The final gentleman

Chapter 372 Skin Room

When Yi Chen was reading the "Skins Bible", he used the ancient words on it to get a general overview and basic situation of the "Yousui Leather Factory", and learned from it that the skins passed from the leather factory to the organization were just relatively simple on the production line. A shitty batch.

The real good stuff stays inside the tannery.

These so-called original skins are far inferior to the yellow skins bound to Yi Chen.

Currently being used for assessment and transported into Yi Chen's body, there is no doubt that only the portion will be swallowed.

Wrinklepi, who was sitting on the viewing platform, also noticed the changes in Yi Chen's body.

“Did you learn the Skin Bible to this extent in just one month? Moreover, the whole body is coordinating to absorb the foreign raw skin, and its nature has changed. It no longer bears the burden of the skin, but absorbs it in one direction.

However, several other people also have their own methods.

It is estimated that there will be five people who are in a state of 'perfect control' and will not be eliminated in the end.

The quality of this year’s candidates is surprisingly high! In the session I participated in, Claude and I were the only ones who persisted to the end in the "skin volume" test. 』

Time passes little by little,

Five minutes later, a candidate recommended by the Magician Association had a large amount of cortical liquid explode from his back. He could not hold on and withdrew from the "skin quantity" assessment.

Immediately afterwards, some people withdrew one after another, until there were only five people left on the field, which were the five people that Wrinkly Spacey had spotted beforehand.

Mandy from Gethsemane, Alex from the Institute, Jessica from the Tailor Guild, Galen the Insomniac, and Yi Chen.

The five of them continued to accept the original skin without much change in expression. They seemed to be able to maintain it for a long time. Their tolerance limit for the "skin volume" was almost endless, and they were able to control and digest it internally.

But in the eyes of the first gentleman, these five people are obviously different. They carry and control the original hide in different ways.

Another ten minutes passed.

Bang, bang, bang~ The first gentleman took back all the chains inserted into everyone's backs, ending the first assessment.

A dry and old voice overflowed from the damaged throat of the First Gentleman: "It's great. Five of you actually got full marks in the "Skin Quantity" assessment. I'm looking forward to your next performance.

As mentioned before the promotion, the first gentleman to be selected this time needs to surpass me in all aspects.


Candidates who failed to obtain full marks in the simplest "skin quantity" assessment, please retreat to the audience now and participate in the next promotion assessment as an audience. "

Four people were eliminated in the first round.

The strength of these four people is not necessarily bad. It may be the first time they have come into contact with the original skin and been penetrated by the spine, so some of them are not used to it.

However, the four people who retreated to the viewing platform were not very unwilling, and their eyes were more of a kind of relief.

The reason why they became candidates was not entirely voluntary, but more driven by pressure from all aspects and their character as gentlemen.


There are stronger talents who are more suitable to be the first gentleman standing in front of them to squeeze them out. The pressure in all aspects no longer exists, and there is even a feeling of breaking free from the shackles and regaining freedom.

As the chains were removed, Yi Chen still didn't open his eyes.

The whole person was in a strange state, and he didn't even know that the four people had been eliminated.

He is still immersed in the extraction of raw skins, and uses the methods learned from the "Skin Bible" to 'purify' these inferior and inferior raw skins in his own body.

Sift out the impurities and decompose these raw skins into the most original 'lines'.

Of course, it's just purification and dismantling.

If you want to get a medium or high-level skin, it is simply impossible for Yi Chen to do it now. [Leathermaking], this involves the reconstruction of lines, suturing and other ancient techniques, and even the entire leather factory relies on it to survive.

Waiting for him to open his eyes again,

Except for the insomniac Garen, everyone else was staring at him. It was obvious that everyone had been waiting for a long time.

The voice of First Gentleman Claude also came from the head: "Now that William is ready, let us enter the next stage of skin promotion.

"Skin Feeling", this is a test that has never been tested for skin promotion in the past, and it is also a special test customized by me based on my personal experience.

