The final gentleman

Chapter 504 Sabbat (Part 1)

It’s time to prepare for the Sabbat [17:45]

Chef Timmy took off his mask, rolled his tongue into a loudspeaker, and shouted:

"The dining channel has been opened. All personnel are requested to complete the meal within fifteen minutes. Those who exceed the time limit will be deprived of the Sabbat qualification and pay 100% of the kitchen expenses.

In addition, the boss has arrived at the banquet hall in advance today. Please pay attention to your etiquette when dining. "

"Ah? The boss arrived early!"

Catherine, who was arranging the plate, was startled and almost dropped the newly made small octopus on the ground.

As soon as these words came out, the four chief Mr. Rabbit, Jain, Art and the trainer Zoak came out to eat almost at the same time. They all had absolute confidence on their faces. The intervention of "Boss Meat" was just a matter of course to them. Just a slight disturbance.

Before Zoke left the kitchen, he also looked at his lunatic little brother with concern.

Who knew that such a look would make him suddenly stunned,

"What is this doing?"

Currently, William was standing in a standard stance in front of a large thick casserole, with his palms hanging on both sides of the bottom of the casserole, and the hem of his ash clothes fluttering behind him.

There is an ember eye between the left and right palms, which jointly releases the power of the evil sun to increase the firepower. If it were not for the ultra-high temperature resistance of this casserole, it would have been directly burned through.

There is also a little black man standing on William's shoulder, constantly adding a mixed solution with a very high boiling point into the pot, ensuring that the total amount of solution inside is always maintained at 2/3 of the total volume of the casserole.

"This is completely different from the dishes I cooked a few times before... William is really bold to innovate during the Sabbat. He is truly an outstanding lunatic."

Zoke has great confidence in William, and he won't mind at all even if his little brother's dish score is higher than his.

Catherine on the other end also noticed something unusual about William after finishing the plating, but this time she suppressed her emotions and did not come forward to disturb him. She went directly to the banquet hall with the carefully crafted special octopus.

time flies,

As all the main members finished serving their meals and took their seats, with more than ten seconds left, a stream of hot air overflowed from the entrance to the dining aisle.

William actually took out the entire large casserole from the kitchen.

The little grapes on the shoulders also helped to hold small bowls corresponding to the number of people present. The bowls contained chili oil, sugar, soy sauce and other condiments.


The casserole that had been burnt black by the evil sun fell heavily on the table. William immediately looked at the time on his watch, and the stone hanging in his heart fell.

"Huh... finally caught up!"

He was so focused on the final meal that he failed to see clearly the details of the banquet hall.

At this moment, everyone present was looking at him sideways,

And one of the glances directly caused William and his soul to tremble at an extreme high frequency, and the most primitive fear struck again.

Following this gaze, William turned his head.

Unlike the other members, who each have a seat that suits their own characteristics, the figure who represents the founder and power of the circus is actually sitting on a wooden wheelchair on the master's seat at the end of the long table.

His body seemed difficult or even impossible to move, and his arms covered with scars, wrinkles, and necrotic sores rested on wheels.

Dense and even growing black hair is scattered on the top of the head,

The face was completely covered and airtight, and it even felt like it was tightly wrapped and strangled by black hair.

The long hair that falls along the back of the chair is evenly spread on the ground, giving people the feeling of a "forbidden zone".

However, there is a special box behind the wheelchair, which continuously absorbs excess black hair and prevents the black hair from covering more than one meter, so as not to affect the banquet.

The boss's torso was not wearing any clothing, but it was covered with large and small gangrene sores, some of which had even penetrated the body.

The lower body is covered with a pair of loose black culottes.

His left foot was amputated below the knee, and half of the sole of his right foot was left. It seemed that he had been conceptually deprived of the same thing as Mr. Zed, and could never be repaired.

The "Suppression Golden Needle" made by Chef Timmy has been inserted in the back of the neck in advance to ensure that he will not experience fleshy growth during the Sabbat and can fully devote himself to enjoying the food.

