The final gentleman

Chapter 299 Crime

[Power Station-Dream Room]

The last member of Team 4, "Butch the Tamer," woke up from a metal liquid tank full of green slime. He was in a completely different state from the first three.

He first choked on a big mouthful of green slime.

The eyes he opened were filled with fear, and then he lay on the edge of the bathtub and vomited crazily.

The scene of his death in the nightmare kept flashing back in his mind.

Perhaps because the dream level is too deep, even if another person's brain is used as the dream center, the death feedback is still extremely strong.

Just because of a very small mistake, the opponent immediately caught the opportunity.

In Butch's dream, a black tentacle penetrated his mouth, penetrated the entire body along his esophagus, stomach, large intestine and small intestine, and finally emerged from his buttocks, hanging in the sky like a skewer.

The black liquid secreted from the tentacles quickly consumed the disease value between his frames, causing death almost instantly.

This deep throat feeling that penetrated the whole body still existed after leaving the dream. The vomiting state lasted for a full fifteen minutes, and he finally recovered slowly with the help of medical staff.

"I...Bricklin and I were suspected of encountering the nightmare entity. I was killed in advance during a joint operation. The other party was terrifyingly powerful and had the authority to control dreams."

Immediately afterwards, he described the existence that was suspected of being the nightmare.

He wears a black cloak with six extremely dangerous nightmare tentacles growing on his back. He wears a faceless mask and has humanoid body features. The fighting and dodging postures are biased towards humans.

Since the entire No. 4 team was wiped out, the person in charge planned to forcibly shut down the equipment and interrupt the brain connection of 'breeder' Franklin.

But the trainer Butch immediately stopped him.

"Bracklin is still fighting against Nightmare. His strength far exceeds what is recorded in the data. He can continue to fight, and may even injure Nightmare and obtain more useful information."

The main purpose of Butch's words was actually to prevent the forced interruption, hoping that Franklin could escape from the dream normally and minimize the brain damage caused by nightmares.

His face was full of apologies, recalling his behavior in the nightmare. Although it may have been influenced by the nightmare factor at the time, it was mainly due to his distrust of Franklin and was simply not worthy of a 'gentleman'. 'Two words.

Relatively speaking, Franklin, the death row prisoner, is more like a gentleman.

The technicians analyzed a strong combat signal from Bracklin's brain waves, and accepted Butch's proposal to let the 'breeder' Bricklin continue to dream.

Butch also secretly made up his mind to re-investigate Franklin's past criminal experience after the nightmare incident was over.

Because of this dream contact, what he saw was just a gentleman full of goodwill and noble character. He was definitely not a death row prisoner, but his appearance was a little misleading.

"Come on, Franklin."

Deep in dreams.

Because he enjoyed the pleasure brought by the battle, Yi Chen once again modified the dream space and opened up a spacious circular area during the battle against the farmer. Bricklin.

Bracklin's pig form can also be maximized here.


The human pillar totem waved in Franklin's hand actually smashed one of the nightmare tentacles to pieces, exposing the internal chain structure. The pain made Yi Chen feel numb all over his body, and he felt extremely happy.

Bricklin's huge fat body has nothing to do with agility. He can glide super fast through the fat all over his body, and manipulate the fat to make various exaggerated attack movements.

Moreover, Yi Chen could tell that the other party was very good at slaughtering, and Gethsemane's executioner skills were all maxed out.

The most terrifying thing is that Bracklin can judge the possible movement behavior of the other party through the sweat olfactory band.


A pig-head collision completely pushed up Yi Chen, who was shrouded in a cloak. His fangs penetrated both sides, spilling dark blood all over the ground.

However, Yi Chen also used this method to get close to Franklin's pig head.


A red line diagonally connecting from the side of the forehead bone to the corner of the mouth was perfectly captured in Yi Chen's field of vision.

This is exactly the "line of slaughter" learned from the prophet Yuri.

Black liquid overflowed from the palm, shaping the entire right forearm into the shape of a pitch-black sharp axe.

Cut along the massacre line... However, Yi Chen spared a little effort and did not make the most perfect cut, but retained a certain depth of cut.

