The final gentleman

Chapter 426 Death Training

Previously inside the auction house, due to the distance and the private room, and the influence of the Duke's aura, Yi Chen failed to thoroughly observe the skin slave suffering from pyoderma gangrenosum.

And the other party actually peeled himself off on the stand, perfectly separating the body and the skin, and it looked like there was nothing wrong with it.

But when this skin was directly displayed in front of Yi Chen's eyes, whether it was the vision provided by the little grape or the cortical induction given by the yellow skin, he could clearly capture the true consciousness residing in the gangrenous skin.

In other words, this skin is the main body, and the skinned and dead body on the stage is just the previous occupant.

Based on its comprehensive understanding of the leather factory back then, Huangpi started searching from the bottom of his memory and found a leather slave who met the criteria, a wanted fugitive from the leather factory.


When Gangrene Dead Skin heard the young man in yellow in front of him call out his real name, he suddenly froze, his expression changed drastically, and he wanted to escape from here at all costs.

Hundreds of appendages formed from gangrenous tissue sprouted from between the skin bags again, bursting out at the limit of open source speed, trying to find the boundary of the consciousness space, and then use his means to break it.

However, in this labyrinth building that looks like an orphanage, no matter how he goes around, he always seems to return to the starting point.

The young man in mysterious yellow clothes would always be at a certain intersection, holding a leather Bible in one hand and waving to him with the other, his ghost lingering.

Skinn's mood was already messed up when he saw Huang Pi. As he went through the maze cycle again and again, his mood became even more messy until he completely broke his guard.

He started breaking down walls and digging into the ground,

Even so, there is still a similar passage behind the smashed wall, making it impossible to escape.

At this time, the young man's voice came from behind him:

"Skin man, a loser on the road, a fugitive and wanted criminal who relies on snatching skin slaves to survive... I didn't expect you to be so embarrassed, with such a bad character, how did you escape the pursuit of the leather factory?

It's just that you are imprisoned in the space of consciousness and you become panicked. What are you afraid of? Why don't you dare to attack me? Wouldn't it be possible to break the predicament directly by killing me? "

The skinny man whose defense had been broken could no longer calm down and think. He suddenly twisted his centipede-like body and rushed towards the source of the sound.


What was smashed to pieces was just a mannequin covered in yellow rags.

At the same time, a young man in yellow robe holding a Bible strolled out from the other side of the passage, looking at everything with a smile, as if the skinny man's head was connected to a puppet string that could be controlled by him.

"If you can't kill me, just calm down and think about it.

The space of consciousness cannot be perfect, there must be an entrance and exit. Have you ever thought that the exit was actually inside the wooden door next to you from the beginning? "

Yi Chen's words were like shell-shaped viruses that penetrated the person's skin and stuck to his brain. It was as if his tongue was drilling into the gaps in the brain, whispering irreversibly in the depths.

The skinny man was once again bewitched and pulled by words, and immediately turned around and broke open the wooden door next to him.

However, he did not leave the space of consciousness because he entered the wooden door. Instead, he fell deeper into his consciousness because he was pulled by his thoughts.

The entire skin was forcibly restrained into a human form, and was restrained on a standard operating table with "Black Mountain Orphanage" printed on it.

As the essence of consciousness was unearthed, Pi Nang Ke's true form was also exposed - a middle-aged man whose whole body was burnt due to path failure.

In the operating room, a young man in yellow robe was standing aside to select instruments, and finally pulled out a cranial saw.

He walked over with a smile and moved the bright light in front of the skinny man. The bright light made him confused and difficult to think, and the operation began.

Kaka~ The young man said while cutting the skull:

"You chose to attend the Duke's auction because you were planning to try your luck to see if you could buy a suitable skin bag, or directly buy a skin slave for the purpose of seizing the body.

Unexpectedly, you were drawn onto the stage, so you used a trick to auction your own skin, hoping to attract skin slave customers like me... Congratulations on your success! However, I am not easily taken over.

Next, I will examine and modify your brain to eliminate your malignancy. "

Bang Dang~ As the words fell, the skull also fell.

It contains brains scorched by failed pathways,

"It's so pitiful. The essence of your brain has been burned like this. It's no wonder that your psychology is completely distorted. Just wait a moment, and you'll be free soon."

After breaking through Pi Nang Ke's psychological defense, Yi Chen was ready to start his special education.

However, he was not interested in whether such a wanted criminal could become a student. All he cared about was the skin.

And there was no need to show any mercy to such a skin slave who was so evil that he even wanted to take over his body.

Therefore, Yi Chen wants to do an experiment here, an experiment that can maximize the use of Pi Nang Ke.

Due to the failure of his path, the skin slave has been in a state of withering. He relies on taking the bodies of other skin slaves to survive, and he has been wandering between the boundary between life and death.

Another reason why he can survive is the characteristics of his own skin. This extremely aggressive and contagious gangrene skin has some similarities with the death plague.

The dark and diseased skin tissue is getting closer to death as the skin traveler fails.

Yi Chen valued this, and he wanted to make an attempt to see if Skinn's gangrenous skin could really withstand the attribute of death and whether it could be combined with it.

The lettering begins,

Yi Chen started to carve words with his fingers dripping with black liquid. When the black liquid soaked into the brain, the charred brain did not die directly, but maintained its integrity.

"I guessed it right! The skinny man who has been on the verge of death since his path failed has already acquired a certain degree of death resistance. That's great. You have to hold on."

When the dark word "epilepsy" was perfectly engraved on it, the skin patient lying on the operating table, although his vitality had dropped a lot, was still alive and his brain remained intact.

"Old...teacher~" He no longer struggled, but shouted two words with great difficulty.

"Very good. You have temporarily endured death, but it is not enough! There is only one thing you need to do next. Don't let the teacher down."

With a smile, Yi Chen replaced the man's skull, and at the same time released the consciousness space created by his epileptic brain, and returned to the hotel.

Like a facehugger, the gangrenous skin has been peeled off and curled up at Yi Chen's side like a pet. All the skin diseases spreading in the room have been retracted inside the skin.

"Little Grape, keep the seal on, I'm going to the bathroom to deal with something."


Yi Chen stood up and led the newly tamed skin boy to the bathroom.

He closed the door and locked it, and walked straight to the bathtub. The bathtub was also made of gold. After confirming that such a gold bathtub could be used as a 'container', Yi Chen started his personal plan.

Holding the edge of the bathtub with both hands, he stuck his whole head into it.


Accompanied by a strong sense of death,

The black dead liquid stored in the deepest part of the epileptic brain began to overflow outwards, tick-tick-tick-drops of black liquid flowed out from the seven holes on the face, continuously dripping into the inside of the bathtub.

It even slowly increased the flow rate until half the bathtub was filled.

This process almost squeezed Yi Chen dry, and the "Dead Man's Makeup" would not be able to be activated for a period of time, and it would take a long period of rest to recover.

At this time, a text warning came from the yellow skin in the body:

≮William, this is a rare high-grade skin, and it will be completely wasted if anything goes wrong. Even if you go to a tannery and do well, you may not get this aggressive, infectious skin. ≯

"What you have to do is to do your best. If you just have to deal with defective products, I would rather not..."

Huang Pi stopped sending texts and seemed to acknowledge this approach.

Yi Chen, who looked pale and haggard, turned to the skinny man in the corner and gave his last order as a teacher:

"Go ahead, immerse your body completely in it, and drown in it... Don't refuse death, this is the ending you deserve."

"Yes, teacher."

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