The final gentleman

Chapter 415 Primitive Forest

virgin forest

As the name suggests, it is a ‘forest’ that retains its original appearance without any changes.

It's just that the forest here is different from the definition of human beings,

During the earliest construction period of the Cancer Palace, one of the cancerous cells that was mainly responsible for "architectural proliferation" had a specific mutation. The structure that grew out of it was no longer the preset building frame, pipe system, etc.

Instead, they are trees and flowers made of flesh.

When the chief engineer was preparing to destroy it, the Lord ordered it to be preserved, and even specially planned an area between the cancer palaces to allow this thing to develop.

Finally, we got a flesh-like forest made of pure cancer cells.

This forest area can absorb the waste gas exhaled by cancer patients and transform it into a beneficial hallucinogenic breath, which can provide harmless mental stimulation to the brain. It can not only relax the body to the maximum extent and eliminate stress, but also stimulate the most primitive elements in the patient's body. desire.

If you eat the fruit directly or drink the sap of the tree, the effect will be doubled.

Yi Chen heard various strange sounds before he even got close to the virgin forest, and he probably understood Olena's intention of inviting him and Jin to come over.

"This kind of place... isn't very good, right?" Yi Chen resisted.

Ms. Olena, who was standing on her shoulders, said: "What's wrong? If you don't relax properly after the battle, your body will be in a tight state for a long time.

The fruits here can not only quickly recover your body from hunger, but also relax your whole body, so that you can stay in the best condition after leaving the cancer palace. "

Seeing that Olena was so tough, Yi Chen had no choice but to agree, but there was one request.

"Um...are there private rooms here?"

"Of course, I am a very conservative person. I won't let others disturb us, let alone hold any impact. Did you see the huge flower buds in the woods over there? I have already reserved one of them, which will be our private Private room.”

"That's fine."

Yi Chen also put down his guard and some of the inherent concepts of human beings. Since he came to other places, he naturally had to accept the local culture.

When entering, you are required to take off everything on your body.

Except for the visitors themselves, no foreign objects can be brought into the virgin forest to avoid impact and damage to the primitive ecology.

Each person will get an entrance uniform, a kind of clothing made of flower petals.

This kind of clothing is edible. If you no longer want to wear it or have any other needs, you can eat it yourself or let others eat it for you.

Due to the high cost of virgin forest and certain identity requirements for cancer patients, there are not many people inside, but you can often see some dangling limbs hanging on the trees, or conjoined centipedes hidden in the tall grass. '.


The living trees here can breathe, and the way they breathe is through abscesses growing on the surface, which shrink and expand and exhale a confusing breath that can stimulate biological nerves.

Yi Chen tried to inhale a few mouthfuls and savored it carefully.

"It is indeed harmless and has a soothing effect on the brain. No wonder the cancerous uterus is preserved... In such an environment, even patients with severe insomnia can get a good rest."

The existence of epileptic brain can easily resist the influence of this aura and will not be affected for the time being.

However, there was a soft touch on Yi Chen's arm. Jin obviously deliberately lifted his brain's defenses and fully integrated himself into such an environment.

He even wanted to wrap his thighs around Yi Chen's body.

Finally, we came to the independent bud room. The internal space is equivalent to that of a KTV.

Meat beds, round tables, various strange native objects hanging on the walls and bathtubs filled with tree sap,

There is also a platter of freshly picked meat and fruits on the table.

Ms. Olena seemed to be a regular visitor. She took the three wine glasses on the wall with her cat's mouth, filled them with juice between the bathtubs, and placed them on the table.

She seems to be eager to see the reproduction of two humans in front of her. After all, even the most basic rules of reproduction have been erased in the old world. If you want to achieve reproduction, you must borrow a living body attached to the world to achieve it.

Now that he's here, Yi Chen doesn't shirk anymore and picks up the wine glass.

"Let's all drink together!"

After saying that, he went straight to it.

Consuming the entire cup of tree sap instantly causes the whole body to heat up. Just when the primitive desires of a living being are about to be fully aroused, hiss~

All the strange feeling suddenly disappeared,

This was not Yi Chen's subjective resistance, but something in his body that absorbed all the sap, not a drop left.


A dark thing that had not been used for a long time and was coiled in the abdominal cavity actually started to move.

"This is... a black umbilical cord. Does it actually eat this kind of thing?" 』

Yi Chen's interest was so high that he didn't even care about the two people accompanying him. He stepped directly into the bathtub and let his whole body soak in it.

Something black immediately emerged from the navel, like a black snake that had just finished hibernation, and began to suck in the unexpected feast.

However, the eating speed of the black umbilical cord is limited. It takes at least half a day to ingest and digest a full tank of sap.

When his body is soaked in such liquid, Yi Chen cannot help but be affected.

As a large amount of liquid penetrated the body and began to produce a hallucinogenic reaction in the brain, the gold in his eyes and Ms. Olena became extremely attractive,

When the limits of rationality are about to be exceeded,

Buzz! A moon mark appeared between the eyebrows, and at the same time, Yi Chen's hair was dyed silver.

His consciousness was transmitted directly to the surface of the moon,

It's just that in addition to the overall consciousness, the bathtub filled with tree sap has also been reproduced. You can continue to take a bath on the surface of the moon and perform special meditation in this state.

"How did my consciousness suddenly come to the moon? Could it be that the hallucinogenic effect of the virgin forest on the brain directly stimulated the remaining lunar properties in my body?

That's right, the essence of Lunarization is an illusion... It makes sense that this hallucinogenic gas would resonate with it.

Just in time, not only can the black umbilical cord be fed, but I can also practice illusions. If I can improve my resistance to illusions, I will be able to deal with Lorian better in the future. "

that's all,

Yi Chen closed his eyes and took a bath alone on the surface of the moon, no longer distracted by other things.

The murmurs that kept pouring out from the depths of the moon crater were completely ineffective.

On the reality side,

Yi Chen was lying in the bathtub. In addition to his hair being dyed silver, his body was also glowing with silver moonlight. Combined with the confusing environment of the virgin forest itself, it had a hallucinogenic effect on the entire bud room.

So much so that Jin and Ms. Olena were unable to capture his presence, and even forgot about Yi Chen, thus unable to interrupt his special meditation.

I don’t know how long it has passed,

When not a drop of sap was left in the bathtub, Yi Chen's consciousness returned from the moon, and his understanding of illusions improved.

The black umbilical cord also became plump due to sucking out all the sap, and even became active in the body, exuding bursts of new life.


Before Yi Chen had time to organize his thoughts, he was already shocked by the scene in front of him.

Ms. Olena, who has always maintained a cat body, unexpectedly transformed into a rare human form.

She appeared to be a woman in her mid-thirties with black hair. She had a plump figure but was still beautiful. She also had more cat ears and a tail than a human.

The long black plush tail is wrapped around Jin's body. The two are hugging each other. The fatigue all night has pushed each other into a deep sleep...

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