The final gentleman

Chapter 487 William’s Craftsmanship

The reason why William dared to accept Chef Timmy's request was that he was very good at cooking.

William, who was only three years old when he was alive, should be called Yi Chen to be precise.

Due to his excellent performance in the orphanage, he was not required to attend certain punishment courses, so he was assigned to assist in cooking in the kitchen area.

Due to his personal talent, he quickly mastered various cooking techniques and began to collaborate to prepare high-quality meals for his teachers from the age of five.

Although he no longer touched cooking after leaving the orphanage, the relevant cooking skills were still engraved in his mind and stored in a very conspicuous bookshelf in the memory palace.


Since Catherine and Zoak had already mentioned in their communication that "cooking in the kitchen" would help improve individuals, William also wanted to give it a try.

Arrive in ten minutes,

William has aligned all the rules with the structure of the kitchen to ensure zero errors in the production process.

The chef warned: "Before we start making, I need to explain it clearly to you.

The dishes prepared by the chef must have "personal characteristics", which means that you need to use part of yourself as raw materials for the dishes. As for how to process it and how to mix it with other ingredients for cooking, you need to consider it yourself.

The finally presented dishes also need to be given corresponding names, so that tasters can have an understanding and psychological expectation in advance based on the names.

If you are ready, start now.

To be fair, Zoe and Catherine will also be participating in the tasting of the dishes, so you need to make three copies of the same dish.

The time given to you will be increased by 30% on the original basis.”

After saying that, Chef Timmy placed the hourglass containing bone meal on the table and turned to leave.

He is not interested in the production process at all, or he wants to keep the mystery. By tasting the dishes, he will be able to know how the other party handles the ingredients and cooks them.

Catherine and Zork also left and went to the dining area to wait.

When William was the only one left in the kitchen,

He did not start making the dishes directly, but sat in a chair and thought quietly.

“Dishes with personal characteristics, dishes for the brain, Mr. Zock has already done.

I had to create something unique, something that could express my systemic illness and encompass my life experiences, while still being delicious.

Let me think about it. "

William inherited Yi Chen's memory and recalled the first delicious meal he had after escaping from the orphanage. At that time, he just ordered a bowl of noodles on the street to hide his identity.

Integrating his own information in the memory palace, he even drew a detailed perspective view of his body.

Using a black pen to mark multiple parts of the human body, and then using arrows to lead to the bowl-shaped container aside, a complex and bold idea gradually formed in his mind.

After the design drawing was completed, William officially started cooking.

First, he went to the vegetable garden to carefully select some fruits and vegetables, and then went to the food processing area to prepare meat materials from himself.

Boning knives, meat grinders, and even some containers that clearly looked like torture instruments were placed in front of them.

Huh~ take a deep breath.

William is about to undergo a complete brain release, trying to make a perfect food that can express himself. Even if he fails, it doesn't matter. The worst he can do is work in a circus for money.

Before using the instrument, William called to an old friend inside him.

"Huang Pi, I need help. 』

Dining area.

A guy with ADHD like Catherine couldn't sit still at all. She dug out various toys in the treasure chest, but she could only play with each one once at most.

Chef Timmy sat with the animal trainer Zoak and talked about some topics related to human nature, animal nature, and the nature of living things.

"It's so boring~ You can't do anything for three hours! Speaking of which, William just came here and hasn't even completed the path yet. If he fails to complete the self-examination between the paths, he will definitely not be able to make exclusive dishes that meet the requirements.

Chef Timmy, according to your strict regulations on the kitchen, this newcomer should not be allowed to use the kitchen utensils, right? "

"His first fear recognition can reach the depth of "hair curtain".

Moreover, Zoke has a good eye for people. Since this person can become a main member in the future, it is okay to familiarize himself with the kitchen in advance. "

Catherine was a little surprised, "What? The first time William peeked, the fear reached the [hair curtain]?"

Zouk replied from the side: "It seems that the hair curtain is not the limit of his fear. If I hadn't stopped him, he would have opened the hair curtain to see what was behind."

"William's fear tolerance is so high? There shouldn't be many people in the entire circus who can touch the hair curtain when they first glimpse the primitive fear. At least I couldn't do it at the time."