The facial bones are chopped open,

A huge amount of blood splashed out together with the fat fluid that protects the brain,

The grease liquid between the frames above the head bottomed out instantly.

The manic Blacklin was completely stunned by the extraordinary head-opening attack. He knelt down on one knee and was completely incapacitated for a period of time.

≮The target has lost mobility and his thinking is stagnant. Do you want to "educate" him? ≯

There is no need for epilepsy to remind myself,

After this period of dream observation, Yi Chen really fell in love with this porky guy. He cut his head open and beheaded him so that he could look directly into his brain for the most perfect education.

Such an outstanding death row prisoner must be recruited as his student to increase his chances of winning the nightmare game.


Under Yi Chen's mask, a nightmare tentacle grew out of his brain.

Like a brush, he writes the word "epilepsy" on the surface of Franklin's brain, using the nightmare tentacles as a carrier to provide more intuitive and perfect education.

in addition.

Yi Chen himself was also a little curious as to why such a guy with a gentlemanly character who was still willing to protect his teammates even in the face of humiliation would commit such a serious crime.

During the teaching process, read the other person's memory in advance to understand the student better.

The memories were normal at first, similar to the deeds of the characters recorded in the book. Franklin was born into a butcher family in a small town, but problems soon arose.

Bracklin was not responsible for raising the pigs, but was raised.

When he was born, he was fatter than ordinary babies, weighing more than 20 kilograms. His mother died in childbirth as a result.

Due to the current rampant epidemic in the world, the townspeople regard such obesity as a sign of disease and strongly urge Franklin's father to execute the newborn child.


The father, a butcher, was very clever. After returning home, he forged pork and sewed it into a body that resembled the flesh of a baby. After burning it, he gave it to the mayor, and he managed to get over it.

But there are still rumors that the butcher's son is not dead at all, and people often come to the butcher's house under the banner of the mayor to conduct inspections.

Without any choice,

His father could only throw Franklin into the deepest part of the pigsty and let him live with the piglets. He would take time to visit him every day, teach him human language and cognitive abilities, and try his best to minimize his existence. Conceal it.

After Franklin grew up with the pigs, a serious disease outbreak broke out in the town.

Including the mayor's son, at least 1/4 of the people died.

When the nearest gentleman came to deal with the incident, he accidentally missed a sick person.

When they followed the clues and tracks to the pig pen, they found a fat young man who was as big as a giant. In order to protect the safety of the pigs, he crushed the patient alive with his bare hands, and his head was completely smashed.

The gentleman who witnessed all this asked the young man's name on the spot and invited him to participate in the gentleman assessment. After the father learned about this, the knot that had been hanging around for a lifetime was solved.

The night before leaving, the father had normal communication, eating and drinking with his son at home for the first time.

Before leaving, Franklin also told his father that when he became successful, he would take his father to live in a better place.

as expected,

Franklin became a gentleman with a score of 88, and also received a black letter - [Butcher] in the old palace. He was sent to Gethsemane to be trained as an executioner. In order to fulfill his promise, he trained almost day and night. It only took him three years to find the relics in the old world and complete a breakthrough.

He used his savings to buy a house near the city center in the largest city under the organization's control, and prepared to take his father over to live there.

I also applied for the local gentleman's posting, giving up the excellent treatment in Zion, and will later be responsible for security work in that city and live with my father.

While sleeping in the carriage house on the way to his hometown, he even dreamed of being reunited with his father.

However, when he rushed back to the small town of Lebus and found his hometown,

Only to find that the entire house had been burned down and his father's body was missing.

After investigation, it was found that the townspeople actually attributed the disease that swept the town last time to their father and son. Most people believed that it was because the butcher secretly raised a human-pig offspring that caused the disease to the town.

this moment,

Franklin's good nature was completely broken, his life became meaningless, and everything he did became a joke.

When he glanced at the townspeople in the streets, especially those who looked at him strangely, something strange happened.

In his eyes, these people actually turned into animals, and turned into absolute beasts.

As the son of a butcher, his nature was also inspired, so he picked up the butcher knife left by his father and started to 'work'.

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