The final gentleman

Chapter 292 On the Moon

In the valley in the same direction as the town where the silver-haired priest was, but a little further away.

Here lives a savage who is isolated from reality. Over the past few months, many villagers who come to the valley to hunt and collect water will meet this lonely and strange silver-haired savage.

According to villagers' descriptions, the savage's body hair is all silver, and even emit bursts of silver light at night. Although it looks fierce, it never hurts anyone.

You can often see him sitting by the pond fishing.

It is said that the savages also specialize in hunting diseases and large beasts that appear in the valley.

Since he lived in the valley, the death rate of villagers who came to hunt in this forest area has been greatly reduced.

Someone once tried to get close to the savage, but when they got closer to ten meters away, they instinctively stepped back, sweating profusely as if they were about to be swallowed by something terrible.

Three hours after the small-town priest was killed,

The silver-haired savage who was fishing by the lake in the valley sensed that a completely different aura was approaching, or in other words, it was already approaching, and it was more dangerous than any sick person he had ever encountered.

Even so, he still hung calmly.

Until a young man in a black suit sat down next to him, with a strand of silver hair showing through his hair.

The savages spit out human words,

"You killed Father Edson, right?

That guy kept clamoring about carrying out the greatest missionary work, but in fact he was making small plans in private. As his missionary career grew, he gradually lost his humanity.

Even if you don't kill him, sooner or later he will be killed or swallowed up by other pathogens.

However, before you kill me, can you ask the reason? Is it Lord Yuehen's punishment for us escaping from Venar City? "

"There's no reason, I'm just robbing the moonlight."

"So that's it... Then I want to resist."

In an instant,

The silver hair on this man's body grew rapidly and turned into a silver beast like an ape. Compared with the previous priest, the aura was stronger and more dangerous.

The strength of the moon people he has shown has surpassed Mr. Li, the mouse who once hid in the basement of Twilight Clinic, and he can be regarded as a powerful and seriously ill patient.

Yi Chen calmly rolled up his sleeves, moved his fingers and asked, "What's your name?"

The wild man who had turned into a white beast could still say the human words steadily, "Philomea Kermi."

Kolmi used to be an ordinary employee in the city of Vernal. He worked three people's jobs by himself. He would leave early and come home late. The one thing he looked forward to most every day was to use his one day off every month to go fishing in the next village to relax.

It doesn’t matter if you may contract ichthyosis or shell disease.

Until the false moon incident occurred, he saw the truth from the moon hanging in the sky that the clinic was using citizens to conduct in vivo experiments, saw the fact that the world was becoming irreversibly sick, and finally took the initiative to accept the gift from the moon.

Relying on his yearning for nature, he survived the purge of the city by the gentry group, and left the city of Vernal to start the leisurely life he dreamed of.

Although I expected death to come early, I didn't expect it to be so soon.

The battle was over within fifteen minutes.


The four iron chains completely restrained the moon people who turned into beasts, and there was no possibility of struggling anymore. However, these iron chains did not produce needle pricks or transmit pain, but only served as a restraint.

Slowly, the beast's hair completely fell away, and Kormi was ready to accept death.

Just when he thought he was going to be killed,

A strange mental influence suddenly penetrated deep into his brain, and the affected brain nuclei were slowly turned black, and even the pathological center was reconstructed internally.

In an instant, Kermi's desire to lie down suddenly turned into a desire to learn knowledge and travel around the world to expand his brain capacity.

Unknowingly, the crystal representing the moon under his skin had been removed.

Strangely, he did not die from the pathogenic dissection, but instead transferred the center of his pathology to the brain.

When he opened his eyes, the chains were no longer restrained.

He took off his old clothes, shaved off the excess hair on his body, and embarked on a journey of seeking knowledge with a new attitude.

【Noon the next day】

The agreement between Yi Chen and the nightmare girl Catherine is coming in the afternoon. They must meet before 6 pm at the latest, otherwise the game agreement between the two will be canceled directly, and this important relationship connection will be completely severed.

At that time, the nightmare will also launch a full infiltration into Zion.

Although Yi Chen believed in the strength of his teachers and senior gentlemen. But even if it can really kill nightmares, the meat, vegetables and even drinking water circulating on the market have already sown certain "ideas" into most people's heads, and the final outcome will definitely not be much better.

From Yi Chen's perspective, he must participate in this game. This is the only possible solution to achieve a perfect ending.

The black beast transformed by Yi Chen successfully rushed back to the tree where he met Lorian's projection.

It was noon and the scorching sun was shining brightly.

This time period can be said to have nothing to do with the moon. Even so, Yi Chen sat against the tree and took out two pure and flawless pathogenic moon crystals from his pocket.

Gulu~ The slightly soft crystal rolls into the body along the esophagus,

It was eventually digested and dismantled into silver energy, which gathered into a moon-shaped substance similar to a stone in Yi Chen's lower abdomen.

When I open my eyes again,

There are no longer woods, roads, or the scorching sun hanging overhead.

Yi Chen sat on the surface of the moon, and there was a deep space in front of him.

Being personally attached to it allowed him to more intuitively feel the essence of the moon, and feel the vitality of the entire moon.

Yi Chen was completely sure that this moon was completely different from the moon (Earth satellite) that he once knew. It might be a special planet attached to the old world, or it might be an independent planet born with the moon marks.

It is alive, alive, even conscious.

Not far from Yi Chen,

A seemingly ordinary moon crater actually began to squirm, slowly forming a spiral opening in the center, and some kind of 'gravity' directed specifically at Yi Chen overflowed from the opening.

When gravity acts,

Yi Chen could feel a slight pulling force, and also seemed to hear an acquaintance whispering in his ear, asking him to hurry over and follow the passage between the moon craters to the depths.

The pulling force is still increasing, as if there are many hands pulling hard. I hope Yi Chen can go to the depths of the moon to take a look, accept this power, and become a member of the moon.


As time goes by and the pulling force increases,

Yi Chen was unmoved. He always kept his posture of sitting cross-legged and looking up.

The first time he came to the surface of the moon, he was attracted by the intuitive deep space of the universe. This feeling was very similar to the "looking up at the stars" under Desline's guidance.

Using the moon as a medium,

The star magic that Yi Chen learned from Principal Deslin was actually causing a reaction, and some unexpected reaction was taking place.

Extremely far away from Zion, even separated from the ocean of Quechua, the fourth continent, the gray domain level here has reached the "forbidden" or even the highest "dead" level defined by the organization.

A silver ship covered with various organs and metals that resembles a human body is sailing across the ocean.

On the quiet surface of the ocean, there are unimaginable huge eyeballs floating on the surface.

on deck,

Lorian, whose right eye is completely free, is standing here with the female doctor.

Lorian suddenly looked up at the moon, seemingly spying on the young man looking up at the stars on the moon's surface.

"Tsk! This guy William...why doesn't he do things according to the routine every time? It's really troublesome."

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