Slowly, the three people began to discuss around William, and the time passed quickly amidst the discussion.

Ding dong!

William, wearing a chef's apron, also served the meal on time.

The dishes served on a round ceramic plate were brought over, and the steam was rising continuously, as if they had just been cooked from the hot stove, and the time was just right.

Although the aroma was very strong, the shape and presentation of the food made the chef frown.

This is a bowl of street food from Yichen's lifetime - "rice roll".

It is an absolutely unfamiliar dish to everyone in the circus.

Moreover, the rice rolls in front of everyone are not white, but have a pink skin with black spots showing through. It looks even weirder, and it is even more unclear what kind of filling is wrapped inside.

In addition, there are two grapes placed on the edge of the plate, which look very different from the rice rolls to the naked eye.

Since William was still a newcomer, Chef Timmy had lowered his psychological expectations in advance. The dishes in front of him were barely acceptable and he was willing to taste them.

"The name of the dish?"

"This... I hope Chef Timmy can taste it first before I tell you the name. Because I want to keep the mystery of the filling, so that I can get more surprises during the eating process."

"Well, okay! Then I'll give it a try."

"Please taste it."

Chef Timmy took off his mask, and his long curly tongue was hanging directly on the table.

Gajigaji~ The small hand structures on the surface of the tongue are blended together, making the tip of the tongue look like a sharp knife, and cut off a part of the rice rolls.

The moment it was cut, a stream of stars spurted out along with the steam, surging in the dining area.

The invagination is actually overflowing with starlight color, and is also covered with the lines of the brain.

Chef Timmy's expression remained unchanged, and he rolled the food into his mouth with the tip of his tasteless tongue. When his teeth were about to fall down and he was about to chew, William, who was standing opposite, quickly ducked sideways.


A pungent and strong taste exploded in your mouth,

It's delicious, exciting, spicy, and it even feels like something is slamming in the mouth, so that the chef can't completely close his mouth.


An incredible amount of juice spurted out, all over the opposite side.

Well! The chef realized his gaffe and immediately took out his scarf and blocked his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, Catherine and Zouk also appeared in a similar situation, but they were not angry, but opened their eyes wide, and you could even vaguely see stars flowing between their pupils.


"Wow! What does this taste like, and why does it burst with juice!"

Chef Timmy also felt something was wrong after swallowing it completely, "Did you intentionally make the food explode or did you accidentally?"

“I do it on purpose so that I can fully experience the joy of dining.”

"Name of the dish."

""Epileptic Spicy Rice Roll Rice Rice Roll". "

"The chili you use doesn't seem to come from the kitchen. I don't have such spicy chili here... Please briefly introduce your dishes."

"Okay! As you can see.

The "pink skin" has a double-layer structure, and the outer layer is the sheep's umbilical cord. It is the most tender structure and ensures the taste. The inner layer is made of edible skin filtered out from the gentleman's skin, which mainly plays a restrictive role.

Although the color is not good-looking, this combination can make the pink skin have both tenderness and toughness. Only in this way can it limit the grumpy meat filling that wants to splash at any time.

For the meat filling, I used three different substances to make it.

The first is the epileptic brain tissue that maintains neurotransmission effects and can stimulate taste buds to the greatest extent.

Then use the grinding powder of bone iron chain and mix it with chili pepper to produce a compound spicy powder, which greatly increases the stimulation and prepares for the subsequent explosion.

Finally, the flesh containing stars is mixed with vegetables with a high amount of water, and is formed through high-intensity compression.

Under the action of the above two seasonings, the meat filling is in an activated state that may explode at any time. Once the teeth bite through the powder skin that binds the meat filling, the explosion effect will be achieved. "

"Yeah! It's a very good idea, but the combination is a bit bad. Why should a fruit like grapes be placed next to it?"

“No, it’s also a meat dish.

I use the peeled grape skin to wrap something else, which not only relieves greasiness but also quickly removes the spicy taste remaining in the mouth, so that I can start the next round of eating in a completely new state. "

The chef tried to put the grapes in his mouth.

Snapped! A stream of cold and clear lake water splashed in the mouth, soothing the taste buds and drowning out the spiciness.


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