The final gentleman

Chapter 333 Best Contributor

One of the founders of the organization

[Archbishop of Glory-Aleris Heaton]

The Hall of Glory, formerly known as the Holy Cathedral of Light, was the base of the earliest [Church of Light] in Zion.

Alaris Heaton is the founder of the religion, the compiler of the doctrine, and is called the first bishop. Under his management, the church grew beyond imagination and became the first church in Zion in just a few years.

At that time, both the gentlemen within the organization and the people of the cities, towns, and villages that had relationships with the organization regarded the Church of Light as the only light that led mankind forward in darkness.

Churches of light began to be built all over the fourth continent, and believers became so popular that there was even a tendency to change the name of 'gentlemen' to 'disciples of light'.

Moreover, the Church of Light is extremely inclusive and allows various small churches to develop together.

However, at the peak of the church's development,

Alaris Heaton suddenly announced the dissolution of the Church of Light in Zion, and at the same time renamed the Great Cathedral of Light to the Hall of Glory. At the same time, he ordered the removal of all sculptures and decorations related to the Church of Light, and blocked and rectified churches in various regions. .

He stayed in the Hall of Glory, serving as a historian, recording and preserving major events of the organization, and awarding honors to gentlemen who made great contributions.

The reason for the sudden dissolution of the church is simple;

[Netherworld Leather Field] does not like the existence of this kind of church. If the Church of Light does not disband, it will directly cut off the supply of leather.

Alaris Heaton has been staying in the Hall of Glory for hundreds of years, and will only come forward to deal with it unless there is any major incident in the organization.

Among the current founders of the organization, only Yaleris and the first doctor Araus are still in good physical health.

As for the other founder whose brain is held in the hands of the Iron Knight's armor, he is called [The First Knight-York De Moratti].

When the organization was founded in the early days, the gentlemen's group was still dominated by knights. Moratti was the chief knight at the time and was known as the most heroic warrior.

Because the gentleman system was not yet sound enough at that time, wars broke out frequently, and there were few truly capable personnel.

Captain Moratti often personally led teams to fight against the sick, and even went deep into the Gray Realm many times to conduct pathogenic exploration. Although his body was extremely powerful, it was also eroded and decayed in the process of fighting the epidemic again and again.

Because of his firm will, he dragged the decaying corpse to lie on the hospital bed for more than a hundred years. When the organization developed the technology to peel off the brain, he abandoned his body and became like this.

The giant armor holding the brain is a "righteous armor" created based on his knight armor from back then and combined with contemporary technology.

Captain Moratti's consciousness has been engraved in the armor through the magic circle, and he exists in this new identity, silently guarding Zion.

When the three founders arrived, everyone bowed and saluted.

Glory Archbishop Alaris Heaton, who was in position C, said, "It's really gratifying that there are two such young newcomers among the core handlers of this nightmare incident.

I heard that someone had just joined the organization less than two years ago. "

Although the archbishop looked like a mummy, his speech was sonorous and powerful. The young man he was talking about was naturally William... In all calculations, William was still a student of the college, and the two-year deadline had not yet expired and he had not yet graduated.

"First, you need to stand in two rows, and I will carve an 'honorary sculpture' for you."

The formation quickly stood up under the adjustment of the two prophets.

Two young men, Yi Chen and Regan, squatted in front, with Prophet Yuri in a wheelchair between them.

In the back row stood Marco, Martin, Zed and Spacey.

Yuri in the wheelchair also temporarily removed his facial bandage during the carving process, and forced out a smile that he was least good at.

In order to relieve the discomfort and tension, he tried to put his palm on Yi Chen's shoulder next to him. When he stretched out his palm, he found that another hand had already been placed on Yi Chen's shoulder, which felt cold and cold. corpse.

You can't even feel any blood flowing inside, making it impossible to slaughter.

The atmosphere became a little awkward for a moment, and Yuri had no choice but to take his palm back.

"Everyone, keep this position and don't move. It will be done soon."

Archbishop Yaleris seemed to have taken out a long flat stone from a certain subspace and carved it directly with his fingers. It only took a few minutes to carve the faces of everyone on it.

It was labeled 'dispelling nightmares' and placed in an empty niche in the hall.

"In addition to honor, each of you will receive a reward of one hundred thousand silver coins, and you can choose something suitable for you from the organization's treasure house."

"One hundred thousand! Just enough to pay back the money..." When he heard such a huge bonus, Yi Chen felt that his efforts were worth it.

“In addition, I will also recommend one of the best contributors to this nightmare event here.

Since we are just bystanders and cannot judge who has made the greatest contribution, I leave the opportunity to recommend it to you.

It will be voted on internally by you. Each person has only one chance to vote and cannot vote for himself.

If a person gets a vote equal to or more than half of the total number of people, he or she is officially elected.

If the selection cannot be successful, the quota of 'Best Contributor' will be cancelled.

The best contributor will be personally led by me to the secret room of the original church to select a treasure left over from the early days of the organization. "

"The secrets of the original church..." When Prophet Marco heard this, a strong interest appeared in his eyes.

"Then, the voting begins now! You can each find a piece of cloth or paper and write your name on it."

Yi Chen let a small piece of fabric separate from the gentleman's clothes, and when he wanted to write his name, he hesitated.

He didn't know whether he should write Zedd's name or Yuri's name. After all, both of them played a vital role in the nightmare plan. After thinking about it, it was still difficult to write.

At this moment, the archbishop's voice came:

"William Behrens, you don't have to think about it anymore, the best contributor has already been selected!"


The archbishop stretched out his hand and threw it up, and five different pieces of paper unfolded and floated in the air. The different handwritings all wrote one name - [William].

Although everyone is very interested in the secrets of the original church, they already have the best candidate in mind.

Yuri on the side finally found an opportunity, reached out and patted Yi Chen on the shoulder, and then asked Prophet Marco to push his wheelchair out of the Hall of Glory.

Teacher Zed was hanging out with Reagan. The two seemed to have some feelings for each other at the beef restaurant last time, and they were going to take the bonus and have a wild meal.

Before leaving, Wrinkly Spacey deliberately whispered in Yi Chen's ear:

“If you want to know anything about the leather afterwards, you can come to me according to the address on the card.

It seems that you have been selected as the candidate for [First Gentleman]. Claude is currently in a bad state and it is expected that the selection will be carried out in the short term.

It could be a month, it could be a week, it could even be tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

You have to hurry up yourself and come to see me tonight if possible. "


After everyone left, a smile hung on Yi Chen's face. He could feel that the end of the nightmare incident had made him rise to the top of the organization.

What follows is also an exciting moment,

This is the first time Yi Chen has heard of the ‘Secret Treasure of the Original Church’. Since it is the highest reward, it must be better than what is in the organization’s treasure house. Maybe he can really choose a weapon or other rare treasure that suits him.

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