The final gentleman

Chapter 308 Monster

Leader Mosande's crushed face healed in an instant. Broken flesh was a common occurrence for acrobats. His regeneration ability ranked among the top five in the circus.

Having his head crushed was nothing. What made him feel angry and humiliated was just "falling to the ground".

If this matter is known to the circus companions, he may become a laughing stock, or even be demoted by the boss if the matter spreads.

Just when he showed his true strength, he knocked down the central street of Nightmare Town with one kick. But it felt like there was something in the church that couldn't be completely crushed, and was being held on by a pure physical force.

Looking carefully, Mosande was shocked by the scene under the giant feet.

In the center of the church, next to Wrinkle Spacey, who was undergoing "skin grafting," stood a man with a pale body and almost perfect legs standing upright. The muscles all over his body were in the shape of vertical strips.

Just like the beam structure commonly used in architectural design, these vertical muscles jointly support the base of the body. The hands are raised above the head to support the crushing of the giant feet.

Not only that, this man was actually able to distract himself from the conversation:

"Mr. Spacey, just continue with the skin grafting work. I will kill this man..."


Wrinkly Spacey showed absolute trust in his companions, closing his eyes and concentrating on the skin grafting work.

It has seeped out of the church's skin and continues to spread outward in a circle along the trampled and dilapidated streets, encroaching on the dream space.


The giant foot held up by Zed's head began to disintegrate on its own.

Hiss~ The flesh evaporated, and the flesh, blood, and bones evaporated away in a short period of time. In the end, only the nerve lines of the giant foot were left, and they were all retracted into the body of Captain Mosand.

Mosande's expression also changed at this moment. He no longer regarded what was happening in front of him as a dream game, but as a duel of the same specifications.

Arrogance and conceit all subdue.

"Mosand Wise, the third leader of the Sun Acrobatic Troupe...what is your name?"

"Hogni Zed."

“I thought this was just a farce by Catherine, but I didn’t expect that the human tribe she provoked would have such an interesting character like you.

Your physical complexity cannot even be called a [human]. Even in a circus, you can surpass many acrobats without training.

Care to join us? "

Mosande's instant change in attitude surprised even Zedd, "You wanted to kill me one second ago, but now you want to recruit? If you can eliminate the nightmare threat that Zion is currently facing, I might consider it." one time."

"The nightmare was caused by Catherine, I was just a temporary visitor.

I couldn't dispel the nightmare, but I could make a suggestion to Catherine, and there was no guarantee whether she would agree to it.

The only thing I can guarantee is that if you are willing to join the circus and become one of us, and make enough contributions to the circus during the performance, the boss will give you the [eye] permission again. "

Zed had a troubled expression on his face and waved his hand quickly, "No need... I have already given up on this thing, and it would be very uncomfortable to take it back again."


Mosande stopped persuading, he was ready to use his true skills to deal with the humans in front of him.

Spread your arms... Whoa! A large number of neural threads suddenly sprouted from the back, resembling lush branches and a pair of oversized neural wings.

The ends of the nerve threads quickly bear fruit, and the blood and bone structures form legs and feet of different sizes hanging on them. On the surface of each leg and foot, there is either an eye, a mouth, or an ear structure.

They seem to have self-sense and can judge on their own to launch the best attack.

The overall picture presented is horrifying and weird, but also extremely shocking.

Hundreds of legs and feet are formed in the back area. They will crush the target along with Mosande's attacks. There are even some special legs and feet that can perform attacks beyond the ordinary.

Facing the attacking posture shown by Mosand,

Zed just changed from crawling to standing, pulled off his tie, unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt, took off his leather shoes and stepped on the ground with his bare feet.

Slight bounces and jitters relax the joints throughout the body, more like a free-fighting athlete.

The nightmare space of a certain library structure.

Jain, the magician, sat at a desk opposite Marko the prophet, and the two seemed to have been having a long conversation.

Jain showed a rare interest in the human prophet in front of him, and even handed over a business card with the magician's unique hat imprint on the back.

“The Circus of Fear welcomes talented people like you, and my introduction can save you a lot of trouble and unnecessary processes.

Just as you said, come to me again when the city you organized is completely destroyed and you have no fixed place to live. With the current state of the leather field, it is estimated that we will meet again soon.

Catherine and his friends will play with you later, so let's stop here. "

Jain raised his hand above his head and made a motion of cutting the air, which actually cut off the connection between himself and the dream.

The next second he woke up in a relatively simple living room, with various honorary medals hanging on the wall.

In the process of changing from pajamas to daily attire, a slight cut appeared on Jain's wrist. It was accidentally injured when he suppressed the prophet Marko in the dream.

To be precise, when suppressing the main personality - Martin, he suffered the trauma of the attack and part of it was reflected back to reality.

"He actually chose something completely inconsistent with his own interests and hobbies, and even used his back as the front to learn sensory knowledge to curb his nature. He even created a second personality in the process, and was gradually revered as a 'prophet' by the human community.

To be able to do something like this even though you have been doing something you are not good at, you can imagine your talent.

It's no wonder that the main character has to be sealed. He is such a scary guy, and it might be dangerous for Catherine to provoke him. "

Jain became interested in this special group of humans. He got up and went to the collective rest area of ​​the circus, wanting to find the other two people to ask about the situation.

As soon as I opened the tent, I bumped into the ventriloquist head-on.

"How are you feeling, Halida?"

Harida did not speak, but the puppet in her hand answered, "It's a pity, if it were real, I would definitely make that woman into a doll. Such a hot temper almost destroyed my baby in the battle, so I can only Taught her a little lesson in the dream."

The puppet's hair on the right side is slightly singed.


In some independent nightmare space, Romary Tahan's skin was completely torn off, and her body was made in a puppet-like form, penetrated by a large number of lines and hung in the air.

There were no deaths, but the combat effectiveness was basically lost.

Jain was slightly disappointed when he learned about this situation, "It seems that not every human being is so interesting... Is Mosande awake yet?"

"He should be trying to 'concept peel' in the dream, right? Since the distance between thoughts is too far, this process should take a long time, and the human being who is stripped will suffer a lot."

As soon as he finished speaking,

A scream of pain suddenly came from deep in the concentrated residential area.

Jain, Halida and the nearby circus members who were awakened by the shouts rushed to the scene of the incident, which corresponded to the bedroom of Leader Mosand.

Before the door was opened, blood spilled out first.

In a messy room,

Mosande's body was cut into two pieces, and various broken legs and feet were scattered and hung all over the room. Each leg was splattered with blood. The scene was unsightly.

What's even more frightening is that Mosande hasn't woken up yet.

Jain frowned, and immediately took out a pair of scissors from the magic hat, and quickly cut off a piece of hair on the top of Mosander's head... Click! The dream connection was also forcibly cut off.

When Mosande suddenly woke up, his eyes were wide and bloodshot, and he muttered:

"How can such a monster be human!"

This situation shocked Jain.

He knew very well that although Mosande had a dirty mouth and was greedy for all kinds of legs, his becoming the third leader of the acrobatic troupe was no coincidence or chance. He had climbed up through the bones of countless people with hard power.

"Mosander, did you lose?"

"Yes... although the dream only projected a part of me, I did lose. It's really embarrassing. Jain, tell Catherine to be careful and don't get killed by that person."

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