The final gentleman

Chapter 314 The Terrible Zed

[Power Station-Dream Room]

Deputy Director Kimberly Cabrera suddenly sat up from the liquid tank and lay on the edge of the tank, vomiting frantically.

All that spit out from his mouth was mechanical crude oil, mixed with a large number of broken octopus tentacles, some of which even resembled a female body.

Although he was killed in the dream, to a certain extent, Kimberly felt that her defeat was certain and took the initiative to cut off the power supply to her brain when the nightmare invaded her brain.

The transformation rate of Kimberly's brain is over 50%, and she is fully capable of dreaming independently.

While he was vomiting, many employees in the institute who were affiliated with Kimberly and worked in the prosthetic department wanted to come in to help.

Kimberly resisted the discomfort and raised her hand to signal them to stay outside. After all, the nightmare substance he vomited out would risk spreading. At the same time, he and the director looked at each other, and exchanged information simply through the current flowing between the eyeballs.

Kimberly will complete the self-examination in the dream room and also help check the conditions of other team members.

The metal structure of the body was quickly restored to its original state under the support of the clothing. At the same time, it was discovered that the silver mastermind soaked in the central container had shriveled up, indicating that Mycroft was dead and that his teammates were in a state of independent dreaming.

At this moment, a commotion came from the liquid tank beside him.

The deputy captain of the purge force, Romary Tahan, also emerged from the dream, but her state was very wrong.

As soon as I woke up, I fell into a state of convulsion all over my body. Blood began to leak out from the seven holes. My body also twisted into an exaggerated posture. I felt that my whole body was penetrated by some kind of line and was being pulled wantonly.

The 'abuse' that Romari encountered in the dream seemed to be projected into the real body.

Kimberly was very decisive and directly put her index finger on her temple. The electric shock penetrated the brain and acted as a "forced shutdown". At the same time, a weak electric current was released throughout Romary's body, allowing her spasmodic and tight muscles to gradually relax. .

"What on earth did she go through..."

Considering all the strange things and the death of the mastermind, Kimberly did not stop and immediately carefully checked other teammates. If necessary, he would forcefully wake up and interrupt the operation.

However, the situation was not as bad as he imagined.

Among them, the brain waves of [Prophet] and [Wrinkly Skin] were stable, and all conditions were considered good. Especially for Marco and Martin, several of their brain indexes were actually better than when they first fell asleep.

When Kimberly walked to the bathtub of the last member of the team,

He stretched out his alloy arm to check the other party's brain wave status... Who knows, his palm had just reached into the green gel, and it hadn't even touched Zed's brain.


The pale but powerful arm suddenly lifted out of the liquid surface and grabbed Kimberly's mechanical arm.

"Zed, are you awake? No, you're still in a dream! Is it the body's stress response?"

Kimberly wanted to move her hand, but found that she couldn't move at all. Her right arm seemed to be pressed tightly by a mountain.

The next second ~ kaka!

There was a sound of metal compression coming from the grabbed arm. As the first person to develop a prosthetic body, the structure of the prosthetic body that he was most proud of was actually pinched with his bare hands to create dents in the five fingers.

And this compressive pinching continues, and there is even a feeling that it may be completely pinched.


Kimberly directly used the energy in her body to the maximum extent, and even grew energy thrusters on her elbows to forcefully pull out her hand with the maximum strength.


The moment she pulled her hand out, Kimberly flew more than ten meters away due to inertia, and almost hit the side wall of the dream room.

"Hogni Zed, how far has this guy's physical body reached? Moreover, his state is a bit strange. His nerves seem to be in a completely tense state. Are he still fighting with the members of the circus?"

【Nightmare Town-Park】

Lying on the bench, Catherine fell into a state of shock for a long time. She had lived in the circus for many years and knew every member, especially the core members.

When the circus is not performing, everyone will compete privately.

The acrobatic troupe is the largest sub-organization under the circus. The boss specially formulated the rules and selected three troupe leaders with different styles from within for joint management.

As the third leader of the group, Mosander is good at performing foot shows. His best dish is "Orléans Grilled Chicken Legs". Although his overall strength ranks last among the three group leaders, it is not low among the core members.

At least on par with Catherine, there is a possibility of winning under different conditions and scenarios.

"The circus is far away from me, and the dream projection is weaker than the main body, maybe only 60% to 70% of the strength. Moreover, Mosande has always been arrogant, so he must have underestimated the opponent and was caught in the gap.

in addition,

The other party belonged to a joint effort between two people, especially the guy who could invade my dream. He may have inherited the orthodox pathogen of the leather field. He must have continued to influence Mosande through the medium of skin during the battle.

However, I have to say that this guy named Zed is very strong... he can actually fight Mosander head-on on the physical level. Although he can't see the specific battle process, let's increase his score a little higher. "

Catherine's knowledge of the fighting on Center Street was limited to the scenes captured with the naked eyes by the nearby nightmare residents.

Because the battle was too fierce, residents who were slightly closer were affected and died. Most of the pictures she got either stopped abruptly or were blurry.

"I have to find a way to separate these two people, otherwise it will be really difficult to deal with them if they join forces... Before that, I have to return to normal state."

Catherine, an optimist, quickly got over the shock and even planned to return to the circus to laugh at Mosand.

Lying on the bench, she slowly transformed back into the clown with twin tails, repairing her body while checking her current score.

"I'm so angry! This guy William has completely enslaved that short winter melon doctor, and his current score is actually higher than mine...ah! This is so annoying.

That being said, there are only two scenes left to earn points.

How about I go to the [Prophet] first... and then let William go to Center Street to test the waters. If he is killed a few times, the score will be the same as mine! "

Just when Catherine thought about this,


The [Library] area where the prophet is located is prompted to be full, indicating that William has passed.

"Hey~ He seems to have noticed the unusual situation on Center Street.

never mind! It's up to me to clean up the mess. Who told me to be the nightmare itself?

Besides, that prophet must be difficult to deal with. I haven't seen many guys who can hurt Uncle Jain. That prophet will never be easy to deal with. William, please don't die too miserably. "

After Catherine fully recovered, she directly wrapped herself in nightmare tentacles.

When a burst of black mist dispersed and the tentacles retracted from her body, she woke up directly in a building on Center Street.

In case,

Disguised as an old lady knitting a sweater, she looked through the window at the general situation of Center Street, especially the situation at Dreamland Church.

"Is the skin grafting speed so fast? It has already covered "two-thirds" of Central Street. It's really troublesome! "

Wherever you look, streets and buildings are covered in skin. The residents in these areas are still wrapped in a layer of skin eggs, and a small number of them have even hatched.

Transformed into a leather slave whose whole body is covered with leather bandages and who only breathes through his mouth.

When Catherine's eyes moved to the ruins of the church, she only saw Spacey who was undergoing skin grafting.

"Huh? Where is the guy who defeated Mosande head-on?"

When Catherine searched to no avail on her own, she also received vision signals from the remaining Nightmare Town residents, but found nothing.

at the same time,

In the dark corner of Catherine's room, something 'corpse' crawled out against the ceiling.

Everyone in the family, including little Fatty, has a fever, but I am the only one who can hold on~ Keep up the good work and strive for open source

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