The final gentleman

Chapter 323 Catherine’s Changes

Zed's active display of the frame represented respect and recognition of the two opponents. After all, the other party did not take advantage of his presence to attack Wrinkly Skin.

He can feel the changes in the body of the 'Nightmare Youth', and this time he should be able to have a longer collision and communication.

As for the nightmare girl, she is no longer as impatient as before, and seems to have come up with something new... something that even makes Zed feel threatened.

When Catherine completely cut the corner of her mouth with the red scissors in her hand, the blood that oozed out completely dyed her lips and surrounding area red.

The twin ponytails on her head detached themselves and floated in the air.

At the same time, something fell out of her body.

It was Catherine who became a circus clown and was given the important prop - [Treasure Box].

The box continues to grow in size as it falls, and when it lands, it can hold almost the same size as a person.

At this time,

Katherine Kay, who was floating in mid-air, suddenly inserted her hands into her abdomen, tearing her waist and abdomen apart in a very cruel way until it completely broke, allowing her lower body to fall into the box.

Snapped! The sound of flesh falling was heard, and some kind of change began to occur among the treasure chests.

In exchange for the lower body, or sacrifice the lower body,

A metal spring grew from between the treasure chests and connected to Catherine's bloody upper body, making her merge with the treasure chest and become a real-life scare box.

Not only that,

Catherine made a big move and threw hundreds of scare boxes, randomly scattered in the current area.

Hahaha! Weird and weird laughter continued to come out from the different magic boxes and Catherine's completely torn bright red mouth.

"The party's on!"

same moment.

Between the distant circuses,

The fact that Mosander, the third leader of the acrobatic troupe, was defeated during the dream support was too big of a move, so in the end it was not concealed, and it spread throughout the circus.

Fortunately, the boss only regarded it as a recreational activity for the employees and did not take it seriously.


A doctor covered in bandages spent a lot of effort to repair the injuries that Mosande brought back from the dreamland, and even performed a minor surgery, which shows what kind of powerful enemy he encountered.

Even after receiving treatment, Mosande's right leg was still wrapped in a bandage that would take three days to be removed.

Although many people were secretly laughing at him, and some members of the acrobatic troupe even wanted to use this to push Mosander out of the position of third leader,

But the magician Jaen still stood by him, and even accompanied him during the entire medical treatment, asking about the specific process of the incident.

Jaen patted Mosander on the shoulder, "Extreme physical fitness... It's really rare~ It's not a loss at all to fight with such a guy. The boss didn't say anything to you, just rest and recover."

It didn't matter to Mosande. He himself fully recognized Zedd's strength and his own failure, and the dream battle was hearty.

"Speaking of which, Mr. Jian, aren't you going to save Catherine? This guy must have gotten into trouble. Once her dreamland is completely skin-grafted, her real body is likely to be uncovered.

When the time comes to face the real pursuit of that guy, he may not be able to successfully escape back to the circus. "

"We really need to consider taking..."

Jia En suddenly paused in the middle of his words, and his expression became unsightly, as if he sensed that an outsider he didn't like very much and was even less willing to contact was approaching.

At the door of the infirmary,

A man with a shaved head, dark eyeballs, a trademark hooked nose, and an extremely exaggerated red-lipped smile was sticking his head out to peek inside.

When Mosande saw this person, he shrank subconsciously.

Jain put on his Guy Fawkes mask again and asked in a cold tone: "Art, what's the matter?"


The member with strange makeup, known as Art, walked into the room humming a weird tune and sat down directly beside Mosande's hospital bed.

He didn't care at all about the gazes of the two people.

He reached for something between his loose costumes, and finally pulled out a series of completely rotten fruit skewers that looked like large intestines. He placed them on the bedside as a gift for visiting Mosand, and even reached out to touch his head.

follow closely,

Art moved his eyes, aiming his left eye at Jain and his right eye at Mosand.

He began to mutter:

"Kather~Kathy~No, no, no~Katherine! I just sensed that Catherine was using the props I gave him...What situation did we encounter that required the use of my things?

Can you tell me the story of last night's dream? "

Although Jain hated this guy, he was a colleague after all, and Catherine had a close relationship with him.

After some explanation, Yat nodded.

"Oh, the limit of the body~ Being able to beat Mosande like this in a dream, no wonder Catherine is in danger... It's really troublesome. There is currently no suitable [Deputy Clown] candidate in the circus.

Once you die, the next performance will be troublesome~

I'll go pick her up. If she looks like a loser, I'll have to teach her a lesson. "

Jain responded directly: "This is Catherine's holiday. As long as she doesn't betray the circus, it doesn't matter what she does, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, both of Art's eyes were fixed on Jain.

Even the atmosphere in the infirmary changed for a while.

Mosand, the third leader of the dignified acrobatic troupe, was so frightened that he shrank at the foot of the bed, hugging his injured legs and not daring to speak.

"Hahaha~ I'm just kidding. Catherine is such a good child, I will definitely not hurt her. If Jia Enqian is worried, you can go with me to pick her up.

She might be moved to tears by then, woo woo woo! What a pitiful and cute girl.

I still remember that it was raining heavily outside the circus that day, and a girl who was too skinny came to the circus. I just happened to have time to receive her. It was so..."

The magic cane suddenly lifted up and clamped on Art's neck.

"Mosander has just completed the operation and is resting. Stop making noise! ​​Art, pack up quickly and get ready to pick up Catherine later.

The circus has been short of manpower recently, and nothing can go wrong with a member as talented as Catherine. "

"Phew! Let me guess, there are at least five kinds of traps hidden in your stick... It's really scary, Mr. Magician, the boss's favorite, so we'll see you later."

Art stood up and continued humming his weird tune, moving his body quickly and slowly.

I don’t know what kind of weird body is hidden under the loose costume. It always feels like it is walking on two feet sometimes, and sometimes it is replaced by something else.

About half a minute after Art left, he suddenly turned back and stuck half of his head out from the door frame.

"Ouch~ I forgot to say goodbye to you!"

Art tore open his smile, revealing his fangs that were yellow and full of disgusting filth. He kept shaking his palms to say goodbye to the two of them, and showed no intention of leaving.

Jain was completely exhausted and waved his cane.


The [door] of the infirmary was closed, and it was also trapped and could not be opened normally from the outside.

After confirming that Art had completely left here, Mosand, who was huddled in the corner, slowly returned to the bed and said in as low a voice as possible: "Mr. Jain, why do you think the boss would recruit a guy like [Art]? "

“Our circus travels to perform in different places, and some neutral areas or even friendly areas are indeed suitable for our performances.

But it is inevitable that we will not perform in some extremely bad places. At such times, we need guys like Art to maintain the atmosphere of the scene and even perform some key suppressive performances.

Moreover, as long as the boss is around,

No matter how crazy this guy is, he won't commit crimes internally. "

I wish you all a happy new year, that you can open source smoothly in the new year and no longer be troubled by any disease symptoms.

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