The final gentleman

Chapter 324 Real Damage

[Nightmare Town-Park Woodland]

As the corners of her mouth were completely cut with red scissors and the third color - [bright red] was added, Catherine's temperament also changed dramatically.

Even Yi Chen, as a temporary ally, could feel the obvious 'malice' growing in her body.

The connection to the treasure chest transforms Catherine into another nightmare creature.

Catherine, who is like a cracked woman, said in a crazy and impersonal tone:

"William, you must hold this guy back! Don't be like a waste and be killed instantly, you know?"

"what's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me? I'm fine, okay? It's never been better than now. Stop talking nonsense and hurry up~William!"


Due to the "soul contract" relationship between the two, Yi Chen couldn't say much. As long as the final result remained unchanged, it had nothing to do with him what happened to Catherine.


Yi Chen twisted his neck joints left and right, while relaxing his whole body, walking slowly. In the center of the scene, Teacher Zed, with a silver frame floating above his head, approached.

Even though Catherine kept urging her during this process, it was all filtered by her epileptic brain and did not affect Yi Chen's walking rhythm.

Now, there is only one thing he needs to do - "physical concentration".

In addition to observing Teacher Zede's body to predict movements, Yi Chen focused equal attention on himself. He wanted to set up a perfect game to try to deceive Zede's perception.

【Physical Disguise】

As he slowly walked closer, Yi Chen's hair was dyed silver again, and starry sky light points flowed together among the blood vessels.

Thirty meters,

twenty meters,

Ten meters...

When reaching this critical distance node, various parts of Yi Chen's body began to change.

The right arm has a slight tendency to pull back and swing.

The left arm lowered slightly, and the five finger joints began to move rapidly.

The right toes are all in a straight state,

Every step of the left calf is powerful,

Driven by the attributes of the stars, the blood all over the body forms a strange 'star whirlpool' in the abdomen, while supplying sufficient blood to the limbs.

"Huh?" When Zed looked at Yi Chen, he actually saw six different possible offensives, including different stages of kicks and continuous blows from the front or side.


Zed's hesitation at this moment was perfectly captured by Yi Chen. He moved at a slightly faster pace, and the dead matter was dispersing in his clenched right fist.

A straight punch?

After Zed selected the answers, he stretched out his left hand in advance, trying to catch the incoming fist in the air and suppress it with joint techniques.

The result was just as Zed predicted, a right fist hit his face.

Uh-huh! But he couldn't catch anything,

Yi Chen's fist did not swing as expected, or in other words, the fist was forcibly stopped in the middle of the swing due to muscle contraction and the pull of the internal iron chain.

The moment he stopped punching,


The right fist that was suspended in the air followed Yi Chen's body as it sank, and his entire center of gravity dropped by half in an instant.

After completing his dive, Yi Chen was like a cheetah about to attack, and the energy stored between his legs was released instantly.

Low body and sprint... Whoosh! Completely close to Zed.

The arms that were already stretched out in front of him were crossed, and they hugged Zed's thighs tightly.

"I deceived the teacher and finally hugged him!"

"Dive and hug"

A moment of time,

The veins on Yi Chen's forehead popped out, and the brain grooves all over his body protruded along with the blood vessels, and even squirmed to stimulate the deep potential of every muscle.

His strength exploded, trying to throw Zed to the ground!

Click! The ground Yi Chen stepped on cracked, but Zed remained unmoved.

Obviously the touch of the buttocks where the arms are hugging is the same as that of a normal person, but the overall feeling is like hugging an infinitely high mountain of corpses.

The reason why Zed couldn't be carried wasn't because of how heavy he was.

But when Yi Chen completed the dive and grapple, Zed also responded immediately - pressing down on his body.

No matter how Yi Chen stimulates his body, even if he uses all the power of the iron chain to raise the lever structure, the cortex will also cover the muscles to compress and bind.

I still can't hold it, and I can't throw it out at all.


When Yi Chen gritted his teeth and prepared to retreat, he was already a step too late. Something super fast was rushing towards him.

It's the knee,

After Zed changed legs, his right leg was in a fully stretched state and he launched a super-high-speed knee strike.

"grass! A knee strike at such a close range would kill someone. Teacher Zed is not going to give in at all this time... He can't be stopped, even if I put my hands alternately in front of my face and cooperate with the chain blockade, I can't stop it.

The hands will be broken instantly and the bones will be crushed,

The jaw will be instantly broken by a knee strike, and the broken bone fragments and impact force will instantly act on the brain, twisting the entire brain into pulp!

Are you going to apply "death makeup" right from the start? Wrong day! 』

Just when Yi Chen made a decision and placed his palms against his face, preparing to switch to the dead man makeup,

Zed's knee strike was stopped midway.

Holding Yi Chen's back with one hand, he turned around and kicked out a difficult twisting high sweep to the area on his left.

Obviously there seems to be nothing in that position,

When Zed threw this kick, he actually kicked Catherine out of the shadow... Due to the power, Catherine's upper body, spring structure and treasure chest were all kicked to pieces.

After dealing with the secret attacker, Zed turned to face Yi Chen and followed up with a "football kick".

However, the latter has taken advantage of the opportunity just now to create a certain distance.

The football kick, like a half-moon scimitar, just passed in front of him, and the resulting wind pressure cut a bleeding wound on Yi Chen's face.


The nightmare tentacles growing between Yi Chen's leather shoes and trouser legs helped him quickly evacuate a hundred meters away.

"Huh? The teacher just kicked the football in a hurry...did he make a mistake while he was busy? No, he was injured."

Yi Chen's "Nightmare Eye" immediately locked onto Zed's right foot.

It was also the foot that kicked Catherine to pieces, and cold dark red blood flowed out of the sole of the foot.

You must know that Zed's essence is a corpse.

When Yi Chen once conducted special training in the underground paradise, no matter whether he cut Zed's body with a scalpel or blasted his torso with a shotgun, no blood flowed out.

In the previous battle, Yi Chen also had a 'feat' of slicing Zed's palm, but there was still no bleeding.

Currently, real, cold blood actually flowed out of his body, which obviously meant that he was injured. It was the first time that Zed was truly hurt.

The total amount of liquid between the overhead frames has also been reduced by 1/20.

This made Yi Chen worry about the teacher's condition.

"Is this Catherine's ability? Sure enough... Ever since she used the red scissors, her whole person has become completely different.

By the way, Catherine's sneak attack just now was not successful. She was kicked to pieces by Zed midway. Is she already dead? "

at this time,

A fright box next to Yi Chen let out a weird laugh,


The upper part of the box pops open on its own.

A woman's head with its mouth completely torn open was laughing secretly inside.

With the activation of the internal spring mechanism,

Catherine's head, a string of nerves, spine, and all kinds of hanging flesh and rotten organs were rushed out together, and she was quickly reconstructed in the air and returned to the 'upper body' state.

"William~ You did a great job! If you do it again, restrain Zed like you just did, and let me get closer, maybe you can really kill him!"

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