The final gentleman

Chapter 362 Happy New Year

"Dead Ridge Lake"

Quality: Epic

Type: Ax (slashing/cutting)

* Companion living weapons can exert different deformation and attack effects according to the individual's disease adaptability.

Attribute association:

[Physique] A [Coordination] D [Intelligence] B [Induction] - [Luck] -

*The higher the associated attribute value, the higher the damage the weapon causes.

Disease requirements:

"Type Restriction" - This weapon can only be used by individuals whose individual illnesses include death symptoms. If it is held forcibly, it may cause direct death damage to the individual and eventually cause the weapon to disintegrate.

"Applicability" - When an individual is proficient in death and bone (spine) manipulation, the maximum effectiveness of this weapon can be exerted.

Living characteristics:

(The original companion, "The Desperate Death Spine - Bart Prada" has completed the *"Weaponization", *"Feeding of the Dead" and *"Thunder Wrapping (conditions must be met)" required for this spine.)

The living spine has been fixed and developed into an ax weapon, which is irreversible and recast. It can switch between "spine" and "axe" by controlling the dead matter inside, making it easy to carry.

When in the form of a spine, it can be adsorbed to any part of the body through the bone, and can even be connected to the tail vertebrae to form a temporary tail structure (you need to lick the flesh and add the skin yourself)

Weapon characteristics:

"Spine Transformation" - Shaped by the original half-life, the spine has been fixed into two weapon forms. The form can be switched through "Spine Transformation". Different forms correspond to completely different fighting styles.

①. Knight's battle ax, the density of each spine segment is increased to increase the overall weight, and the number of spine segments is increased to extend the length of the ax handle, which requires both hands to be held.

It is powerful and powerful, sweeping thousands of armies. It is recommended to use it with a mount in the mounted state to achieve the best effect.

② The berserker double ax splits the spine in the middle and turns it into two double axes suitable for the left and right hands, suitable for close combat in restricted areas.

*New companions can create a new 'spine form' after their usage proficiency and control level reach a certain level.

"Execution" - When the swing of the ax blade hits the target, 'death mass' will be accumulated. Different slashing effects, damage depths, and targets of different levels will accumulate different 'dead mass'.

When the accumulation of dead matter reaches the 'lethal amount', the target can be executed.

Execution erases the target's entire health, physical activity, and consciousness of life.

"Thunder Wrapping*" - Please go to the original tomb of the old world to learn this characteristic. It requires you to have subtle control over death, concentration compression, etc. before it can be activated.

Tagline - "Since his birth, Lake has tasted nothing but immediate death, as single-mindedly and selectively as a vegetarian."

【Principal room】

Yi Chen held the spine in his hand, and after completing the complete monitoring of the information, he performed the "spine transformation" on the spot.

As his left and right hands each held an ax with different curvature, length and blade shape, Yi Chen's whole aura changed accordingly.

The 'massacre' I learned from Prophet Yuri was fully activated, and streams of black smoke rose from my scalp, making my hair appear flowing.

The two eyeballs were dyed the black of the deceased, and the pupil was reduced to a small red dot.

This gesture, which symbolized death and slaughter, made Desline very uncomfortable looking at it, and her drunkenness dissipated due to this.

"It's such a violent companion animal...William, can you control it?"

Following Deslin's inquiry, Yi Chen immediately connected the bottoms of the spines of the two axes, and at the same time released the weapon status, turning into a simple curved spine.

"No problem. I learned how to control killing from Prophet Yuri. In addition, I can also control death freely."

"Although that guy Yuri is a bit crooked, he is still quite capable. You can learn more from him in terms of killing... By the way, can your spine be retracted into the body? It is still a bit uncomfortable to wear it directly on the body. Too much of a gentleman.”

"Okay...but there is a relic in my body that is incompatible with the properties of the spine. It's better not to take it in."

The so-called relic in Yi Chen's mouth is the umbilical cord entangled in the abdomen.

