The final gentleman

Chapter 411 Tearing people apart

Just now, in order to force the opponent back, Yi Chen specially assembled a heavy bullet. As the name suggests, it is a high-density bullet with a mass greater than 20kg that is manufactured through a factory compression process.

Due to its heavy weight, it is suitable for close range shooting.

"A heavy bullet shot at such a close distance, and it was still unexpectedly blocked, is it still blocked? He is indeed a trainee knight... However, it is slightly worse than the Death Plague Knight we met at the Twilight Clinic.

It is probably related to the illness.

After all, there is still a negative tumor on his back, and his true strength will not be revealed until he is fully fledged.

This kind of strength is just right, so I used him to test the true power of "Baltosh" and let me try a real firearms combat for the first time.

Little Putao is ready to load the bullet~just one magazine holding a painful bullet. "

"Copy that! I can finally try this gun."

Little Putao was also very excited. His conscious body had already gone to the workshop, cooperating with the assembly of ammunition and adding the split eyeballs to the bullets.


As Yi Chen's entire left arm and sleeves were metalized,

A message from the firearm appeared in the retina,

≮All ammunition is ready and automatic shooting mode has been switched≯

The moment he received this information, the sound of a biological chain saw tearing flesh and blood rang in his ears, and Marcelino attacked again.

And the chainsaw held in his left hand is changing,

The dog's tail became softer and longer, increasing the attack distance to more than three meters... before it even reached close range, it was thrown out.

It was like a blood dog attacking like crazy, trying to smash the target into pieces and swallow it.


Just as the biological chainsaw was about to swing over, Marcelino heard something...a subtle sound similar to the collision of bones and the twisting of fascia.

The source of the sound came from Yi Chen's ankle, and at the same time, starlight appeared on his entire calf.

this moment,

The "Instant" awarded by Teacher Zed and the "Nebula Body" awarded by Principal Deslin are perfectly combined, all thanks to the star particles absorbed in the principal's office before leaving Zion.


Yi Chen instantly appeared in the visual blind spot more than ten meters behind him.

Holding the gun in his left hand, his right arm maintains the position of holding the briefcase.

There is no need to lock the target at all, just pull the trigger in the general range.

BangBangBang~The gun flames continue,

Thirteen bullets poured out,

The bullets that seemed to fly out randomly began to fine-tune in the air as eyeballs grew on the surface of the bullet case. These eyeballs could even release a weak mental shock and act as a 'booster' effect.

Marcelino's eyes widened as he lost his target, and abscesses even grew from between his eyes.

"What speed is this? Oops, I don't have time to turn around... Damn it! Are you going to use this trump card right after the start?"

The "back tumor" embedded in the back and not covered by the knight's armor suddenly opened its mouth,

This is a strange mouth with a cross-shaped structure, and the canines embedded in it are moving back and forth regularly.

All the bullets that were about to hit jammed one after another, and even caused a large number of sparks in the air, and some even had the warheads cut directly.

The eyeballs embedded in the surface of the bullet also exploded, and no one survived.

Corresponding to Little Putao's consciousness, his eyes hurt, and he quickly used eye drops made by Lenghu to relieve it.

However, there was one bullet that could not be completely blocked. The chain thread structure on its surface resisted the invisible tearing feeling, and even if the speed dropped seriously, it was still shot to the back.

"Are you going to hit it?"

Yi Chen and Xiao Putao were looking forward to the effect of the painful bullet entering the body, but... Ding!

There was a burst of sparks flying, and the painful bullet that had spikes on its surface was finally bounced out, landing just next to Yi Chen.


A thick metallic dark light flowed through the "armor" worn by Marcelino,

The origin of this armor is not simple. Only the top ten individuals in the recruit camp can apply for the official armor of the Cancer Knight in advance.

The core material for forging armor - "Zun Tu", is directly donated by the Lord.

Rumor has it that it is a tumor gold material obtained from a necrotic cyst that faded away from the Lord's body through a special process.

