The final gentleman

Chapter 447 Trouble with Crows

Between the long and dark valley passages,

Bang bang bang bang ~ the sound of iron chains hitting each other continued to spread,

A man and a woman were walking through here, their wrists connected by chains to prevent them from being separated.

The iron chain comes from the male's body, and there is a burning white candle on the woman's head. It is worthy of being a candle puppet specially used to explore extremely dark places. It can still keep burning with white light after staying in the original tomb for such a long time.

At this time, a dark, independent hairy group covered with scorch marks emerged from the shoulder, standing with hands on hips.

The mouth containing the eyeball structure made multiple mixed sounds: "William, why do you feel that your mind has changed after staying down there for so long... Those 'things' that have been completely sealed by you seem to have overflowed a lot."

"Is there any?" Yi Chen turned around and asked with a smile.

"It's obvious~ Even now, I feel like you will kill me.

This grape suspects that the death in the original tomb penetrated your soul invisibly, or that when you fought against the abyss death statue, the 'deep death' that seemed to have no effect on you actually had a infiltration reaction in the depths of your brain. Destroyed your imaginary 'memory safe'. "

Now that Little Grape has done this, Yi Chen's smile has turned cold, and a voice like ice crystals overflows from his stagnant lips.

"Really... No wonder both Stephen and the craftsmen are slightly aware of it. It seems that I have to spend time re-strengthening the safe. The "nature" brought to me by my inheritance and the orphanage is indeed difficult to completely seal.

I am not strong enough now to reveal my true self.

By the way, little Putao, don’t you like the original tomb very much? If you stay in the original tomb, you may even have a chance to activate all the old corpses in your body and find a 'tombstone path' that suits you, but you don't seem to have mentioned this to me during the whole process. "

Little Grape said with disdain, "Aren't you going to the tannery next? Without eyes like mine, would you really be able to see through some hidden things?

If you could keep that pervert Stephen around and fully utilize his ears, I would definitely not go.

It's a pity that others are still unwilling, so I have to continue to accompany you... As for the activation of the hybrid ancient corpse in my body, I will do it step by step~ Remember to kill more enemies and give me more grapes. "

Yi Chen returned to his normal smile and continued to move forward in the valley.

When the city gate with a large number of dead people hanging there comes into view, it means walking out of the canyon and leaving the realm of the dead.

At the same time, the bonfires in the mountains also shone down.

Hiss, hiss~ When the strong bonfire fell on Yi Chen, wisps of white smoke actually rose up.

Living in the original tomb for a long time seems to have partially assimilated Yi Chen, so much so that he was regarded as dead by the bonfire and was not allowed to leave.

He stood for more than ten minutes, until the white smoke on his body stopped rising, and he completed the 'identification' before continuing to move forward... During this period, Yi Chen also took off all the chain masks and replaced them with little grapes. The ash scarf was transformed into a more normal high-collar trench coat.

The hanging man began to spin, and the city gates opened for him.

Just when Yi Chen was about to go straight through the fortress and head to the plains to take the Black Ascaria train,


The crow cries,

A pair of dark wings carrying a knight with a crow mask fell heavily in front of him... With the arrival of this knight, the entire sky above Heikou City was filled with crows.

Renato Battis,

The Death Plague Knights were assigned as the temporary city lords of Heikou City, also known as the "Mourning Crow". They are knights within the Knights who are good at frontline reconnaissance and secret-side sneak attacks.

Although his overall strength ranks low, his reconnaissance is still very important to the Knights.

Renato also saw the skull pendant on Yi Chen's chest at a glance, and joked: "Oh, did you get the status of a "high-class dead citizen" in less than a month? It seems like you don't intend to stay here, or are you forced to leave because you failed the knight test? "

"Mr. Renato, my journey to the original tomb has ended, and I am now ready to leave here."

Although Yi Chen knew very well that the man in front of him had induced him to go to the mountain bonfire, he still responded respectfully. After all, he was leaving soon and there was no need to make any more enemies.

"Journey? What you mean is that you just came here to take a look and treat [Original Tomb], a great area that represents the origin of death, as an ordinary scenic spot... This is not okay!

Otherwise, what would we do if this really turned into a tourist attraction? No matter who the patient is, they run over to take a look, introducing endless risks to the original tomb.

As the guardian of the pass, I will never allow this to happen. "

As soon as these words came out, Yi Chen also heard that the other party was deliberately looking for trouble, which was probably related to the last bonfire incident. But not only did he not feel unhappy, but there was an evil smile on the corner of his mouth.

Yi Chen stepped his head forward slightly, kept his evil smile and tilted his head slightly to ask, "What does Mr. Renato want to do?"

"Now that you're here, you can't leave so easily... I'll give you two choices. As long as you can achieve one of them, you'll be considered satisfied. I will allow you to leave completely, and I can even send my crows to escort you away.

First, stay inside Heikou Fortress as my direct subordinate for a period of twenty years.

Second, go to the bonfire in the mountains and ingest as many fire cores as possible to weaken the bonfire intensity by 10%.

Make your choice? The alien dead. "

Yi Chen still kept a smile on his face and did not give a direct answer. He walked with relaxed and comfortable steps until he came to Renato's side.

Pa~ The right hand of friendship gently fell on the other party's shoulder, even stroking the raven feathers between the knight's armor.

His lips were as close to Renato's ears as possible. His brain was trembling and he was pronouncing words together. A sound that could not be rejected or offset went straight into the other person's brain:

"I choose the third option...get out of here!"

The last word combined with the brain-depressing effect was like an explosion in Renato's brain, even forcing the other person to shake his head, and black blood flowed out from all seven holes.

Ga ga ga~

At this moment, the crow army on Heikou City pressed down crazily, almost blocking the entire city. Their dark eyes stared at Yi Chen, treating him as a mortal enemy.

It seems like the war is about to break out here.

Renato also had no idea that a mere foreign individual with open source would dare to openly challenge him, the Plague Knight, in the area of ​​the dead.

Just when he was about to kill this ungrateful guy.

Hiss, hiss~ A large amount of white smoke rose from the shoulder pressed by Yi Chen's palm. At the same time, he felt the strong pinch from the five fingers and the pain of the needle-pierced iron chain.

Turning around, Yi Chen's palm was suddenly covered in embers.

Renato exclaimed: "Evil Sun!"

At this time, the bonfire burning in the mountains seemed to sense 'father's breath'. A white light suddenly shot out, penetrated the crowd of crows, and landed on Yi Chen and Renato.

Like a spotlight on a stage, it focuses on the two protagonists of this stage play.

The burning from the campfire made Renato miserable, and all his attributes were greatly weakened.

"Mr. Renato, don't make a mistake... I didn't kill you right away, just because the life in the original tomb during this period was very good, and the dead were all very good to me.

If you dare to do anything while I'm away from Heikou City, I'll kill you!

Thirteen, let's go. "

Yi Chen maintained the state where the restrictions were lifted, his clothes full of embers fluttering in the wind, leading Thirteen across Heikou City, no one dared to stop him.

Renato, known as the "Mourning Crow", was stunned the whole time. He didn't come back to his senses until Yi Chen left the city...angry, ashamed but helpless.

As a deceased person, he actually felt that death was really possible.

The crows dispersed,

Renato, who retreated to the attic, began to crazily torture the dead people imprisoned in the secret room to vent his impotent anger.

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