The final gentleman

Chapter 491 Accident

"Nightmare Rehearsal" is over.

Swish~ The cone-shaped tentacles were pulled out from the port on the back of William's head and retracted into Catherine's octopus-like brain.

"Wow, it's so fun! William, you guy can actually come up with such a 'highly performative' program. If you can really achieve the rehearsal effect on the spot, you may be able to achieve "Max Awesome" in the finale performance, which is to maximize fear. Effect.

In other words, the audience is allowed to surrender all their fears and be completely immersed in the melody of fear. "


William covered his head again and reviewed the dream rehearsal while taking a deep breath.

In his heart, he had a rough idea of ​​the upcoming performance, but he knew very well that there were bound to be more variables in the reality, and he could not take it lightly at all.

William also noticed the side view with his peripheral vision, "Huh? This mural... was formed during the process of combining our brains?"

"Wow, it's so beautiful! It seems that our brains are very compatible~ Hehe, just keep this mural in your room forever, so William, you can think of me at any time."

"Okay, Catherine, help me go up and inject the nightmare substance into the audience so that they can better understand the situation."

Before leaving, Catherine gently hit William's waist with her arm, "Hey! I'm training with you like this, and I have to put in the nightmare substance for you. I can't just say thank you and it will be done, right?"

"What do you want to do?"

"Didn't you always remind me not to be affected by Art's evil influence before? Then how about you spare some time for me to be deeply influenced by you, so that I can become more human and more likely to be immersed in those base desires. ?”

"We'll wait until the performance is successful."

"Then I'll go up first. The finale is expected to start in two hours. You should adjust your condition quickly and make sure you don't make any mistakes."

Catherine jumped away from the magic area. She seemed to be so happy as she hadn't been in a long time.

A few minutes later, Catherine, dressed as a waiter, appeared in the performance area carrying a large plate of freshly baked octopus cookies, which she distributed to the audience one by one.

Whether they are spectators who are already in a bad state and are in a trance, or those whose consciousness is strong enough not to be affected by the circus division for the time being, when they smell the fragrance of the cookies and cast their eyes on the surface of the octopus cookies that seem to be crawling, their hunger desires are instantly aroused. .

Take the cookie and put it in your mouth.

When they wanted to grab extra biscuits, Catherine's whip would come down, causing pain and quelling their gluttony.

"Don't eat too much~ What William wants is just a 'half-asleep and half-awake' state. If you fall completely asleep, it will be detrimental to the subsequent performance."

Just when Catherine's biscuits covered half of the audience at the scene, a breath that made her, the main member, uneasy came from the front, accompanied by Ta~Ta~Ta! sharp sound.

Like some kind of "high heels".

"Cath... Lin, you are indeed doing something against the 'rules' here."

The sound was very strange, as if two bands were emitted together. One sound was like a sharp sword piercing the ears, and the other sound was like a long finger piercing the throat.

"You! Why are you here?"

"You are here as the main member, why can't I be here? Originally, a young acrobatic troupe under my command was responsible for the finale of the trial operation. They had rehearsed hard for many days for this.

As a result, yesterday, Mr. Jain temporarily reported a particularly interesting magic show and replaced my team.

So I came here specifically to take a look today, but I didn't expect you to do some illegal things here to warm up for the next performance. This is not okay. The main members cannot interfere with the trial performance. This is the circus's internal rule.

If you withdraw now with these illegal biscuits, I won't care. But if you continue to do illegal things, I will have no choice but to report it to the boss. "

Catherine's heart tightened. What she was doing was just a trivial matter, but if this trivial matter reached the ears of her boss, it might turn into a big matter and even make her unable to get rid of it for a long time.

"Haha, all the remaining biscuits are given to you~ They are all cooked by me and they taste delicious.

If my sister is free, she must come to the clown house to play. "

Catherine delivered all the remaining cookies, then turned around and left through the nearest exit.

When Catherine walked out of the venue with a smile on her face,

Uh-huh! She tore off the entire scalp, and the faces of the women inside Catherine's head were extremely ferocious.

But after thinking about it, I could only suppress my anger, "This woman... I can't fight her now~ I can only give up on this matter, and I have to go back and inform William. If there are no cookies to plant the seeds of nightmares in advance, the audience will It’s hard to fall asleep.”

On the audience stage.

The mysterious woman threw Catherine's biscuits into the trash can along with the plate, and walked down the aisle with a model-like gait.

Her fingers touched the eyebrows of the audience who had eaten the cookies one by one, making them wake up again, even more sober than usual.

The audience who woke up were immediately attracted by the woman's figure and found it difficult to look away, but...

As they stared at the sight, they felt more and more strange,

This seemingly perfect woman always feels like there is an extra part of her body when she moves, and it is definitely not a visual problem, but a real extra limb.

Or having an extra leg when moving,

Or when touching their foreheads, two hands were clearly between their legs, but a third hand stretched out.

Or you can vaguely see two heads when you shake your head,

The more you indulge in her figure, the more inconsistent you will feel. An uncanny valley effect continues to spread in your mind.

When they looked back, they still felt that there was some weird female body climbing on them, reminding them to cheer up and not to be hypnotized or fall asleep.

"Since we want to have a grand finale, we have to show some real skills instead of doing such small tricks. Let me see what kind of performance the newcomers in the Magic Zone will bring, right?

Will he make a fool of himself in front of so many people? Hahaha... I'm really looking forward to it. "

The woman had four white and beautiful legs growing out from under her skirt, three of which were raised above one. She was sitting alone in the empty space of the auditorium.

In addition to a woman's head that normally grows on her neck, her four arms jointly hold one.

Acrobatic Troupe - No. 2 Leader

【Jiu Jitsu-Sister Natalie】

In other words, she is the former head of the acrobatic troupe and the personal maid who followed her boss a long time ago.

But with the arrival of Mr. Rabbit, the acrobatic crown on her head was pulled off.

However, this former acrobatic queen is still the core pillar of the entire acrobatic troupe, and her acrobatic troupe's jujitsu performances can still shine in official competitions.

She initially hated Mr. Rabbit, but now her attitude has completely changed. She regards Mr. Rabbit as the person she admires and loves the most.

So much so that she began to hate those people who might threaten Mr. Rabbit's status, the most prominent of which was Chief Magician Jain.

Therefore, when he learned about the change of the finale show in the Magic Zone, he came to deal with it personally, believing in his heart that Jain was deliberately targeting the acrobatic troupe.

Magic Zone.

Everything was ready and William, who was about to go on stage, received the bad news from Catherine as soon as he left the house.

He could only shake his head helplessly, "I had imagined all kinds of accidents that might happen during the performance, but I didn't expect there would be accidents before the performance..."

"What can we do? This woman is the smallest one! According to her character, she will definitely eliminate all nightmare seeds, and may even give the audience mental strength."

"Is that so...that means it's almost impossible to fall asleep."

"Yes, even if I share my nightmare ability with you now, the woman will definitely find out and report it to the boss.

There is only one way now, which is to go to Uncle Jian and ask him to call other assistants in the magic area to fully assist you, so that the performance can be completed smoothly. "

"No... Mr. Jain can help me with the stage layout. It's enough trouble for him. If I let the entire magic area wipe my butt again, I won't have the shame to stay here in the future, and everyone will naturally look down on me.

Catherine did one last favor for me and gave me ten minutes to get a prop large enough to add to the stage. "

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