Making this armor also requires the personal participation of the individual. Fresh epidermis is continuously cut from the individual's body and added to the production of the armor, and finally a fresh tumor armor that is most suitable for the individual is obtained.

Yi Chen looked at such armor and couldn't help but think of the "death horses" equipped by the Death Plague Knights.

"It seems that the special members of the old world's epidemic areas basically have good standard configurations. It is basically impossible to directly penetrate this armor with bullets. There is only one way..."

Just as Yi Chen was making a battle plan,

Marcelino's mood changed because he took out his trump card in advance and even missed a bullet, causing the tumor armor to be hit.

Before the game, he even threatened that he did not need to wear tumor armor to participate in such a low-level underground game, but he still wore it after careful consideration by the senior knights.

Now, not long after the start, the defense was almost broken. The tumor armor was also hit by bullets, and there was even a weak stinging feeling penetrating the armor.

"I underestimated this game. Figuere is right~ My character must be changed, and any opponent who appears in front of me should be taken seriously.

You are strong, but I am stronger! "

That’s it… shua!

The living chainsaw in Marcelino's hand actually swung out in the opposite direction and penetrated crosswise into his body and abdomen. You could even hear the sound of the chainsaw cutting wildly inside his body.

There was an evil smile on his face, and he muttered:

"Restrictions lifted!"

The camera began to zoom closer into Marcelino's body, penetrating the armor and skin to observe the cells in his body.

The restrictions that exist on the surface of the cell membrane are released,

The chain-like proteins transcribed from the cell nucleus transform the cell membrane. The jagged proteins pair with the protein grooves on the surface of the cell membrane, just like multiple chainsaw chains are assembled on it.

This is true for every cell.

Correspondingly, Marcelino's whole body was exploding, and there seemed to be sharp objects floating under every inch of skin, and he even tore the skin trying to get out, and finally... swish!

A series of terrifying biological saw blades sprouted from various parts of the body,

There are saw blades suitable for the physical structure growing out on the shoulders, arms, elbow joints, backs of hands and even between the fingers.

Not only that,

There is also a strange biological tab growing out of my belly button.

As he grabbed the ring and pulled it back and forth with all his strength three times, his whole body seemed to be on fire, steam rising from his body, and sweat dripping down like a waterfall.

The long and jagged tongue hung from the mouth, and the whole person fell into a state of extreme bloodthirsty.

"Restrictions lifted - sawing people alive"

Because of this form, Marcelino was identified as the most brutal trainee knight in this new recruit camp.

"Let me taste your deliciousness!"

With one step, the ground was cut into smoking cracks.

The speed of the explosion was more than twice as fast as before, like a bloodthirsty beast approaching Yi Chen.

Click~ It’s a similar ankle sound again

The moment he pounces on food,

Yi Chen's "Star Instant" move opened the distance again and fired another magazine of bullets.

The situation is the same as before. As Marcelino's back tumor opens its mouth, any bullet that comes within three meters will be cut invisible. Even if there is a fish that slips through the net, it will either be blocked by armor or covered with chainsaws. Cut open.

It's like a tearing field surrounds the whole body, capable of tearing apart all long-range attacks.

"It's useless... Let me see how long you can hide. You shouldn't be able to use this technique forever."

Marcelino is right,

As Yi Chen continued to use this ankle technique, the high temperature generated by friction in the ankle almost melted the fascia, and the speed began to slow down.


Suddenly, the entire ankle was broken directly in a single use. The naked eye could see the broken bone spurs running through the ankle, and the blood was flowing.

Instantaneous failure, kneeling on one knee,

He buried his head and couldn't see any of Yi Chen's expressions.

After such a short pause, Marcelino followed instantly, laughing wildly! The tongue hanging out flapped his jaw excitedly.

Living chainsaws of various types were cutting it from all directions, as if a crazy blood dog was going to swallow it whole.

Ka~ Another strange sound came at the critical moment.

But this time it wasn't the friction of the ankle, but the opening of some kind of metal lock.


A black light pierced the sky, and the aura of death filled the entire venue with fear in the hearts of cancer patients.

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