The final gentleman

Chapter 453 Skin Apostle

"Huh... I guessed it right. This group of blood people who were almost wiped out during the war and reappeared recently are really short of money.

If money can be used to arrange the next trip, things will be a lot easier. "

William raised his head and looked between the giant peaks. The female blood citizen who noticed the characteristics of mosquitoes did not return to the factory, but was suspended between the peaks, as if she wanted to enjoy his next performance.

Feeling the gaze, the woman also shook her delicate arms, and even gave a seductive look.

After confirming that it was correct, William continued his trip to the leather factory.

"Thirteen, let's go... at least make sure that the blood people in the sky won't interfere with us."

Walking down the last connective mountain blocking the way to the factory, the only obstacle was the raging river of blood.

The "Black Umbilical Cord" has helped confirm before. The blood here is highly toxic. If it is caught in the blood river, it may cause damage to the body, and you may even be seriously injured before setting foot in the leather factory.

However, William smiled slightly when looking at the river of blood in front of him with a flow rate of 20m/s.

He looked up at the sky. Even though this was the underground world, he could still vaguely see the stars of the old world. Wisps of starlight flashed between his eyes, and he took a step forward following this feeling.

Just as the sole of his foot was about to fall into the raging river of blood,


A light curtain like a galaxy formed under the feet, and the soles of the feet landed steadily on it.

The same was true for every step he took after that. The light curtain would always appear before his feet, and he walked straight towards the "Sewing Door", completely ignoring the rushing river of blood.

Thirteen hurriedly followed the first one, bent his knees and lifted up. At the same time, he pressed his skirt with his hands, sat firmly on the teacher's shoulders, and followed him across the river.

This scene was also seen by the mosquito-like female noble in the sky, "Huh? This is... the ability of a stargazer, right? Where did this hybrid skin slave come from? Why have I never heard of it? There are still such talents under the leather factory~ But it’s okay, if this guy can be transformed into a blood epidemic, there will be an interesting guy by his side in the future.

I'm really looking forward to it~ I hope the guy guarding the gate won't use too much force, it's best to just knock you out.

If it was chopped into pieces and beaten into pieces, I'm afraid it would take a lot of time to repair the flesh.

Hehe~ Let me see how long your hybrid can last. "


When he was about to reach the "Sewing Gate", Little Putao's voice sounded in his head.

"William, wait... there is something deep in the blood river! Stop for a moment and let me take a closer look."

"Just stay inside the body and take a look. Don't expose your existence for the time being, let alone the evil yang attribute, just in case you need it."

As William stopped, Little Putao immediately focused his gaze on the depths of the blood river, looking through the layers of dense blood at an unknown black figure at the bottom.

As the effect of the ash eyes gradually increases, and Little Putao adjusts the interpupillary distance over and over again,

A rather large humanoid was captured in the eye.

"This is!"

When Little Putao passed the increasingly clear visual image to William, the latter also broke into a cold sweat.

This is a living being that is over three meters tall, with all its skin peeled off to expose perfect muscle tissue. He kneels on one knee, with his head buried under his head, squatting at the bottom of the blood river.

Without the protection of skin, even with a perfectly strong body, blood is still oozing between the muscle tissues.

However, his skin has not been stolen or lost, but is stacked on his side in the form of small squares like tofu. The color and friction are within the appropriate range, and there are also obvious muscle lines.

Moreover, the skin folded into tofu is completely uneroded by the river of blood.

When William and Little Putao looked directly at such an individual, a danger signal was transmitted to their souls at the same time.

"Teacher, what did you see? Can you share it with me?" Shisan on his shoulder felt the teacher's nervousness and asked.

As Epilepsy shared the visual images with the past tense, Thirteen also began to search for answers in her cognition.

at this time,

Huang Pi gave the answer in advance, and the yellow words appeared in front of his eyes.

≮Pi slaves who are awarded the name of "Apostles" are also called "skin apostles". Only individuals who have completed the path of leather can be awarded the title of apostles. They are equivalent to the core security force of the leather factory.

When I was first discovered, I was chased by many apostles. Although I killed a few, these guys were like glue and were extremely difficult to deal with.

It’s not that I am partial to the Leather Factory. In my opinion, the Skin Apostle is even more troublesome than the Tumor Knight and the Death Plague Knight.

However, the guy you see in front of you should be a new person and does not exist in my memory. Moreover, his condition was very bad, and his whole body was corroded by blood. In order to ensure that the sacred skin was not damaged, he was stripped off and stored separately.

It’s strange, why is this distinguished apostle here? Try not to disturb him as much as possible. You cannot be a match for this guy now. Continue your walk in the starry sky. ≯

"good. 』

William slowed down as much as possible, and through the extreme control of generalized epilepsy, every inch of his muscles moved smoothly without making any waves.

Keep this feeling and continue to move forward, getting closer to the horizontal distance between you and the Skinned Apostle.


When the horizontal distance between the two is 0,

Gulu~ A burst of bubbles surged up.

The originally weak sense of danger was instantly amplified, and William, Little Grape, Thirteen and even the hidden Huang Pi all tensed up.

"Teacher, run!"

"William, withdraw!"

When Thirteen, Little Grape, and William himself all had the idea of ​​evacuating immediately, Huang Pi gave another opinion.

≮Those who can’t run away must find a way to survive, William! ≯


An irresistible cortical adsorption force came. As long as there was even an inch of skin on William's body, it would bear this suction force. The whole person was suddenly pulled down into the blood river and sank toward the depths.

"Skin Body Protector"

Gentleman's clothing containing black dead skin immediately wraps the whole body, blocking the blood from being stained.

Hisssssss~ Due to the contact with the blood river, smoke rose from the surface of the clothing, and part of the skin began to fester and bleed.

Unable to resist, even with the help of star magic, the transfer will only delay time at best.

The ability of Huangpi may be able to get rid of the adsorption of this skin, but doing so will also expose the existence of Huangpi.

Eventually William was forced to sink to the bottom of the lake.

At the same time, the skinned apostle slowly stood up and followed him with one foot step! Buzz... A kind of skin-sac aura spreads, forcing the surrounding blood river to open up on its own, forming an open area of ​​100m×100m.

The blood in front of the "sewed door" was also cleaned up, revealing the original appearance of the door.

Following closely, the skinned apostle slapped the ground with one hand!

The neatly stacked skin bags soared into the air and fit perfectly around his body.

Perhaps it was because of the long soak that the skin sac seemed to be soaked and enlarged...or perhaps the skin sac was originally this size, slightly larger than his body.

When put on this person, it looked like a full-body leather suit that didn't fit well.

Tick ​​tick tick~ There is blood constantly flowing out from the holes in the skin on the face, indicating that the apostle is not in a very good state, and is even a little crazy and paranoid.

The most special thing about this skin is the hair follicle. There is only one hair follicle on the whole body, which is located on the vest and is about the size of a fist.

Some kind of sharp, pitch-black weapon is being stored between the hair follicles.

Just when the skinned apostle stood up completely, waves of epic music sounded in William's ears, like a skin drum playing in harmony with the primitive voices of the tribe.

The apostle looked down at the visitor with bleeding eyes, and a white shadow frame gradually emerged above his head.

§Keeper of the Seam Gate-Pym Lawley§

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