Do not know why,

The dissipation of the original fear caused the newcomer William to tremble continuously. It was not until Huang Pi actively activated the costume to restrain the muscles all over his body that he barely returned to normal.

At this moment, a voice came from under the black hair and was directed specifically at William,

"Your way of serving meals is very special. This casserole should be a prop of the kitchen, right? It would be too rash to serve it out directly? Or should you say that your dishes must be served in this way?"

William tried his best to calm down and responded, "I...I did this to keep it warm. After all, I was the last one to serve the food, so I should be at the end of the tasting order.

When it's my turn to taste my dishes, I'll serve them in turn. "

"I reluctantly accept your explanation, but if it is found that the insulation measures are unnecessary steps, you will be deprived of the authority of the Sabbat.

alright! Please take your seat at the temporary location. The Sabbat begins now. "

A plain, uncarved chair was set beside Catherine.

Although William is not an official member, his treatment is the same. Dishes equal to the portions of others are placed in front of him, and marks are marked between the container containers according to the order of serving.

The mark [1] corresponds to the appetizer made by Mr. Rabbit.

As the metal cover was opened, a burst of cold air escaped.

What appears in front of you is a "Muscle Rabbit Jelly". The crystal clear jelly skin shapes a concave rabbit jelly.

Mr. Rabbit, who was sitting on the right side of the boss, also spread out his powerful arms and invited everyone to taste his masterpiece. He also cut off the rabbit's head with a spoon and put it in his mouth.

William's head immediately followed suit. When the rabbit's head was put into his mouth, it melted the moment it received the oral temperature.


for a moment,

William's thoughts seemed to be drawn to an open-air skating rink in Iceland, where the ambient temperature reached a terrifying minus 37.1°C.

However, the small skating rink was crowded with muscular men wearing rabbit balaclavas.

Because the venue is small, a slight slip will cause them to collide with each other. The impact of flesh to flesh and the transfer of temperature help resist the extreme cold of the environment.

The interaction between hot and cold is just right, and at the same time, you can intimately exchange skiing skills with big men. It's simply killing two birds with one stone!

By the time William came out of the immersion state, the vegetable jelly in his mouth had turned into liquid and flowed down his esophagus, and his whole body was activated and began to heat up.

He took the initiative to unbutton his shirt and became shirtless.

Mr. Rabbit, who was not far away, saw William taking off his clothes decisively and nodded with satisfaction.

William continued to put a piece of vegetable jelly into his mouth and savored it carefully, "The [meat] Mr. Rabbit chooses should be the best pork belly with skin in the buttock area.

The skin and meat are pounded into minced meat with brute force, and the number of beatings is more than 100,000 times. The minced skin is frozen to make the skin of the rabbit, and the minced meat is mixed with vegetables to serve as the core of vegetable jelly.

This appetizer is so appetizing! "

As William ate Muscle Rabbit's arm, he couldn't help but make a bodybuilding pose that actively showed off his biceps.

Although everyone in the audience spoke highly of this appetizer, William was the only one who had the ultimate resonance on the physical level. Mr. Rabbit saw all this and was very satisfied.

Another thing to note is that the boss eats very strangely.

When the rabbit cut out with a spoon was brought close to the face, his mouth was not exposed under the black hair.

Instead, the black hair covering the face is actually intertwined and coiled into the shape of a mouth, with a mouth and teeth made of hair inside.

William, who glanced at it, even doubted whether the boss had the feature of a 'face', maybe the whole head was a nest of black hair.

When the boss finished eating the muscle rabbit jelly, he nodded.

"Robert, your cooking skills have improved again! A perfect appetizer... Using such a fresh and refreshing appetizer to activate the taste will make the subsequent tasting smoother and even add points. Don't you mind?"

Mr. Rabbit did not answer, but shook his head and smiled from the bottom of his head.

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