The final gentleman

Chapter 268 Nightmare Memories

Yi Chen's eyes quickly swept across the school, including the principal, there were six people in total.

They represent a special group in Zion, and are also the makers of the rules of survival for the associated cities, and are gentlemen who have been awarded the title of [Prophet].

It is precisely because of the effective rules they have established in various regions that civilians who cannot become gentlemen can barely survive in such a world, greatly reducing the rate of disease infection, and barely maintaining the diversity of human regions in the fourth continent.

1. An ordinary old man holding a sapphire staff and wrapped in a brown windbreaker was sitting on the bench at the door. When he saw Yi Chen walking in, he showed a kind smile.

But when he smiled, there seemed to be small ears of different styles sandwiched between the wrinkles and creases on his face. These ears seemed to be able to hear more sounds, thereby analyzing Yi Chen's physical condition.

2. A mysterious man in a white suit, a white round hat, and a white faceless mask, leaning on the last row of benches.

When Yi Chen cast his gaze, he realized that the man's back was actually facing him, with the mask on the back of his head.

This feeling of staring with the back of the head made Yi Chen very uncomfortable, but Little Grape was very happy, as if he had seen some new species.

3. Sitting on the bench in the third row on the left is a middle-aged woman wearing gold-rimmed glasses and plain clothes. A hint of gray can be seen on her temples. She is reading a story weekly.

The strange thing is that even though her eyes are on the book, there is always a feeling of gaze.

4. The black man hanging cross-legged on the second floor of the school has six arms that are spread out symmetrically like flowers. His suit also has six sleeves that fit perfectly on his arms, and his tie is also covered in flower prints.

There is an eye on each palm, and the fingers are in different states of formations.

This kind of look will drive Xiao Guo crazy.

5. This prophet kept Yi Chen's attention for a long time. His whole body was bound with bandages, and the only exposed head was wearing a mechanical fully enclosed eye mask and a breathing gag.

The wheelchair used for mobility still had restraints that restrained his arms, legs and feet.

It is driven by a sophisticated mechanical maid.

6. Desline Valdivia, the principal, as the central figure, stood on the podium waiting for Yi Chen's arrival.

What Yi Chen is sure of is that those who can become prophets must be people with special attainments in [sensing]. Naturally, their sensory abilities are extraordinary.

"Little Grape, be honest and don't always discuss Grape. If you offend any of the prophets, you may be targeted. 』

"What a fright!" Just allow them to stare at us, and we can't look back... With William's ability to kill people beyond the ranks, a one-on-one confrontation with these guys is worth it, hehe! If they really attack, kill them and remember to leave the grapes for me. 』

Yi Chen temporarily cut off communication with Xiao Putao and walked along the red carpet in the center of the school to the principal.

Deslin did not get into the topic immediately, but looked at the structure of Yi Chen's lightweight gauntlet made from clothing.

"I didn't expect that the Besarius family has such craftsmanship. It fits your style perfectly. How do you think? Have you tried it in actual combat?"

"I rushed here as soon as it was finished. I haven't used it yet."

"You should practice alone with Zedd in the future. Then I will come and watch your battle memories. Let's move on to the next topic. First, I will introduce you to the prophets present.

I will introduce them directly in the order in which you enter and observe.

【The one who listens-Ennio Vargas】

[United Double-Sided-Marco and Martin]

[Reader-Missy Heartfilia]

[Six rounds of divine eye-Ojinga Sabah]

【Sealed Yuri】

Including me, we are all the prophets currently staying in Zion. Since we are each in charge of corresponding departments, our responsibilities and work content are different, and we rarely gather together.

However, the danger assessment of nightmare invasion has exceeded any danger encountered since the establishment of the organization. We will use your nightmare experience to try to obtain more nightmare information, and if possible, locate the source of the nightmare and try to eradicate it.

Are you willing to cooperate? "

"I will cooperate fully, but there is one condition, that is, except the nightmare memory, no other memories of mine can be touched."

"I will complete the memory presentation. They are only responsible for observation and prediction. They will not touch your other memory areas except nightmare memories."


In fact, Yi Chen and the principal had already agreed on things about memory, and now they were just saying it for a formality. Last night, the principal had fully assured him that the investigation of nightmares would not affect Yi Chen's personal state.

The same way Principal Deslin once peeked into Yi Chen's memory,

Slide your finger between the eyebrows and flick it lightly!


Neurons made of starlight shot out from the back of the head, but they appeared fragmented and sparse, unable to form a complete pattern. This was the first time Desline had seen this.

He played it ten more times, so that Yi Chen's forehead was a little red and swollen.

The ejected starlight memories combined with each other and slowly formed an image, but some areas were still blurred or even broken, like an old film with mosaics, making it extremely difficult to play back.

"Let me help..."

The black prophet hanging on the second floor shoots different beams of light between his six palms for clarity.

In addition, the reader - Missy Heartfilia also closed the book and went to the starlight scattering area to deconstruct some messy and blurry starlight into words and then display it again.

With the cooperation of the two, a smooth and clear video image is presented.

As the nightmare scenes played silently, the listening old man sitting at the door also completely opened his [ears] hidden in the wrinkles.

Capturing the non-existent sound, he then turned the staff into a blue crystal-decorated flute and began to dub the scene, perfectly restoring the memory scene.

"He is indeed a prophet..."

Yi Chen was amazed at the skills of everyone present, and he himself became an audience, sitting on a nearby bench and carefully enjoying the memory playback floating in the air of the school.

After these days of high-quality sleep, Yichen is no longer sensitive to this memory, and the PTSD has been basically eliminated.

If there is anything incorrect in the memory playback, Yi Chen, the main experiencer, can correct it.

As everyone watched the nightmare memories, especially when they saw the second nested reincarnation, everyone looked embarrassed (except for the sealed one).

The old aunt who likes to read whispered: "Huh? There are many layers of dreams... If you don't notice it at the first time, it will get deeper and deeper. When it reaches the third layer or even deeper, it is impossible to break out.

If the nightmare spreads in Zion, I'm afraid 95% of the gentlemen will die. "


When Yi Chen showed off the escape techniques he used in nightmares, many prophets present immediately cast astonished glances.

The iron chain represents the Monastery of Pain, and it is also a special acupuncture type.

The umbilical cord, which represents the reborn forest, seems to be a relic.

Moreover, Yi Chen finally displayed a kind of terrifying "death makeup". When Reader and Liu Yan, who are good at visual observation, looked at this appearance, a drop of cold sweat even flowed from their backs.

Such decisiveness and display of ability are not like a gentleman who has just made a breakthrough.

Even Yi Chen is still a few months away from graduating from the academy and is still labeled as a student.

Just when everyone was shocked by Yi Chen's escape method, a completely different feeling of strangeness spread among the schools.

The nightmare memories that were supposed to end with the appearance of the dead makeup never dissipated.

The starry scene floating in the sky continued to play, and the scene was frozen in the basement. The camera slowly focused on 'Yi Chen' who was in a hanging shape with only half of his body left.


'Yi Chen' suddenly turned his face and stared at everyone present with his eyes completely turned up, his mouth wide open.

Ink-colored substances that looked like octopus tentacles spilled out of the mouth, even dyeing the surrounding stars in ink color, and spread to the school area in a solid form.

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