The final gentleman

Chapter 321 Physical Learning

This is the third death of Catherine. Due to the game settings, the resurrection time will increase with the number of deaths. This time her resurrection time will be half an hour.

Catherine, who kept sinking in the mire of nightmares, remained conscious,

Looking back on how she was killed in an instant because of being too impulsive and reckless, she did not get angry or crazy like she did in the previous two battles, and even caused turmoil in part of the nightmare space.

She seemed very quiet this time,

She hugged her knees and was immersed in the depths of the nightmare, quietly waiting for the arrival of rebirth. There was even a smile on her black lips.

"Haha...I actually made such a mistake. If the boss finds out, I will definitely be demoted to a trainee clown, and my membership status may even be reassessed.

Sure enough, is it the long vacation that has brought me physical sloppiness? Or have I stayed in the circus for too long and been too proud and conceited?

This death was great. It finally allowed me to calm down and think slowly about my own shortcomings and stupidity. It was time to show my real skills~Catherine. "

When rebirth is complete and the egg body blooms like a flower,

Catherine calmly took out the treasure box, reached out and rummaged through a lot of unused things that were buried on the bottom floor.

While she was searching, she suddenly noticed a problem:

"Huh? My time for resurrection from death is half an hour...Why isn't that guy William dead yet?"

Half an hour ago.

Catherine's physical death directly caused the long period of 'rainfall'.

Impurities, mainly hair, teeth and minced meat, are mixed with the raindrops and continue to fall.

Wearing a faceless mask that restricted his freedom, Yi Chen stood on the playground. His body trembled slightly due to the stimulation of excitement and fear, but it was quickly stabilized through systemic brain control.

not far away,

Zed withdrew his right hand that made the move, and rotated his arm 360° to return to its original state.

Even if Yi Chen was in a state of restricted liberation, he could still see the mountain-like aura of corpses behind Zed.

Cold sweat slid down his cheeks, and he swallowed saliva.

"Any slightest flaw will be caught by the teacher. If I want to fight head-on, I must be as perfect as possible without making any mistakes." 』

At this moment, it was like a very difficult Olympiad test paper was placed in front of Yi Chen. He had to write it smoothly within the time limit and get a perfect score.

There is no time to prepare.

The playground... buzz! A burst of resonant noise was captured by Yi Chen.

This sound comes from Zed's ankle. Through the high fibrosis and muscle compression of the ligament structures at the ankle joints, as well as the bearing drive of the bones, a super-fast movement without obvious movement is achieved.

It looks like he is standing still, but he can actually get close in an instant and catch the opponent by surprise.

Zed calls this technique - "Instant"

Zed had taught Yi Chen many times this trick in Paradise.

At first, Yi Chen fell to the ground while trying to use it. His ankle was dislocated and swollen to the size of a carrot. Once, the bones even exploded and pierced the ankle.

Until now, although Yi Chen can barely use it, he can only achieve "instant" within a range of five meters at most.


In the playground where black rain fell, the distance between the two was a full hundred meters.

Buzz~ As soon as Yi Chen heard this weird ankle sound, Zed was already close to him, and he even waved a palm.

Because Yi Chen knew this move in advance, the brain nerves all over his body reacted very quickly, and he immediately mobilized his body to dodge sideways...

Buzz! Zed swung out a palm strike, but Yi Chen just dodged it and hit it completely empty.

【Perfect dodge】

Currently, Yi Chen is just beside Zed, the best attack point.

Due to the perfect dodge, Yi Chen could even vaguely see the 'massacre line' located on the back of Zed's neck.

No hesitation!

The pitch-black substance spread between the skin of the palm, and a hand knife struck down along the vague "slaughter line".

Perfect dodge → Massacre line capture → Kill with hand knife

It was flowing smoothly, without any hesitation, and it was theoretically impossible to dodge... Yi Chen could even imagine the scene of Teacher Zed having his head cut off by him.

Uh-huh! Complete beheading.


Taking a closer look, what was cut off was just a silhouette.

The moment Zed was about to be beheaded, he lowered his body and dodged in the same [perfect dodge] way... Yi Chen didn't even have time to make any next move when he felt something being thrown towards him from the side.

Generalized epilepsy quickly begins to adjust the body, preparing to withstand the unknown blow that is coming.

Coming from the side is a high sweep,

Zed leaned over with one hand on the ground, raised his waist, twisted his back and swung his legs, all in one go! Kind of like a real-life Brazilian chapeau.

The high sweep hit Yi Chen's side.

Even if the body is ready to resist the blow, at the moment of being kicked... the entire physical system instantly sounds a red alarm, and the whole body further adjusts to try to relieve the force and minimize the damage.

Yi Chen flew out in a spiral shape and crashed into the school building without a trace.

on the playground,

Zed returned to his standing posture. He did not pursue him, as if he was waiting for the other party to take the initiative to retrieve him.

Sure enough, a black shadow jumped out from the broken part of the teaching building. Although the entire arm was kicked to pieces, the rest of the body did not suffer much damage.

When Yi Chen stood back on the playground,

Zed suddenly began to speak:

"You should rarely engage in such purely 'physical fights', as all your actions seem very exaggerated.

Before you make an action, I only need to observe your muscle pulses, the trend of subcutaneous fibers and the blood confluence area to judge your next action, or even a series of subsequent actions.

Except for the 'receiving body' just now, which was pretty good, the rest were not up to standard.

Seeing that you are willing to give up the nightmare characteristics and fight with pure flesh, I will play with you more. "

These words made Yi Chen feel a little weird. He always felt like he was exposed, but the last sentence didn't sound like he was exposed.

Phew~ Yi Chen takes a deep breath

He listened to Teacher Xun's advice and tried to make his movements less obvious.

He lunges forward and lifts his leg slightly, pretending to give a mid-level kick, but what he actually delivers is a straight punch to the face.

Uh-huh! Still short.

When his fist missed, Zed hit Yi Chen's chin with the bottom of his palm.

He was sent flying to a height of more than thirty meters, his entire jaw was shattered, and he fell on the playground like an upside-down onion.

"Too it again."

With the power of the nightmare regenerated, Yi Chen adjusted his posture and continued to step forward.

The situation remained the same. He had just made two moves and was kicked in the side by a whip leg. His body slid against the muddy playground for more than a hundred meters before finally coming to a stop. A layer of skin was rubbed off his whole body.

"I've made some progress... come again."

Unknowingly, Yi Chen had turned on the "Dead Man's Makeup".

No matter how badly he was beaten, he could always get up and return to Zed to continue fighting hand to hand.

And make sure to do better every time, and make sure that every fist, knife or leg you swing is powerful.

Yi Chen could feel that his body seemed to be undergoing [learning], which was something that had never happened before.

The full coverage of the brain caused by generalized epilepsy allows the body to have a learning ability similar to that of the brain, and it continues to learn the advanced hand-to-hand combat skills demonstrated and awarded by Zed in front of him.

At the same time, I slowly read, recorded, appreciated and learned from Zed, the perfect body.

The movements are no longer redundant, and the attacks are more powerful.

He could even occasionally deceive Zed's physical perception and engage in a longer battle... This state lasted for a full half hour.

In the end, all the energy was exhausted, and the dead man's makeup was passively lifted.

He fell to the ground and his head was crushed by a kick.

Zed stared at the corpse slowly turning into ink-colored liquid at his feet, and muttered: "Not bad~ I learn very quickly."

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