The final gentleman

Chapter 430 Wolf and Knight

【Bonfire Valley】

The barrier that blocks the world of life and death is also the only connection path.

The only light source allowed in the eternally dark realm of the dead, and also the only pass, is the bonfire in the valley.

Visitors need to be recognized by the bonfire through rituals in order to obtain fire from it. Before the fire goes out, they can go to the area of ​​the deceased. If they fail to leave before the fire goes out, they will be trapped on the other side forever.

Even though it sounds dangerous, Bonfire Valley was once a tourist attraction.

Many patients who have completed the open source will come here to see the wonders of the mountains connecting the sky, and at the same time try to wake up the bonfire.

If you can obtain fire and go to the world of the dead, if you are lucky, you can establish contact with the dead in advance and even gain the favor of death.

When you die, you will have a high probability of waking up in the original tomb as a dead person, instead of sleeping forever and becoming a brick and tile of the original tomb.

As the evil sun fell, the separation between the world of life and death became blurred, and the dead began to move out of the mountains and expand outward.

So that few living people come near,

In the area where the train is currently traveling, dead people in various forms can be seen wandering around.

Or crawling hard on the ground,

Or lurch forward,

Or floating in the air,

We could even vaguely see towns or village structures at the foot of the mountain, where a large number of dead people were living, or... garrisoned.

"Mr. William, the deceased is expanding too fast. We may need to stop in advance. If we continue to move forward, our train may be attacked."

"It's okay, I'll walk the rest of the way by myself."

"I'm really sorry. When you leave the original tomb, we will come to pick you up as soon as possible."

The black round train stopped early,

When Yi Chen stepped out of the carriage and took a breath of air filled with deathly plague (necrotic bacteria), his whole body couldn't help but tremble, and he felt refreshed for a moment.

However, he did not indulge in this feeling too much, but looked at Zhudu who walked out of the train together.

Just when Yi Chen was about to split a part of the gentleman's clothes and put it on Thirteen, he found that there was nothing abnormal about Thirteen who was exposed to the death epidemic. She was even still immersed in reading, and the light from her pupils was slowly scanning between the lines. .

"Thirteen, don't you feel uncomfortable?"

The candle puppet responded very obediently, "No, sir~ We were originally created to explore extremely dark places, so we will carry out more complex dark side processing during the production process.

Including physical apoptosis and brain waxing.

Only exceptionally good candle puppeteers can master this process, as slight deviations can lead to physical damage.

When I was originally created, not only was I treated with the dark side, but the core parts of my body were also engraved with inscriptions of the dead, ensuring that I was always in a semi-dead state and could be used as a 'container for the bonfire'. "

"Huh? No wonder the Duke directly recruited that boss to work after seeing your body structure. I really found a treasure.

That's great, let's get going. "

As I hiked towards the Bonfire Mountains, I used the vision provided by Little Grape to gradually see the general situation at the foot of the mountain.

A city of the dead with a large number of dark spiers was built at the foot of the mountain and sealed the gorge. The only mountain road leading to the mountain bonfire is also within the jurisdiction of this city.

Whether you want to get fire between bonfires or cross the valley, you need to pass through this city.

"It seems that we have to go to this city of the dead, but it's okay... maybe we can directly get information about the original tomb, instead of looking around like a headless fly."

Just as Yi Chen was jogging towards the city,

The sound of horse hooves came from behind, and at the same time there was a wild killing intent like a wild beast.

"Death Plague Knight...attacks indiscriminately?"

Because he felt the clear killing intent, Yi Chen would not just surrender.

An eye sprouts from the back of the head,

Click ~ loosen the button between the suitcases.

The spine and the firearm are held in the corresponding palms at the same time.

After the actual battle in the Cancer Palace and the self-improvement in Dengcheng, Yi Chen has completed adapting to the environment of the old world and put himself into combat status in an instant.

At this time, the death horse behind him arrived carrying its owner.

A big sword like a tombstone was slashed on horseback with great force and heavy force.

Even without the edge of the sword, it caused the ground to sink and even suppressed Yi Chen, who was several meters away. He was unable to move and his breathing was blocked, waiting to be crushed into pieces.


At this moment, Yi Chen raised his head and stared at the dark night sky, as if he could spy on the grooves of the fallen stars.

In an instant, a burst of starlight shone on him, and he instantly got rid of the restrictions of heavy pressure and made a standard sideways roll.

He dodged the attack of the Tombstone Sword as close as possible and counterattacked at the same time.

Slash the spine,

pull the trigger,


Deathspine Lake, who transformed into a "Knight's Battle Axe", was just about to hit the opponent when it bounced back hard! The sound of impact resounded throughout the current plain, even attracting the attention of many dead people.

Yi Chen's serious slash was ineffective, and the palm of his hand was completely cracked by the shock.

As for the iron bullet that was fired, it was tightly bitten by the lower part of the opponent's mask, a piece of mouth that had no mouth skin and all the gums were exposed.

Seeing this,

Yi Chen no longer hesitated, and immediately prepared to lift the restrictions and activate the dead man's makeup. If such an enemy does not use all his strength, he will only die.

The next second,

The manic killing intent locked on Yi Chen dissipated instantly, and a voice like a dead beast came from the horseback:

"Are you the human who defeated Bart Prada in the outside world? That boy Bart is actually very good. I didn't expect that he would fall into your hands.

Moreover, in the live battle I saw in the original tomb before, you were clearly using the ability of evil yang combined with skin, but now your style has changed drastically, to a near-far crossover mode... Are you a universal talent?

Get on the horse and come with me~ Since the boss has invited you, you are eligible to go to the original tomb. "

As soon as he finished speaking, the man actually swallowed the bullet between his teeth, chewed it, and swallowed it into his belly.

At this moment, Yi Chen finally had the chance to look up at the other party,

On top of the jet-black war horse covered with layers of carapace, a jet-black cloak trailed behind him, and a metal wolf-shaped helmet with clear outlines reflected only two red pupils and jet-black teeth without a lip structure.

Carrying on his shoulders is a huge and generous tombstone sword with exquisite words engraved on it - 'Dedicated to Beloved'.

"Who is the senior?"

"Death Plague Knights - Black Wolf Bernard... I just returned from 'hunting' outside. I didn't expect to meet such an interesting guy like you. Come and sit down."

Bernard also pointed at the back of the horse, where a bundle of corpses wrapped in black cloth was being loaded.

It is precisely because of these corpses that the seating area is narrow, making it difficult to fit Yi Chen and Zhu Ou.

"Thirteen, come here!"

Yi Chen lifted the candle puppet up and let the petite (less than 155cm) Shisan sit on his shoulders.

Sit on the horse in this posture, trying not to crowd the Death Plague Knight.

Bernard was a little surprised, "Huh? You actually let the servant sit on your shoulders?"

"She is not my servant, but my student. As a teacher, I think about my students. Is this normal?"

"Student... you are such a strange guy! But I quite like you. Let's go! Haha!"

As Bernard's legs clamped hard,

The war horse actually grew hair similar to that of a wolf, and even became stronger as it galloped towards the valley.

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