The final gentleman

Chapter 406 Back Tumor Jin and the Exiles

Ms. Olena walked toward the door of the registration area with her tail raised, and turned her eyes to tell the two of them to stay here without following.

"Since this is your first time participating, please follow the staff to go through the pre-match procedures. Get used to the real 'fasting state' and feel real hunger in advance. Don't let me down."

Ms. Olena turned and left after speaking, but before her cat body disappeared, a private message reached Yi Chen's ears,

"The bonus you get from winning the game will allow you to make better deals with the Duke, and your exposure in the Cancer Palace will also increase, and you may be able to get better opportunities to make money."

I can see that you don't have much bargaining chips with the Duke, right? You may not even be able to get an ancient coin. If you want to make more money, now is the best opportunity.

If you find it difficult to win when hungry, try ditching some human things. 』

Yi Chen did not respond to this private message. He knew exactly what Ms. Olena wanted to express, but he had his own ideas.

They are currently being treated by an employee who has a huge abscess on his back that is severely bending his body.

Taking a closer look at the employee with a deformed spine, he turned out to be a young man no more than fifteen years old, and he was quite handsome.

Recalling that on the way to the Cancer Palace, Yi Chen had seen many individuals with tumors on their backs, which seemed to symbolize something.

There was still some distance to go to the 'abdominal pumping room', and Yi Chen curiously asked Jin beside him.

Jin was surprisingly understanding. He reached out and rubbed the young employee's back tumor and explained loudly:

"This thing is called a "back tumor," which is both a safety measure and a symbol of lower-level status. Anyone born in a cancerous uterus will have this thing on their back when they are born.

You can use this thing as a safety bag,

During the growth of an individual, toxins and negative emotions produced by the body will be removed by the tumor, thereby greatly reducing the spread of malignant tumors and ensuring the stable growth of cancer patients.

After the cancer patient has recovered and can completely control the body's cells, he can choose to remove the tumor on his back to completely remove the malignant hidden dangers.

The removed "back tumor" will crystallize over time and eventually become an extremely precious relic. "

Yi Chen was startled and thought of what he had just obtained, "Isn't that the tumor crystal that Ms. Olena gave me?"

"Yes, it is derived from the back tumor~ I used this kind of thing to achieve my ultimate breakthrough in the cancer palace. That's why I am very curious about why the master I just met is so kind to you... Why? ?”

Seeing that the topic was going off track, Yi Chen immediately pulled it back: "Wait a minute~ I remember that there are some cancer palace guards who are very powerful and seem to have reached the level of open source. They also seem to have this kind of thing growing on their backs."

"That's right! When the cancer palace individual is released, there will be two paths to choose from.

One of them is to remove the tumor from his back and gain many opportunities for development. He is as free and unfettered as Master. He even often uses tumor transplants to travel to our world to play and study.

Another option is to retain the back tumors, which is an ancient and primitive practice that also carries great risks.

After all, the back tumor that has accumulated into negative factors is also a part of the individual. It will also grow together with the release of the subject, and may even give birth to self-awareness.

Cancer patients who retain their back tumors are generally forced to stay in the cancer palace and directly serve the organization, and are monitored at all times.

They need to remain vigilant throughout the entire open source stage, negotiate with, control, and ultimately control their own problems, and ultimately achieve "feathering" while making breakthroughs in open source.

At that time, the back tumors will spread out like wings and float behind them, officially becoming the "tumor knights" in the cancer palace, and will be directly ordered by the Lord.

This process is also very dangerous. Many open source patients who tried to retain their back tumors suffered backlash, malignant attacks, and lost themselves and were directly treated.

A very small number of individuals who can retain the posture and stable consciousness of cancer patients in a malignant state will be [exiled].

This group of exiled malignant cancer patients still maintain some contact with the Cancer Palace, and they may be needed at some point in the future.

Among the many exiles, there is also a very special cancer patient. William, you and I were lucky enough to meet him.

This man was swallowed up by his own back tumor when he was open source, but he was not exposed immediately.

The negative consciousness derived from back tumors is so complete that it has been pretending to be a normal cancer person and living in the cancer palace, moving in any corner it can touch, and plundering the available resources in the cancer palace.

It wasn't until he emerged that he was revealed, and was eventually exiled by the order of the Lord himself. "

"That clown from the circus?"

"That's right~ It's the guy who calls himself 'Art'.

Last time, a conflict almost broke out at the gate of Zion. To be honest, I really wanted to see what kind of strength this famous exile could have, and whether he could directly destroy the organization? "

At this moment, the young man with the tumor on his back who was responsible for guiding the way turned his head excitedly:

"Have you met Mr. Art? He must be very powerful."

"We just met each other, we didn't have any interactions..."

"It is rumored that Mr. Art killed three tumor knights on the spot due to the problem of malignant exposure when he emerged. Even though the Lord suppressed and sentenced him in the end, he was still not executed but was given the option of exile."


Yi Chen didn't really want to talk about the main clown of the circus. Whenever he thought of the other person's image, his thoughts would become messy and he would feel psychologically uncomfortable.

Continuing the topic of the tumor on the back, "Jin, you were not born in a cancer palace, and there does not seem to be a cancer structure on your back, but you were still given the "Swelling Note". The presence or absence of this thing does not seem to affect the status of a cancer patient. ?”

"Who said I don't have back cancer anymore!"

Jin directly opened his clothes and exposed his back to Yi Chen.

Although the two often stay together, Yi Chen has never carefully observed Jin's body.

As he carefully peered into Jin's back, he discovered a swollen mass attached to the spine through the skin on his back, like a red flesh lotus in bud.

“Master said that my back tumor is very special and I can try to take this ‘preservation’ path.

Moreover, when I obtained "Swelling Notes", I was fortunate enough to see the Lord's exposed 'feet' and the voice coming from behind the curtain.

Because of the special nature of my back tumor, my human identity, and the stable certification of "Swelling Chronicle", the Lord allowed me not to be restrained in the Cancer Palace, otherwise I would not be able to return to the organization.

In the future, if the tumor can be successfully transformed and opened, you will be able to obtain the title of Cancer Knight and have access to the highest level cancer resources. "


After some exchanges, the two finally came to a special area full of 'hungry'.

The reason why you can intuitively feel the ethereal hunger is that the room is filled with extremely hungry cancer patients. Some of them have been embedded in the ground or walls because they have been unable to move for many years.

The whole room made a crunching sound due to the arrival of the two people. They were eager to eat their flesh and blood.

Obviously, these cancer patients were once contestants in the Hunger Gladiator. Unfortunately, they were completely sucked dry before leaving the competition and remained permanently in this 'abdominal extraction room'.

Yi Chen's vision soon fell on a 'device' growing in the center of the room, and his expression became unsightly.

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