Find the suitcase that was once used to store the axe, and put the spine in it. The spine of the deceased squirmed for a while and then settled down, sleeping quietly in it and no longer releasing any disease germs.

"Thank you principal, I won't disturb you!"

After Yi Chen made a gentlemanly salute to the principal on the sofa, he was about to turn around and leave.

"Wait...come here, sit down~ I still have something to ask you."

The principal, who was lying on the sofa, tapped the space less than ten centimeters on the other side of the sofa with his heel.


Just when Yi Chen restrained his body as much as possible and took a seat, two slightly fleshy thighs with an exaggerated length stretched directly over him.

"Press it for me... You should have learned a lot of physical things from Zed, and you should know what is appropriate."

"Ah, oh, okay."

Yi Chen immediately focused on the legs and feet in front of him, treating it as an important physical confrontation. When his five fingers were placed on the surface of the tender leg meat, he used ultra-fast muscle and brain tremors and continuous pressure increase to A unique force penetrates it layer by layer, activating every nerve inside.

Comfort and nerve sensing are directly maximized,

Deslin even trembled for a while, her mouth opened and she was about to scream. She immediately controlled the star magic to forcefully erase the medium through which the sound was transmitted.

After getting used to it for a while, and using star particles to block mental sensing, Deslin said calmly: "Have you ever learned massage?"

"There is no such thing as this. It is all realized by oneself."

"You are very talented in this area, and I am quite satisfied with it. How about this, if you come to my place to explore the stars or take a bath in the future, you need to pay a fee, and the fee will be replaced by the length of the massage?"

"Okay, by the way, the principal wants to ask me something."

"Ahem~ Why did you specifically ask Reagan to help you train your spirit at this time, and also outside the school? I remember that you have three attribute breakthroughs, one of which is [Induction].

And what you used to break through was also a relic of a lunatic. When you broke through, the structure of your brain changed accordingly. You are not bad at all mentally. Among people at the same level, only a mental freak like Reagan can surpass you, right? "

“I ran into a candidate who was mentally superior to me.”


"Yode Sapon Garon."

When Desline heard the name, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes.

"Did this man actually sign up for the First Gentleman's Qualification Screening? No wonder you want to drag Reagan out.

Let me tell the truth, it is basically impossible for you to surpass this person on a spiritual level. Even Reagan would have a hard time if there were no opportunities in the future.

This man's spiritual talent is rated to exceed that of all gentlemen since the establishment of the organization.

Moreover, his control over the skin is also outstanding. Before the breakthrough, the skin content reached 100%. Therefore, his files were classified as top secret.

It's a pity that Garen suffers from a special insomnia syndrome that makes him unable to control his emotions, and even becomes more and more out of control as he grows up.

Not once did he pass the personal security test given by the organization.

Later, he could only be treated as mentally ill and sent to a research institute, and eventually he went to live alone outside the city and disappeared... If you didn't tell me, I would almost forget this person.

Unexpectedly, he actually signed up for this year's First Gentleman Selection.

If you ask me...he is indeed more suitable as the "first gentleman" than you.

Be careful when dealing with this kind of monster that is not completely controllable. Once you lose control, it may bring you real danger. In addition, the remaining participants are also geniuses in their respective fields, and most of them have negative related mental illnesses. "

"Well, I will try my best~"

What follows is some daily communication,

Yi Chen asked Xingyun's physical problems while pressing his legs. At the same time, he also used his mental power to pick up the wine glass and drink with the principal.

Before I knew it, it was already late at night,

When the clock hanging in the principal's office passed twelve o'clock,

Deslin, who was blushing, pulled her legs back and took the initiative to clink glasses.

Bang~ As the two people raised their wine glasses and collided with each other, stars splashed down in the glasses, leading them to the surface of the planet and looking at the huge comet that was passing by.

"Happy New Year, William."

I wish everyone a successful open source in the new year and immunity from the invasion of all foreign diseases.

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