The final gentleman

Chapter 287 Comprehensive Education

Jin was a little confused about what Yi Chen had done. After all, the brain tumor defense line she set up between the maid's brains did not detect any mental intrusion.

Kim poked her head into the room and found obvious signs of fighting;

The entire black leather sofa was completely torn, and some of the glass walls were scratched, but the room as a whole was still intact.

"William, how on earth did you do that?"

Just as Jin asked this question, the metal door of the next room opened.

Yuri in the wheelchair was pushed out by the maid: the gag was removed in front of everyone.

"Huh? I was about to go downstairs to pick up something, why did you all run out?"

Yi Chen and the maids present also quickly saluted Yuri. Only Jin and Irina, who was alone with Yi Chen just now, did not salute.

Such anomalies were naturally noticed by Yuri.

Forget about Jin, Irina is one of his most proud maids. She has obtained the qualification of a stall on the lower level of the street and is responsible for the very important supervision of killings in dark areas.


Just when the murderous aura spread from Yuri's body and he was about to forcibly control Irina,

Irina actually moved slightly and hid behind Yi Chen, and then quietly saluted.

Yi Chen also added a sentence at this time, "Mr. Yuri, my thought invasion should be successful.

It's just that because of the prerequisites, Miss Irina and I had a quick duel in the room, and the murderous intention monitoring room was slightly damaged. I'm really sorry.

Sure enough, it would be more appropriate to go to the arena. "

Yuri was stunned by these words. He felt the same as Jin.

It was clear that his connection with Irina's killing still existed, but the brain center did not feel any invasion... but there was an indescribable sense of loss of control.

There seems to be a higher-level domination effect forming in Irina's mind.

At this time,

Irina, who was hiding behind her, also spoke. She still called Yuri the master, but her name for Yi Chen changed.

"Master, I am still your maid~ I just learned a lot of interesting things from the teacher. I feel that if I can continue to learn from the teacher, I may be able to achieve the [perfect human form] that you have always wanted to achieve, Master."


Yuri was confused by this title.

Moreover, the mechanical maids created by Yuri have always had limitations in thinking. Their brains often come from dying people. After filling in the form of willing to donate their brains, they will be dissected and used once they die.

To ensure absolute obedience, some functions of the brain were deleted and transformed for killing.

Although the maids can think, their thinking area is limited to the work related to killing supervision, and they cannot think about self-improvement or their own future like Irina.

"How is it possible...that the limitations of thinking have been lifted? William, how did you do that?"

At this moment, Yuri no longer held on, but started discussing with Yi Chen like an academic researcher.

“I actually don’t know the specific process of brain transformation.

The professional characteristics give me an individual ability called "education". Life forms that have been successfully enlightened will establish a teacher-student relationship with me, and will turn "knowledge seeking" into their instinct and put it first. "

Yuri in the wheelchair stuck out his tongue and gently licked his front teeth, which was his signature thinking action.

"Is it the ability of a lunatic?

But it's different. The lunatics in the old world can also enslave the thoughts of living bodies. It is said that the enslaved people will be turned into 'brain nourishment' for them, and they will die completely within a few days, leaving only a hollowed out body. Open braincase.

You will not seek knowledge independently like this, let alone establish a so-called teacher-student relationship.

How is "education" achieved? Can you show it to me? "

Faced with Prophet Yuri's active request, Yi Chen would definitely agree if it were normal times, but it was different now... Yi Chen sent everyone away, leaving only him and Irina because he did not want to reveal any information about the enlightenment.

"Prophet Yuri, when the nightmare incident is completely resolved, I will fully disclose the details of the enlightenment process to you, but now is not the time..."

Yuri also immediately understood what Yi Chen meant.

"Okay~ In this case, you can continue practicing.

According to our agreement, when the time comes, I will remove the killing binding of the educated maids, and they will belong to you. "

When he said these words, Yuri's heart ached as if bleeding.

Yi Chen waved his hand, "There's really no need for this. When the practice is over, I will terminate all teaching relationships."

Yuri's expression changed, and he pretended to be indifferent by forcefully squeezing his facial expression, "Ah~ are you making it difficult for me to do this?

I usually don't take back what I say, and these maids are just the latest new products. Even if they are all given to you, it will not have any impact on me. "


Yi Chen was about to say something, but Yuri immediately interrupted.

