The final gentleman

Chapter 306 Target Locking

The three people who were summoned walked at the front, and Catherine deliberately fell at the end of the team, waiting for William to go with her.

After Catherine emphasized that he and Yi Chen were 'good friends', the circus team members did not take the initiative to cause trouble.

In comparison, they are more interested in a team of gentlemen who can take back the initiative in the nightmare and even try to reversely erode the nightmare.

"Katherine, please introduce me a little. Who are these three?"

"Oh~ I was so happy that I forgot to introduce you for a moment! I really didn't expect that Uncle Jia En would come over. He is one of the top names in the circus.

Currently at the front of the team is Uncle Jain, who is the chief magician of the circus. The reason why the circus's business is so good is largely due to Uncle Jain's wonderful performances.

The current emerging magicians in the team are all brought out by Uncle Jia En. "

When the two of them said this, the magician Jain who was walking in front also turned slightly sideways and cast a strange and friendly look.

When Catherine saw this scene, she also quietly pushed Yi Chen's side with her elbow, then stood on tiptoes and whispered in his ear:

"Hey~ Uncle Jia En basically has no contact with outsiders except for performances.

He seems to have seen you twice in a row. He must be very interested in you, William. If you take the initiative to fight for it, you may be taken directly to the circus by Uncle Jain. "

"Did I say I was going?"

"As long as you are a patient of the new era, who doesn't want to go to the circus? William, if you have the opportunity to come to see our performance in the future, I guarantee that you will be very interested."

"Then let's wait until I see the performance. Okay, where are the other two?"

"The person on the stilts is the third leader of the acrobatic troupe - Mosander. He is good at physical skills, especially those related to the feet. You just heard that Mosander may cause trouble. Once you encounter The 'legs and feet' he wants will be taken by force."

"Isn't this a dream? Everything that comes here is the projection of everyone's thoughts. How to capture it?"

"No, Mosande has a very high degree of 'control' over the legs. Even just the projection of consciousness in a dream is completely sufficient. Once he cuts off the legs and feet, the individual concepts related to the legs and feet may be taken away together."


Yi Chen recalled Teacher Zede’s eyes that had been erased from the conceptual level,

Then recalling all the members of the Sharp Knife Team, the one with the highest quality in terms of legs and feet is none other than Zed. The acrobat will definitely keep an eye on Zed when the time comes.

"Teacher, he was able to escape from the [Pain Monastery] when he was young. Now he should have no problem meeting this acrobat... Now that things have reached this point, I can only believe in the teacher's strength." 』

"The last one is Aunt Halida. She is currently the most difficult ventriloquist to recruit in the circus, but it is also not very mainstream. Since modern ventriloquism performances are not very popular, the boss has reduced the number of ventriloquists to one Bit.

The original four ventriloquists of the circus had to compete for this spot. In the end, Aunt Harida won, and the other three were naturally made into dolls by her.

Aunt Harida has a good temper and will definitely give her full assistance to my requests. "

The doll held in the old woman's hands always had one eye staring behind her. When the two talked about it, it raised its puppet arm and waved hello naturally.

"Catherine, are you so sure that you can complete the dismantling of the Gentlemen's Team with the help of this group of foreign aid?"

"Hey, don't worry! Since Uncle Jia En is here, this forced split will definitely succeed, and he will never do anything unnecessary.

At that time, let’s finish the game seriously. "


【Dream Church】

Wrinkly Skin. Spacey's ongoing skin invasion is going pretty well,

The entire church building, floors, sculptures, benches, lighting, etc. are covered with a thick layer of skin, and even the internal materials are being skinned.

Prophet Marko and Martin sat on the bench closest to the church door, wearing masks on the back of their heads and looking directly at the door.

Dr. Mycroft sat in the first row at the deepest part of the church, the seat closest to Wrinkle.

Once the church is attacked by enemies, he will immediately create a silver field to surround Spacey, ensuring that his occupation process is not disturbed.

Romary Tahan lit a homemade flame cigarette in her mouth and stood guard on the left side of the church.

Kimberly Cabrera stands guard on the right side of the church like a mechanical sculpture.

There is also a gentleman who looks like a living corpse crawling among the beams and skeletons used to support the church dome, Hogni Zed.

at this time,

The thinking net that Prophet Marko continued to let go captured a dark entity that was as unexplorable as an abyss. When his mind searched for it, a strong suction force came out instantly, almost causing his consciousness to be absorbed into it.

Snapped! Mental relief.

This kind of influence on thinking actually affected reality. The prophet mask worn on the back of his head actually broke into two pieces and fell to the ground.

Marco and Martin did not have second faces on the backs of their heads, just plain backs of their heads.

The mask on the back of his head functions as a "personality totem", which can better realize the transformation of personality in the body, thereby stabilizing his prophetic identity that needs to be maintained for a long time.

The person responsible for daily activities and prophetic work has always been the corresponding sub-personality on the back.

Martin's main personality has always been sealed due to some special problems.

As the mask of the secondary personality was shot down, the main personality, which had been sleeping for a long time, began to slowly awaken. However, the sub-personality's hand still gently rested on the main personality's shoulder.

"Martin, let me do it first... If you are exposed in advance, you will have one less trump card. First find out who the other person is. 』

"Call me again if you can't hold it anymore." 』

The main personality was suppressed. Marco squatted down to pick up the broken mask and put it on the back of his head. At the same time, he reminded: "Everyone, be careful, the nightmare is about to come. It is very powerful, far beyond the nightmare creatures we have encountered along the way."

The words just fell.

The church door was pushed open heavily by hands wearing white gloves.

Magician Jahn led people directly in through the main entrance, with no intention of sneak attack or siege.

He even took off his hat and saluted everyone inside the church, and his eyes were directly fixed on the prophet.

The two of them had just had a simple mental collision,

Jia En borrowed Ma Ke's mental detection behavior and set a trap in advance, trying to suck Ma Ke, who was indiscriminately detecting, into the abyss of consciousness.

It's about to succeed,

A rather scary human actually crawled out of Ma Ke's back and dragged him out to get out of the mental trap.

Such mental illness aroused Jain's curiosity. He wanted to take a closer look at the prophet, and even saw a brand-new magic concept from Marco.

Immediately afterwards, Mosander, who was walking on stilts, also bent down and entered the church.

Just as Yi Chen was worried, he was immediately attracted to Zed climbing on the ceiling, and he was so fascinated by the strong, white and strong long legs that he couldn't extricate himself.

Snapped! A snap of fingers came from inside the church.

Snapping your fingers is like a "lighter" igniting the "fuse" on the church intruder. When everyone is about to be ignited,


Ventriloquist Halida shouted softly from the puppet in her hand, and the concept of human body being ignited was forcibly suppressed.

at the same time,

Dr. Mycroft, who was sitting deep inside, was releasing the silver with all his strength, creating an undisturbed sterling silver barrier for Wrinkly Spacey. When he was halfway through the creation, his acumen as a doctor made him turn his head and glance at door.

At the end of the intruder, there was a familiar silver hair floating past.

A strongly stimulating stress reaction was generated in the body, stimulating the transformation of Dr. Mycroft's body into silver, and instinctively switching to a fighting state.

Prepare to devote all your strength to this battle and kill the suspicious silver-haired boy.

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