The final gentleman

Chapter 473 Pretender

One of the recruiters, "Diamond 7", took William to the deeper levels.

William also showed a little bit of his social skills along the way, chatting with the other party without caring about the potential dangers of the circus, and asked questions about "poker face" and whether colors and numbers symbolize status.

Because of William's outstanding performance, the recruiter secretly believed that he was likely to pass the subsequent review and become a magician's assistant, so he answered calmly.

The so-called recruiters are internal managers of the circus, who are promoted from the 'receptionist'. When the recruiter talked about the receptionist, the colors on his face were squeezed together, and he obviously didn't want to recall that painful past.

When a receptionist completes fifty years of service and meets the standards, she can be promoted to Poker Face.

The starting point is [1], which represents the manager's power position in numerical order. His current number 7 is already a relatively high level, and he was responsible for managing the entire recruitment team before.

As for the colors, they represent different functions.

Spades - Responsible for the adjudication and punishment of internal violations and mistakes within the circus.

Hongtao - Responsible for the planning and arrangement of various large and small projects in the circus, venue design, lighting scheduling, and program arrangement for each performance (need to discuss with the corresponding performer)

Plum Blossom - Supervisor recruitment, work deployment and arrangement of low-level personnel.

Square - Responsible for finance and procurement of external materials.

After the manager's introduction, William basically understood the basic structure of the circus. He looked at the opponent's poker face and continued to ask:

"What about poker faces with numbers above ten?"

"That is the existence of the venue supervisor level, second only to the group leader and the main performers of each program. They are the core of grassroots work and provide the most efficient scheduling for our managers.

Any poker face above ten is enough to become a city manager in a neutral city. Their abilities are extremely outstanding. "

"Does that mean it's possible for you to ascend?"

"Yes, as long as the number reaches [10], you can participate in the annual supervisor competition. As long as you succeed in the competition, you can be assigned to the supervisor poker face of [J], [Q] or [K] according to your personal functional expertise."

“I see, I hope you can be promoted to supervisor as soon as possible.

In addition, I have one last question. Audiences can go to the circus to watch the grand and gorgeous performances without paying any fees. So how does the circus make money? "

Poker Face wagged his finger when he said this.

"Mr. William, you seem to have made a mistake. The audience only does not need to pay when entering, but they have already paid enough 'fees' while watching.

This ‘expense’ is enough to support the operation and expansion of the entire circus. "

"The body and soul of the audience?"

“No, no, we are not that superficial.

If that's all, what's the difference between it and the slave market? Moreover, these infected humans are protected by the "Protection Order". If they are treated maliciously by us and trafficked in humans, they will be jointly hunted down by multiple epidemic areas.

Since you may become one of us, please remember it.

We serve [fear].

Fear is the fee, and all our performances are based on fear. The audience who watches the performance and cannot contain their fear, the fear overflowing from the depths of their bodies will be paid to the circus as a fee.

Even the Duke was interested in this new type of virtual currency. "

"Are you afraid..."

William also realized that the moment he took the ticket and chose to accept the invitation, some seeds related to fear were planted in his brain.

At this time, Poker Face stopped.

"Mr. William, take the elevator in front and you will arrive at the magic preparation room. The information that you meet the prerequisites has been passed on. As soon as you sit on it, a formal assistant review will be carried out. I wish you good luck."


William didn't feel much nervous when he stepped into the special elevator with the magic hat label.

Because the circus's top magician, the current magician-Jane Kiluaite, William has seen in nightmares and even had a verbal conversation with him.

The reason why William chose the position of [Magician Assistant] was not only because he knew magicians, but also because he was proficient in related disease techniques.

But when he visited the Cancer Palace before, he accidentally heard from Ms. Olena that the current magician was a special being who crawled out of the abyss. This made William smell an opportunity that might be related to his own path.

Ding dong!

A broadcast came - "You are about to arrive at the [Transit Room] on the magic floor, and you will be reviewed by an assistant, Mr. Jain, the greatest magician of this century."

The elevator door opens.

The smell of rotten wood, rusty metal, and rotting corpses rushed to William's mouth and nose, but it was effectively filtered by the scarf.

What I saw in front of me was not a luxurious and neat magic room with all kinds of high-end magic props as expected, but something like a basement utility room that felt like no one had been there for a long time.

Various older mechanical devices, such as birdcages, walking sticks or traditional prosthetics,

Or some bottles and jars filled with living organs are placed here,

There are even some devices used to fix the human body, such as water tanks, cutting kits, etc.

These things seemed to be props corresponding to traditional magic, and there was nothing strange about it. Just as William stepped forward, the wooden door at the end of the room opened inwards.

Mr. Jain, wearing a Guy Fawkes mask under his bowler hat, stepped into the transit room with a cane in his white gloves.

Before William could say anything, a voice came from under the mask:

"Hmm~ The image is barely passable. If you can let those poker faces let you come over, it shows that you have some skills.

But I can't see any traces of magician-related training in you, nor can I feel any fear-related aura or potential.

The circus is currently in the expansion stage, and we don't have the energy to train a new person with unknown potential from scratch. You can leave!

Just go back along the original path, don't worry, because you passed the pre-test, those poker faces will just brainwash you and send you out of the circus. "

After saying that, Jain turned around and left.

"Wait a minute, fake Mr. Jain, there is something wrong with what you just said."

William specifically added the word "Fake" before Jain's name.

These words caused Jaen, who had turned his back, to stop, and his tone became stern. The transit room where he was currently began to shake, and many utensils even fell to the ground.

"If you can't tell me within five seconds that there's something wrong with what I said, out of offense to me and the circus, you're going to have to pay enough fear to leave.





1! "

The five-second countdown ended, and William did not give any verbal answer.

Jaen looked fierce, and his tall nose even became distorted. The prosthesis stuffed inside liquefied due to anger, slowly flowing out from between the nostrils, and even the entire mask was slowly liquefying.

However, the moment Jia En turned his head, the scene in front of him stunned him.

William was restrained by iron chains, and his whole body was suspended in the air in the shape of a cross.

"Dead Man's Makeup" is on,

The hand ax had cut open his head in advance, and with a bang, half of his head fell to the ground... This image of a cross and a half-skull was directly burned into Jia En's mind, as if he was being taken deep into the original tomb to witness his first death.

A sense of fear overflowed from Jaen's body, and his mask and disguised appearance completely dissolved, finally revealing an aging and ugly face.


William snapped his fingers.

The chains were retracted and the head was spliced~ He personally returned to normal.

The circus personnel disguised as Jain before him also returned to reality from the pull of death, with the cortical mucus left on their bodies after the disguise had dissolved, and the stench was extremely foul.

William smiled and said: "I still have a certain understanding of fear, after all, I also spent my childhood in fear.

Sorry, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is William Behrens. I'm very happy to meet a skin slave like you here. If possible, we can talk about "skin" in the future. "

When William talked about Pi, the old man who was good at disguise was obviously a little repulsive, but the ability displayed by the other party really shocked him.

"Just call me Ulise. I'm just one of Sir Jain's assistants. You can barely pass the review. However, whether you can really become an assistant still requires Mr. Jain's face-to-face affirmation.

Come with me, Lord Jain is very busy. After all, he needs to design and think about new magic tricks every day, so he has no time to see you.

You need to be patient enough. When I first came to the circus, I waited in front of the adults for seven days and seven nights. "

"Okay, Mr. Ulisse, please lead the way."

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