"But~ considering the possible nightmare incident, we do need to prepare more maids in advance.

alright! I still have things to do, so hurry up and do some mental training. "

"Um...can I use the gladiatorial arena for training? I'm afraid you might damage such an important area of ​​the killing intent monitoring room."


Yuri also waved his hand to show his generosity. As long as Yi Chen is willing to return all the maids in the end, anything can be said.

【Power Station Research Institute】

The nightmare staircase designed by Ludwig Regan has achieved initial results.

Not only can it create a stable "nightmare staircase\

,"Similar theories can also be used to establish interconnection channels, allowing individuals scattered in different nightmares to achieve "dream convergence" in the dream of one of them.

Research into this breakthrough,

The institute cooperated with Hippocrates Hospital to create a "dream master brain" using the brain of a certain doctor (who violated medical ethics and character and had his brain removed from a living body) as the central core.

In the future, this master brain will be used as the center of the dream, connecting other dreamers to it and going to the deep level together.

Even if there is danger, only the main brain is most seriously affected, and other connected dreamers can wake up quickly through external stimulation.

After determining the availability of the Mastermind, the organization immediately began selecting dream members.

Naturally, William, King, and Reagan are among them.


This nightmare incident involving Zion itself cannot be left to only three young people. The organization will also select a team that is strong enough to even represent the highest level of the organization.

O.C.A O'Falostik Academy - dedicated on-campus courtroom.

In addition to Principal Deslin, organizational executives who represent the organization's voice are also present. Among them, sitting in the C seat is the old dean - Gregory Alaus, who is wearing a purple suit and sunglasses.

Their eyes fell together on the 'special criminal' in the center of the trial court, whose hands and feet were shackled with special shackles.

"Hogni Zed, if you are willing to participate in this dream project, as long as you obey the regulations throughout the process and eliminate potential nightmare threats, we will grant you permanent freedom, and the bad records on your personal data will be completely cleared. .

Are you willing to participate? "

"Free? I think it's better to live in shackles. Sometimes I really can't fully control myself. I don't want to make another mistake.

As for nightmares, I'm not very good at them either.

Personally, I feel that a prophet like Principal Deslyn is more suitable for this task. "

Deslin on the side spoke next: "A prophet has been arranged to participate in the operation. What we need is your personal combat power, Zed, to suppress the physical danger that may appear in the nightmare.

In addition, William is also an important person related to the nightmare incident. Please think about it. "


When I heard this name, bang! The shackles connected to Zed's body made a sound, and even the entire court trembled slightly.

"William has just made a breakthrough. Are you taking risks with such a talent? The organization is not so short of people, right?"

Desline, "No~ it's not our arrangement, it's William's subjective exposure to nightmares. You two probably haven't met recently. If you have time, you can ask him in person about the specific situation.

Zed, this matter is very special. We need your help. Are you willing to serve the organization again? "

"Well... tell me the time and address. I still need to prepare."

【Three days have passed】

Prophet Yuri, who had completely seen through everything and relieved himself of his psychological burden, was completely immersed in the design of the new maid these days and did not pay attention to the situation in the arena.

As long as the maid had no losses, it didn't matter to him.

After spending a whole day and a half drawing a new design, I stretched out in my wheelchair.

"Huh~ I wonder what happened to that boy William... There should be a limit to the number of people who can be educated like him. It is estimated that the more people there are, the more difficult it will be to enslave him.

Let's go down and see what's going on. It's been a long time. "

Yuri found a personal maid and pushed the wheelchair underground.

However, when he came down to the hall, a strange feeling hit him, forcing Yuri to take off his blindfold in advance.

"Strange, why is the maid in charge of hygiene and supervision not here?"

The maid said, "They went to the basement once yesterday and didn't come up again. I'm the only one on the ground now."

A bad premonition spread in Prophet Yuri's heart, "Take me down quickly!"

As the door of the underground arena opened, the scene in front of him was something Yuri would never forget.

Except for the original seven maids, all the maids related to the Prophet's House gathered here. Each of them brought a homemade small stool and sat in a row.

All eyes were focused on Yi Chen, listening to some kind of speech about the pursuit of knowledge. There was a pursuit of knowledge in his eyes, and even the shape of some individuals underwent subtle changes.

I took a break on Sunday and took my little Fatty to the zoo. I’ll update it today.

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