Next, I will completely strip away your senses and put them into my body.

We will fall into a completely unknown area. Due to the peeling off of perception, the only thing we can rely on is the homologous induction of skin.

If you can find the right direction and climb out within half an hour, you will advance to the next round.

Please also take the initiative to cater to me and perform sensory stripping, and do not resist..."

Five more iron chains were shot out from the First Gentleman's abdomen, but the ends of the chains were in the shape of thorns, and they were inserted directly into the backs of everyone's heads.

As a special kind of leather grew out of the iron chain and wrapped around everyone's brains, everyone followed the first gentleman's approach and took the initiative to cut off their five senses.

After confirming that all five candidates’ senses are closed,

The iron chain pulled them into the belly of the withered giant... The moment they fell into the belly of the first gentleman, the breath of the five people disappeared without a trace, as if they were heading to an unknown area.

Where did you go?

Only a few people in the audience can give the answer.

Wrinkly Spacey frowned slightly and whispered: "Did Claude actually come up with this method to screen the next generation? Turn off the perception and throw it into the 'Skin-Limbo'... This is quite dangerous. Yes, once lost, it will be swallowed up by the skin."

[Camera switching-Yi Chen]

When the black epileptic brain was covered by the skin released by the First Gentleman, the senses were not completely closed, because every muscle on Yi Chen's body had brain tissue.

The so-called stripping of the five senses is just Yi Chen’s wishful thinking.

The skin covering the epileptic brain serves more of a supervisory role. If Yi Chen activates his sensory abilities during the assessment, he will be treated as a promotion failure.

Following the traction of the chain, he entered the abdominal cavity of the first gentleman.


Since I couldn't see, hear or touch anything, I couldn't determine where I was.

Yi Chen slowly focused on the homologous induction of the cortex to feel the existence of other cortexes around him, and gradually constructed an area in his mind, as well as his own state.

"Some kind of cortical abyss, the surrounding cortex is flowing upward... No!" It's me who's falling. 』

Yi Chen quickly shot out iron chains from the palm of his hand, trying to hook the leather walls on both sides.


Due to the inherent pain properties of the pain chain, when it is close to the cortical wall, the corresponding skin immediately turns into liquid, making it impossible to hook it up.

Finally, using the original leather lines obtained from the previous assessment, he was able to firmly hook onto the wall and stop his falling.

Due to the reaction time and the failure to hook the iron chain, Yi Chen had fallen a long distance. As he put his palm against the leather wall, a ripple of induction rippled out.

A minute passed without any feedback, and there was no way to find the exit.

"Climb up? I fell a long distance due to a mistake. Can I really climb out within half an hour? Is there really an exit at the top?

Instead of climbing up aimlessly, why not calm down and think about where this place is? Why is there such a special space in the body of the first gentleman?

If we can find the answer, we may be able to leave here quickly. "

Yi Chen tied a leather thread to the top of his head, letting himself hang on the edge of the leather wall, and even sat cross-legged in the air, thinking during the time-limited promotion competition.

Different from Yi Chen,

The remaining four candidates are all older than Yi Chen, and their experience and time in using skin are better than him.

When the insomniac Gallon learned that he needed to close his senses, he fell asleep on the spot. The moment he fell into the body of the first gentleman, he woke up from a special dream and reached out to touch the edge of the abyss.

It only took one second to crawl out of the first gentleman's body. This scene also shocked the audience.

The second person to climb out was Jessica from the Tailor Association, which took 2’31.

The third place is the death row inmate Alex, taking 5’13

The fourth place was Mandy, who took a full twenty minutes to climb out panting.

The time limit of half an hour is about to arrive, but there is still no sign of Yi Chen climbing out.

Principal Deslin, who maintained a dignified sitting posture throughout the whole process, also began to frequently change the direction of crossing her legs, and a lot of sweat even spilled between her thighs...

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