The final gentleman

Chapter 260 Personality Improvement

More than 5,000 patients who were educated as 'students' formed eighteen circles inside and outside, surrounding the main body of Yi Chen's infection at the center.

The thinking network formed by connecting everyone's brains, under Yi Chen's control, started working like a giant earth drill, constantly penetrating into the deeper layers.

The speed is not fast, the time needs to be measured in [days].

As the drilling depth increases, the mental burden gradually doubles.

Snapped! A patient sitting in the outer circle actually had his brain exploded. The exploded brain was instantly annihilated, which meant that his mental adaptation had reached its limit.

When seeing this scene, the patients around him did not waver at all and still provided mental support for Yi Chen with all their strength.

Bang bang bang!

The frequency of brain bombing continues to increase.

Yi Chen is also aware of this. The 'going deep' he is doing here is not going deep into the real old world, otherwise it would not be so simple.

Once you encounter an epidemic area on the way, this kind of spiritual penetration will be instantly defeated, and it may even provoke a certain boss and lead to death.

The old world that Yi Chen currently lives in is just an imaginary world recorded and created by the "Relic - The Box of Madness". It is more of a world that guides Yi Chen to become familiar with the origin of the disease, so that the subject can make breakthroughs to his limits.

The spiritual deepening currently underway should be understood as the penetrating process of "breakthrough of the barrier."

It's just that his barrier as a three-attribute breakthrough is much thicker, and he needs to drill very deep to completely penetrate the barrier.

I don’t know how long it has been,

When the number of indoctrinated patients dropped to less than a hundred, the spiritual drill finally penetrated the deepest part and reached the so-called "center of the disease."

There is no pus, no spores, and no malignant phenomena related to any disease. Instead, it is a center of the world filled with brilliant luster and expressing the possibility of all things. Super huge neuron structures are connected here.

Just standing on the surface of one of the huge neurons, Yi Chen could hear countless murmurs, as if telling him things related to the origin.

The scene that "Relic - Box of the Lunatic" can depict only ends here. The true origin of the pathology of the old world cannot be revealed by relying on relics alone. Yi Chen needs to reach that place by himself in the future.

Corresponding to the changes in Yi Chen's personality as a [human], he officially broke through the limits of human beings and reached a higher level.

However, the changes are not over yet, and the most critical time is next.

A strange voice sounded in Yi Chen's mind, and at the same time as the voice came, the living characters of the past also appeared in his mind.

≮Are you willing to accept the origin of disease? ≯

Yi Chen knew very well from the beginning,

The so-called "estrangement", "human limits" and other words used by organizations to describe breakthroughs are just a kind of beautification.

The reason why humans can break through is essentially due to the fact that they have relied on the origin of diseases in the old world.

The correct term for the so-called breakthrough of limits should be called "Open Source" - formally contacting the origin of pathology in the old world and unlocking the fundamental power at the pathological level.

When accepted, the limits of the human body will be completely broken, and the individual will rise to a higher level.

However, there is nothing wrong with naming the organization this way.

Because as long as a breakthroughr always implements gentlemanly character and maintains humanity, to a certain extent he can be defined as a human being, and civilization can be passed on.

Listening to the voice coming from the source, Yi Chen also conveyed his wishes.

"willing! 』


In an instant, bursts of substances related to ancient origins were imprinted in Yi Chen's brain in the form of words, or in other words, imprinted on the book emblem.

【D\u0026G Organization Headquarters-Zion】

Any gentleman in the city, and even some cart drivers traveling on the mountain roads outside the city, can see a group of dark clouds like a brain floating in the sky somewhere in the city.

The cloud brain becomes more and more realistic over time, and the lightning rolling inside is like the conduction of electricity between neurons.

What's even more exaggerated is that this pitch-black cloud continues to absorb the surrounding clouds, coating its surface with an exaggerated layer of muscle tissue, and building the human body's organs and tissues inside.

This brain is a special independent life entity.

The head discomfort that occurred in the hospital gradually radiated to the entire Zion area, and gentlemen who had not exceeded their limits were affected to a greater or lesser extent.


Jin, who was having a one-on-one simulated combat with Instructor Bailey, smelled an aura that was very familiar to her. She interrupted the actual combat and went to the high platform with Instructor Bailey, staring at the strange brain among the clouds.

"Has William finally made a breakthrough? No wonder it's so slow. It turns out he wants to make a big splash."

On the side, instructor Bailey inserted the dagger into the leg belt, put his hands on his chest and stared at the black clouds in the sky, "Jin, do you want to go over and see the specific situation?"

"There must be a lot of people going, right? We won't be able to squeeze in later. I don't like to join in the fun. Just wait until William completes his breakthrough and then make an appointment with Gethsemane alone... Then we can have fun with him."

Jin's tongue stretched out from under the mask, licking a full circle along the corner of his mouth, and then continued to return to the training ground with Bailey.

【Power Station】

Reagan stood together with a serious old man wearing a white uniform and a Chinese character face, staring at this strange celestial phenomenon.

The old man is the person in charge of the power station and the current director of the research institute.

"Reagan, the restlessness caused by the other party is similar to the scale when you broke through, but the impact is much more serious. If you have the opportunity in the future, you can bring your friend to the power station to have fun."


Reagan looked at such a celestial phenomenon and smiled from the bottom of his heart. He recognized William as a friend in his heart. After all, it was only because of William's arrival that he chose to go to the old world and the consciousness of his childhood sweetheart was revived.

Deep inside the hospital's pathology research building.

Vice Dean Vesalius, standing by the side of the swimming pool, was witnessing an incredible scene.

The structure of Yi Chenna's brain with the craniotomy outside is undergoing further changes.

The brain tissue began to proliferate without restriction, spreading to every corner of the body, attaching to every muscle and slowly combining, causing subtle sulcus circuits to faintly appear on the surface of each muscle tissue.

This circuit is very shallow and requires dissection of the body to see it. From outside the skin, everything looks normal.

With the combination of brain cells and body, Yi Chen's physical controllability has doubled, and as the brain develops in the future, physical control will also improve simultaneously.

When the transformation of the body is almost complete,

The black cloud brain hanging over the hospital instantly converged towards the interior of the building, penetrated the isolation material of the building, and reached the swimming pool area where Yi Chen was. Together with the aura of death that permeated the swimming pool, it converged in Yi Chen's brain.

A moment of time,

Everything returned to its original state, as if nothing had happened.

Between Yi Chen's skull, a brand new biomass brain that surpasses the human brain and even surpasses the epileptic brain in complexity has stabilized.

The outer layer of the brain is wrapped with iron chains to improve stability, and can also provide painful stimulation at special times.

There is a metallic black liquid flowing between every brain circuit.

The book imprinted on the back of his head is still preserved. All the knowledge acquired in the fictional old world during the breakthrough period is recorded in the book, and the exact words recorded on it can even be seen.

At the same time, the link with the source of the disease was officially established.

Cover the skull,

A pair of cloudy eyes reopened,

During the breath, the black mist is exhaled, and the muscles of the whole body follow the rhythm of the breath, allowing the body to recover quickly after being sedentary for a long time.

The corresponding text also pops up between the retinas that gradually become clearer.

"Individual careers have changed!

Previous occupation [student] → current occupation [lecturer]

Due to personality changes, the new ratings of basic attributes have been fully updated, related abilities have been reshaped, and new abilities have been developed. Please spend enough time to self-examine and adapt. 』

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