The final gentleman

Chapter 276 Team Reorganization

The orchard exit of Gethsemane,

Yi Chen and Jin walked back to the street area from the black arch bridge. During this period, Yi Chen's mind was still partially immersed in the touch of the servant model, and he even unconsciously held the ax in the air and gestured.

"William~ It seems that you learned a lot from Yuri."

"Well, it can only be regarded as theoretical and has never been applied in actual combat."

"You've been using this ax for a long time~ Weapons like this made from the core of patients are more suitable for human gentlemen. After we break through the limit, this kind of weapon will not be able to display our true level.

If you use a little too much force or pour too much energy into it, the ax head may explode.

William, you can find a way to get some old world materials. It is best to kill an open source patient and use his flesh to forge weapons. "

"We'll talk about where to get the materials now. The materials and workmanship of this ax are considered to be the best for beginners. It's okay to use so far, and I'm already very proficient with it.

Next, we may participate in nightmare events. When we are in the dream, these foreign weapons may not be able to be brought in, and we must rely more on our own strength. "

Jin couldn't help but lick his lips and smiled secretly, "My weapons are also part of the cancer, so they should be able to be brought in.

I can't wait any longer, so hurry up and meet that fat guy Reagan! "

【Outside the power station】

There are still long lines at the street entrance, and many people come to the power station every day to take exams and apply for jobs.

As Yi Chen and Jin squeezed into the front row, they were immediately stared at coldly by pairs of people, and some even wanted to curse... But when they felt the transcendent aura emanating from the two of them, they immediately fell silent.

There were two power station employees sitting at the front of the team, so Yi Chen asked directly, "Is Reagan in there?"

Ludwig Reagan

After breaking through the human limit, he was promoted to the director of the Power Station Research Institute, and his status was instantly elevated. If you want to meet a director-level gentleman, you need relevant documents and an appointment in advance.

When one of them tried to ask for the formalities, the other quickly elbowed him and gave him a look.

They vaguely saw a special crest at the junction of the gold shirt cuff and wrist.

"The...executioner of Gethsemane! Wait a minute for me to report!"

Just when one of them was about to get up, a mental force field from the power station suddenly radiated, reaching their brains and unable to reject the information conveyed.

"Ask them to wait a moment and I'll be right out." 』

"Ha! Wait a moment, you guys, Director Reagan said..."

Before this man's message was over, the back door had already been opened.

Reagan walked out, wearing a dark blue coat with black edges and a power station aperture pattern printed on the back. He had a stubble on his face that he didn't have time to take care of. Together with his deep and dark eyes, he really looked like a director.

The obvious bulge was because the electronic spine was still floating slightly, indicating that when Reagan rushed over, he almost used all his strength to get here from the research institute in a few seconds.

"Reagan? Are you sensing us?" Yi Chen was also very surprised. Although he, Jin and Regan all involved the attribute [sensing] when making multi-attribute breakthroughs,

But the connection between Yi Chen and Jin is relatively minor.

Reagan's induction is the core, and his professional characteristics have raised the upper limit of induction in the human stage to [7]. With the breakthrough of the limit, Reagan's attainments in the induction level have completely distanced himself from the two of them.

"The power station must be a place where I work for a long time. The proximity of special and powerful auras like the two of you will immediately cause changes in the internal magnetic field. I only need a little directional induction to know that it is you.

Since you guys came here together, it's definitely not a small matter. Let's go out and chat~ I haven't gone downstairs for exactly two weeks and have been staying in the laboratory.

The institute doesn't allow food delivery, so I haven't eaten beef from the street for a long time. "

"Okay~ I'm treating you."

In a private room full of privacy,

After Reagan ate the beef stew for five people, he completely collapsed on the sofa and deliberately unbuttoned his belly. He put one hand into the gap in his clothes and stroked it clockwise.

At this time, Yi Chen, who was sitting opposite Jin Tong, raised his hands on the table.

