The final gentleman

Chapter 283 Private Meeting

Yi Chen slept until noon of the next day.

When he woke up, Jin was no longer around. He just left a note on the door - "I'm going to take care of some things."

"Is it because of the success of making meat that you went to collect imitation meat again today? It's so comfortable to sleep. It feels so good not to dream..."

However, as soon as Yi Chen said these words, he felt something was wrong.

Because he realized that in this special period, he could never judge whether he was dreaming by feeling, verification was necessary. He quickly contacted Huang Pi in the clothing room to confirm the contractual connection between the two, and then relaxed.

When I walked down from the apartment building, the strange feeling from yesterday, such as catching someone smiling out of the corner of my eye, was gone and everything was back to normal.

I found a random restaurant to have breakfast.

Change the costume into a hooded robe, and then construct a silver mask to cover your appearance.

Yi Chen even used his perfect control over his body to change his daily manners and even his walking posture.

In addition, it also controls the compression and curling of muscles, making the whole person slightly hunched and dwarfed.

Unless someone like Principal Deslin observes carefully, no one will recognize Yi Chen's identity.

【Rotka Street-83】

This street is located in a mid-rise area, even right next to the trade area, and has a medium-to-high pedestrian flow.

Yi Chen was also very curious, why did he choose such a striking place to meet? Shouldn't lower-class areas, especially streets rarely visited by people like nameless clothing stores, be the best places to meet?

With doubts in mind, Yi Chen quickly found the corresponding location.

The copper door plate is hung on the door. What is in front of you is neither a shop nor a residential building, but a raw material factory.

The factory is located inside the rock wall and has a quite open internal space.

Yi Chen knocked on the front door, and soon a strong, ordinary gentleman wearing an employee uniform came to open the door. There was even a faint smell of meat on him.

"Hello! Do you have the relevant raw material collection certificate? If not, please take your store business license and go to the wholesale testing department across the street to submit an application for raw material collection."

"I'm just going in for a casual look. Can you be my temporary guide?"

When Yi Chen said these words, he stared at the other person.

Little Putao and Epilepsy Brain jointly sent out a burst of mental interference, as if a steel seal was transmitted through vision, and it was directly burned into the opponent's brain.

"Please come in."

When Yi Chen stepped into this raw material factory, the situation inside made his expression freeze instantly.

On the electric-driven assembly line, workers wearing work clothes, gloves, masks and headscarves are sorting various food ingredients, mainly meat.

A tall employee on the side also introduced Yi Chen:

“We are the second largest meat raw material factory in Zion approved by the organization.

The raw materials mainly come from the "protection fees" paid by cities protected by gentlemen. Many small towns and villages with developed animal husbandry provide us with many edible and healthy animals every month.

A large part of the animals turned in will be distributed to us. After slaughtering, meat packaging and testing, part of the meat will be directly provided to merchants with raw material collection licenses.

The other part will be cryogenically frozen and stored in warehouses for a long time to prevent famine. "

"Are all the quality inspections of meat products done at your place?"

The employee patted his chest with great pride, “All meat produced from us will be strictly tested and stamped, and meat with slight flaws or bacteria will be destroyed directly.

There has never been a problem with the quality of the meat that has come out of us for decades, and many high-end restaurants will come to us to order high-end meat in advance. "

"The quality of the subsequent meat will go directly to the market and will not be tested again?"

"Yes, some stores may conduct self-inspections, right? But it's completely unnecessary. Animals transported from outside will undergo strict biological inspection when entering the city. Coupled with the detailed inspection of each piece of meat here, no Something could go wrong.”

"Who is the person in charge of testing here?"

"Director Maxine Bangura, she is a professional quarantine gentleman assigned by the organization. All meat entering and exiting will be directly or indirectly inspected by her."

"Take me to her."


Walking inside the factory, looking at the pieces of meat that had been cut and packaged on the assembly line, Yi Chen recalled the dinner he had with his team members yesterday and felt a slight discomfort in his stomach.

When he looked away from the steak, he unexpectedly caught a glimpse of the wrinkles on the surface of the steak that seemed to make a smiling face.

The employee knocked gently on the office door on the second floor in the middle of the factory.

"Director Maxin, someone wants to see you."

Generally speaking, such a request for a meeting without specifying the person to meet or explaining the situation will be immediately rejected, and the employee may even be held accountable.


Without any response, the door opened slightly.

The employee responsible for leading the way turned and left when he saw this.

Yi Chen wrapped his whole body in clothes and carefully pushed open the cold iron door... The danger did not come as expected. Instead, the interior of the office was unusually bright.

There are lighting fixtures on the ceiling, walls and desks.

A dark-skinned woman is sitting at the desk, and there are three steak-shaped trophies placed on the cabinet beside her, corresponding to the best meat inspector of the year.

Before Yi Chen could speak, the other party asked the question first:

"Control my employees' minds to come here. Who are you and what is your purpose? If it is an illegal intrusion, I have the right to report it directly to the organization."

Yi Chen didn't say much.

Close the door, come to the desk and sit down,

Take out the special card from the nightmare room from the hidden pocket. If he finds the wrong person, Yi Chen will clean the memory of that person.

When the card is displayed in front of the opponent, it is as if some kind of 'mechanism' is fully activated.

The dark-skinned woman's pupils suddenly spurted out streams of thick black smoke, filling the office and even completely erasing the 'door and window structure', turning it into a completely isolated secret room.

The dark-skinned woman's head slowly tilted back, her cervical vertebrae creaking, reaching an incredible angle, and then she suddenly hit the metal tabletop.




One, two, and three times, each time making the sound of flesh and blood flying and bones breaking.

Until her face was completely broken and stuck to the table,

Not only was the director not dead, he was even smiling.

Then she reached out to the dreadlocks on her head and pulled them all out. She could even clearly see the bloody hole in her scalp.

this moment,

The director's head was completely damaged, and an incredible scene happened next.

Tiny nightmare tentacles sprouted from the gaps in her completely shattered face, reshaping her entire face.

The ink-colored gas representing nightmares also overflowed from the hole in the head where the hair was plucked, and a new and smooth black and white hair quickly grew.

One side is black and the other side is white.

And it is also tied into a more 'cute' double ponytail structure.

When the director's facial reconstruction was completed and he raised his head, the face of a woman with white background and black makeup appeared. She looked to be in her twenties, or even younger.

A mixture of different women. Careful analysis may even lead to hundreds or thousands of independent female voices coming out of her mouth:

"I didn't expect you to actually come~ And you even disguised yourself. It's so considerate, hahaha~

Last night you and your girlfriend were cooking meat in the room, and we had to hug each other to sleep. The scene made me feel so uncomfortable. "

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