The final gentleman

Chapter 379 Skin posture

The stars twinkle.

Yi Chen used the characteristics of "Nebula Flesh" to complete a "reversal of direction" in the air, changing the forward thrust into a backward thrust.

Then he used the nebula steps and the traction of the iron chain until he reached the edge of the church, trying to put as much distance as possible from the insomniac Galleon.

But Mandy's situation is not so good,

He did not have the ability to change direction instantly like Yi Chen, so he could only use the 'foot brake' to forcefully stop forward, and then reverse his steps to retreat.

Even though Mandy is very skilled and has strong control over her body,

But the process of stopping and starting still exists and still takes time.

It was this gap that prevented him from avoiding it in time,

Swish...blood splattered.

Mandy, who covered her left arm, retreated to the wall.

The wound showed the same bite shape as Jessica's before.

Mandy decisively turned her other hand into a sharp knife, shaving off a layer of flesh on the surface of the wound to avoid unknown infection, and also removing the saliva stained on it.


Mandy's eyes did not focus on the wound at all.

Staring at the insomniac Garen with wide eyes, he saw something just now, something that existed in Garen's body.

"Is that...another world?"

At this moment, something flew towards him at high speed, and Mandy raised her hand to catch it easily.

It's a syringe full of red flesh potion,

The person who surrendered was none other than William, who was not far away.

Due to the bye in the lottery, Yi Chen had no chance to use the two remaining meat potions in his hand.

This high-concentration meat agent can only be used once per game. If used continuously, it will cause irreversible damage to the body.

So he gave one to the injured Mandy to increase the winning rate of the joint operation.

Although Mandy can achieve 'cortical regeneration', quickly regenerating an entire arm will also consume a lot of his physical energy. Next, he will have to face a completely unknown monster and must maintain peak condition.

I don’t care what the substance in the injection is, insert it into the neck,

Uh-huh! A brand new arm instantly grew.

Lupus erythematosus also developed in many parts of his body, showing a state of excess energy.

"Hmm! What is this? It's more powerful than the secret medicine!"

“Concentrate, Mandy!

There is a world inside the opponent's body that we don't know, and there are monsters we have never seen living in it. What we are going to deal with is not a person, but an unknown territory.

Show your strongest attitude. "

"Huh~ Yes, I can't hold anything back anymore."

As Mandy took off his 'gentle' glasses,

Open your mouth and raise your head,

Send the hanging tie into the throat and swallow it into the body.

"Restrictions lifted..."

for a time,

An unimaginable murderous aura spurted out of Mandy's body. If used in the previous game, it could easily overwhelm the Skinner's aura and even devour the opponent completely.

The killing even formed a red beam of light that penetrated the church.

Each strand of Mandy's hair is covered in a layer of red skin.

On the outside, it looks like the hair is instantly dyed red, and at the same time, it is fluffy and erect under the support of the cortex.

The skin all over the body is severely inflamed, showing a thick, dark red skin condition.

Part of the rash oozed blood and stained the shirt red.

Hiss~Tear off the skin of the entire arm along the wrist, and wrap it around both fists as a fighting bandage.

Yi Chen was also shocked by Mandy's changes. This was the first time he saw such an exaggerated lifting of restrictions, "Mandy, this guy, can actually store his own desire to kill in the form of a tie.

No wonder that in the first battle against the Skinner, the opponent was only choked by a tie and became incapacitated.

Let me come too...restrictions lifted! "

This time, the restrictions were lifted under the leadership of Yi Chen.

It was considered the result of his special training outside the city with Huang Pi during this period, especially the last few days. Under Huang Pi's guidance, he completed reading the first chapter of the "Skin Bible" [Hair Follicle].

When I was about to finish reading, a strange thing happened, an unexpected thing that even Huang Pi, a leather factory veteran, couldn't understand at all.

The moment he closed the book, the epidemic book actually resonated with the back of Yi Chen's head. To be precise, it should resonate with the book imprint on the surface of the back of his head.

This resonance is obviously related to Yi Chen's profession.

In a blink of an eye,

The entire epidemic book actually turned into liquid cortex, flowing into Yi Chen's skull along the nasal cavity, filling the grooves of the book's mark, achieving a true book storage.

Yi Chen can read it directly in his mind without taking out the epidemic book, and at the same time, he is given a higher level of skin control.

As the current "restriction is lifted" occurs, the book mark on the back of the brain also overflows with advanced cortical fluid, participating in this change.

Everyone present felt a cortical suppression, even the First Gentleman.

On the viewing platform,

When the president's seamstress, Spacey, who was helping Jessica heal her injuries, looked at this scene, he said helplessly: "No wonder you haven't taken the initiative to mention returning the book to me, but you have already combined the "Skin Bible" with this. To what extent...and there are no side effects like mine.

Behave yourself, and if you can be the first gentleman, it won't hurt to lend you this book for a long time. "

As the breath of leather subsides,

Yi Chen appeared with a new look,

It is different from the hand-to-hand combat posture against Zed, and also different from the yellow-robed posture when fighting against the real dead outside the school. It is a more perfect and advanced state of skin liberation.

1. A long black leather trench coat was draped over the body. The hem was also in the shape of ash, and it was lined with flesh. The inside was filled with densely packed ancient texts, corresponding to the contents of the books Yi Chen had read.

2. The scarf made of little grapes covers the neck and lower face. The opening and closing of the eyeballs can sometimes be seen on the surface of the scarf.

3. A hunter's three-cornered hat is worn on the top of the head, which is actually an 'expansion' of the head skin. The raised hat replaces the skull and enlarges the skull space, giving the epileptic brain more space for thinking and releasing.

4. The muscles of the whole body squirm slightly under the support and wrapping of the skin, the brain cells are fully activated, and the exposed veins are also in the shape of brain grooves.

5. The dead spine in the hand has been split into two parts. The right hand is in the shape of a standard hand axe, and the left hand is in the shape of a hand saw.

6. A book is hung on the waistband of the trousers through a long metal chain, which represents the "Skin Bible".

This gesture is the result of Yi Chen's reading of books day and night during this period. It takes into account both melee combat and mental perception. It is also the best state he can achieve at this stage.


The trump card "Dead Man's Makeup" has not yet been used.

Because once the makeup is put on, it means fighting to the death. It has not reached that level yet, at least until Yi Chen sees the truth inside the body of the insomniac Garen.

Mandy on the side was also attracted by this gesture,

As a patient with an S-class rare skin disease, he could clearly feel that Yi Chen's form was wrapped in a variety of completely different diseases, but these incompatible diseases were all perfectly combined under the connection of the cortex.

"No wonder Mr. Yuri thinks so highly of him... Indeed, the organization has always chosen people with skin diseases like me, Miss Jessica, to serve as the first gentleman.

If you want to break the situation and win more authority from the leather factory, you need to make effective changes, such as letting mixed talents like William take the position.

And this boy is quite lovable, so let me give it my all, I haven’t been this excited for a long time! 』

"William, let's go."

Yi Chen suppressed the desire to kill brought by the double axe, and made an elegant bow, "Okay, Mr. Mandy! Let's face the fear together."

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