"Regan, have you heard about the "Nightmare Quest"? "

As soon as this statement came out,

Reagan, who was loose all over, suddenly jumped up and sat upright, "Is this why you came to me? I only heard about it accidentally in the institute. Nightmare Exploration seems to be still in the trial stage, and I have no plans to participate for the time being.

how? Are you going? "

"Yes, I happened to have a nightmare some time ago..."

Yi Chen elaborated on his experience of accidentally falling into a dream during clothing production and gave his plan for this incident.

Reagan touched his belly and rebuttoned his buttons.

"That means you haven't obtained the "Nightmare Exploration" qualification yet, and now you're going to go talk to Principal Deslin about this, right? Oops, William, you know me... My relationship with the principal is a bit tense, and I'm really embarrassed to see her.

How about you two go talk directly and wait until the principal agrees? "

“No~Regan you have to come with me.

But if I go to talk, the principal will definitely not agree. If you are here, your "celestial induction" can help us gain more initiative in the nightmare, and the chance of the principal agreeing will be greater. "

"Why do you have to take this risk? Isn't it too reckless?"

Reagan currently likes a stable life immersed in research. While steadily improving, he can stay with Fay every night. He is not willing to be exposed to nightmares in advance and break this stability.

at this time,

Zizzi~ The lights in the private room flickered.

After the transformation from dark to light, a girl in a white dress was sitting next to Reagan. Wires of various colors could be seen between the translucent skin.

When you open your mouth, a tongue full of holes slowly sticks out and makes a radio transmission sound.

"Reagan, go ahead.

It's been so boring staying at the power station all this time and I haven't had an adventure in a long time.

And since it is a dreaming behavior allowed by the organization, there should be safety measures such as timely awakening. I also want to experience what this almost real dream is like.

Let's go have some fun, okay? "

Faced with his girlfriend's request, Reagan agreed directly without any rational thinking, "Okay."

Yi Chen, who was sitting opposite, looked at the two people's intimacy and couldn't help but turn his eyes to Jin beside him, only to find that Jin was actually watching it with gusto.

[Offalostik College-Principal's Office]

Principal Deslin, who was almost a head taller than everyone else, put her hands on her chest and looked down at the three young people in front of her who could almost represent Zion's highest potential.

"Do you really want to join the "Nightmare Quest" pilot program? If it is confirmed, I will ask other registered ‘death warriors’ to wait first. "

"Death warrior?"

"But not everyone can recognize themselves in nightmares and get out of trouble like you, William. Even with our supervision, we still cannot guarantee the absolute safety of dreamers, and even the mortality rate is still horribly high.

Any gentleman who signs up for ‘Nightmare Quest (Trial)’ will sign a life and death declaration.

Even so, there are still many people who are willing to sacrifice their lives, just like you. "

The principal's statement was obviously intended to scare off the three of them.

However, Jin seemed even more excited, rubbing his little hands in front of him.

Yi Chen stood up and explained the situation, "I have related nightmare experience, and the three of us are all proficient in [sensing], and Reagan's sensing is far beyond the same level.

Moreover, if we can experience nightmares in advance, we can also lay the foundation for dealing with subsequent nightmare outbreaks.

After all, no one can tell clearly whether nightmares will suddenly break out and become able to penetrate clothing and invade everyone's brains one night.

At least while it seems stable, try to get in touch with and understand the nature of the nightmare as much as possible. "

Deslin nodded slightly, "Then I will supervise your dreaming, the location..."

Reagan interjected at this time, "The location can be a power station. The director will arrange a suitable dream room for us and use equipment to monitor our brain wave status. If there is an abnormality, we can try to wake it up through strong current."

"Not bad, I didn't expect that arranging Reagan to go there would be useful~"

"Haha." Reagan could only laugh awkwardly, while suppressing his girlfriend inside him to prevent her from suddenly bursting out and attacking the principal.

Deslin packed her things and walked ahead, continuing: "To be honest, if you don't consider the risks, I highly recommend the three of you to explore the nightmare.

There is no special team in Zion that is as proficient in sensing as yours. Let's go! "

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