rather cute form.

Gradually descend from the height you are at,

The closer you are to the ground, the more bacteria there are in the air. Dominated by bacteria, some bacteria are even hundreds or thousands of times the size of Yi Chen.

These bacteria also have self-awareness. When they discovered Yi Chen's shell-like virus, which was like a mayfly, it was obviously much smaller than them, but it squeezed the air stored in the body and escaped quickly as if it was a god of death.

"It seems that Epilepsy is still very famous in the old world. This can save a lot of trouble." 』

Yi Chen fixed his gaze on the 'crowds' coming and going below.

The differences between different individuals are huge, not only the difference in skin color, but also the structural differences caused by different diseases.

Although most of them resemble humanoids, some have extra arms, tails, wings, and even some unimaginable disease-like tissues such as sarcomas, sieve holes, ducts, etc. Some even crawl on the ground in a semi-liquid form.

There are also many fully parasitic individuals, such as a "shell man" that Yi Chen saw.

The human body responsible for crawling has lost its consciousness. The giant snail shell on its back is stuffed with parasitic life. There are hundreds of soft thorns inserted into the human body's back and back of the brain, controlling its daily activities such as moving, eating and so on.

When he first arrived, Yi Chen didn't have to choose special patients.

His eyes were fixed on a young man who looked the most like a human being, with almost no extra proliferative tissue, and only some herpes at the corners of his mouth for invasive infection.

Huh~ with the young man's normal breath.

Yi Chen followed the inhalation process and tried to follow the nasal cavity directly to the other person's brain.

Unexpectedly, when he floated into the very large cave covered with hair in the nasal cavity, a pair of huge red eyes with pus opened instantly, staring at Yi Chen, the lonely intruder.

These herpes virus groups living in the nasal cavity immediately attack the invaders.

Just as they gathered around, Yi Chen, the independent virus, disappeared under their noses.

Due to the lack of targets, the defense mechanism is gradually lifted.

What they didn't know was that at the moment they gathered together,

Yi Chen retracted all the tentacles into the Na Na, and through the optical refraction of the one hundred and eight-sided characteristic capsid, and the Mimic imitation of the current nasal cavity environment by the Na Na's structure, he finally achieved perfect invisibility.

Continuing to follow the host's inhalation process, the nanoscale micro-sized volume easily passes through the nasal cavity and reaches the brain area.

The skull area is also covered with dense herpes.

The transparent water flowing out from between the herpes even soaked the brain, causing the entire brain to turn yellow, swollen and distorted, and the outer brain layer was also covered with terrible red dots.

But their inspection mechanism still failed to detect Yi Chen's special epilepsy virus.

float into the brain,

Entering the brain area that Yi Chen is most familiar with and best at, he soon broke into the depths!


A large number of tentacles grew out from between the shells, and at the same time, there were also extendable spiked iron chains.





Like a general who enters the enemy camp alone, he kills half of the herpes virus in the core area of ​​the brain in a short period of time.

When the remaining viruses were still trying to counterattack, a jet of black death air was released from Yi Chen's body. The infected herpes virus instantly disintegrated and he died completely.

Before the herpes on the outside of the brain arrives,

Yi Chen has taken root in the core area of ​​the brain, injecting his own genetic material into it, quickly completing the neural connection, and broadcasting notifications throughout the host's body through nerve current sensing.

Once any herpes virus dares to get close to that area of ​​the brain,

Yi Chen will carry out [targeted strengthening] on the host's immune system and authorize the host to use the herpes virus sample he just killed, which will clear the whole body of herpes within a few minutes.

"So... everyone, please get along well! I will not stay in the host's body forever. I will leave when I have gained enough knowledge. As long as you are obedient enough, I will keep the host's life."

The epilepsy virus is very special. It does not multiply and remains the same.

Yi Chen, who seized control of the center, finally started the most important link - "knowledge acquisition".

While ingesting the host's memory, it also gives the host a strong 'thirst for knowledge', allowing him to quickly travel to the nearest city to learn knowledge.

However, Yi Chen is different from other epilepsy cases.

He will not ignore the host's physical body. Although it will reduce sleep time, he still has to eat what he needs to keep the host in a good mental state.

This continues until the host cannot find the source of knowledge, or the ingestion speed decreases.

in addition,

During the process of parasitism, Yi Chen will also "educate" the host and other pathogens in the host.

Even if Yi Chen leaves the host, they will study tirelessly. In the future, when they encounter Yi Chen or a host parasitized by Yi Chen, they will address him as 'teacher' and obey him completely.

Yi Chen can also quickly incorporate the knowledge they have learned alone into their own, maximizing the value.

This method is completely superior to conventional epilepsy shells.

Yi Chen also learned this from the orphanage.

From this moment on, Yi Chen's initial career as a "student" began to change, and the related living characters were slowly being rewritten.

This barely looks like soft science fiction... (Shhh)

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