The final gentleman

Chapter 514 Folding

The three-hour animal taming performance - "Deep in the Cave" has officially ended.

The circus mobilizes all service manpower, including regular receptionists and 1 to 10 poker faces who have no performance arrangements to go to the venue to clean and tidy up.

the reason is simple,

The venue became a mess due to the appearance of the "First Beast" and the predatory game. If the "dirtiness" were ranked, it would rank in the top three of the circus's previous performances.

The zoo system that Zork spent many years building was completely broken by himself at this moment.

The beasts watered with blood and cultivated with care were slaughtered,

Even the lunatic mask he had been wearing was ‘given up’,

However, all of this seems to be Zouk's preparation, and all preparations are for the first beast born today.

The eight hundred spectators at the scene were sitting at attention, and even the frequency of blinking was reduced to 1/2 or 1/3 of the original. Their bodies were covered with the bloody skin, rotten flesh, and broken intestine bones left by the white beast.

Even the luckiest viewers were stained with a little blood. After all, there are many beasts that are large in size and can make people feel the fear of giants.

The whole hunting process is spread all over the audience area,

Many times, the eating place of the first beast is right next to the audience, on top of their heads or even on their bodies. Feeling the heat of saliva and internal organs, and observing the eating method of the first beast from close range, directly scared some viewers to the point where they leaked a large amount of fear fluid and almost reached the limit.

Of course, this first beast was quite obedient and did not eat any quiet spectators due to gluttony.

The show is over.

When the staff carried out a major cleaning of the venue and used high-pressure water guns to wash away the stains on the floor and the bodies of the audience, the terrifying first beast was gone.

Instead, a huge translucent egg is located in the center of the stage.

After finishing eating, the fully grown primary beast continues to fall into the "pregnancy state" and undergoes transformation inside the egg. Through the membrane layer, only the lunatic mask floating in it can be seen. Its body seems to be completely dismantled and recast. .

Outside the egg body,

As the mask faded away, Zouk's appearance was revealed.

A middle-aged man with a brown beard, he even has some literati temperament, and is wild yet gentle.

His palms touched the surface of the egg, and his pupils were filled with various emotions.

Joy, relief, and a gaze that looks at the person close to you, as if what is gestating inside is his child.

Finally, he hugged both sides of the egg with both hands and directly carried the giant object on his back. He no longer missed the stage and returned to the zoo for careful cultivation.

The two hosts also stood on the stage simultaneously, letting their loud voices spread to the entire audience.

"Excellent! The standards of your audience this time are very high~ Under such a terrifying and close-range predatory performance, all of them actually maintained an attention rate of more than 80%.

You will now be given a half-hour break.

Audiences whose attention rate remains at 90% can enjoy the venue's catering, massage and other services. Don't be unfair to yourself and make good use of the intermission time.

In half an hour we move on to the next small show. "

Next, the ventriloquist Halida took the stage. Without any scene changes, she told an ultimate horror story in the form of ventriloquism alone on the stage.

Simple, quiet yet creepy,

There are even times when ventriloquism sounds come from the mouths of different viewers, as if a pale arm stretches out from between the throats, moving its teeth to force the audience to speak.

There is even an occasional head with disheveled hair and the same one as described in the story resting on the audience's shoulders.

This quiet horror story slowly slows down the mood of the audience who have experienced "predation by beasts".

Although it will also produce a strong sense of fear, such a peaceful state will make the audience more suitable for the next large-scale performance. It is also the performance with the highest expectations and the heaviest weight in this circus.

The three group leaders Mr. Rabbit, Sister Natalie and Long-Legged Mosander will collaborate and perform on the same stage. The scale will be larger than the previous five and the performance content will be completely innovative. The venue will also be temporarily expanded and changed.


Mr. Rabbit twisted his body joints and did the final warm-up exercise. You could even see a little sweat seeping out on the surface of the tie.

It has to be said that Zouk's almost crazy opening performance put a certain amount of pressure on him, the head of the group.


The palms of the left and right hands gently patted the buttocks of the sisters and Mosander. Although they did not say anything verbally, the exciting 'speech' was transmitted into the body through the physical pulses of the flesh formed by the patting.

for a time,

Sister Natalie almost had a complete split due to being too excited.

Mosande knelt down and carefully stroked his legs, his eyes becoming firm.

When the ventriloquist Harida walked backstage while drinking mint water, the three leaders of the acrobatic troupe officially took action, using the half-hour intermission to build the most exaggerated stage in history.


Jain, who was leaning against the wall, directed his words to another person.

"William, be sure to watch this performance... According to what I know about the acrobatic troupe, their performance level will reach an unprecedented height this time, and their fear level will also be full.

Your physical attributes are similar to those of rabbits, try to learn something from them. "

"I know! My preparations have been completed and I will watch it carefully!"

William specially pulled out a chair and opened his eyes between his eyebrows to watch with Little Putao.

Not only William, the newcomer, but also the malignant and full-fledged freak like Art the clown, got rid of his restless and hyperactive state and sat cross-legged on the ground, looking up at the stage with his sunflower-like hooded head.

However, the performance has not yet started, and many people’s eyes widened just during the stage setting stage.

William even said unconsciously: "How many people are there in the Acrobatic Troupe... What are they doing??"

"Venue Room"

The audience slowly adjusted back from the atmosphere of the horror story through eating, massage or self-regulation.

When their thoughts returned to the venue, they immediately noticed changes in the spatial level.

"What's going on? When did the performance venue get bigger!"

The already spacious circus venue seemed to be expanded three times, with adjacent audience seats completely separated, making the entire audience area extremely sparse.

Just when everyone is curious about how the circus achieves "space expansion" and how the next performance will be performed,

Rows of people with fair flesh and white tights stepped out of the darkness,

They held hands and lined up neatly in the aisles between seats, slowly forming a human wall structure.

A closer look will also reveal that the eyes of these actors were sewn shut, rendering them unable to provide visual effects.

Their bodies look incredibly soft, with no obvious joint bends even visible when moving.

The human wall formed by holding hands seems to correspond to a maze structure, but it is not complete.

Soon a second group of people came out. They walked on the shoulders of the first group of hand-in-hand actors, raising the height of the human wall.

In this way, a hundred groups of people stacked on top of each other to form a "human body wall" of hundreds of meters, but it was not over yet.

These one hundred groups of people began to perform [body folding] in a form similar to yoga and jujitsu.

The gaps in the human wall were filled by folding, which ultimately reduced the height of the human wall by 2/3, but made it airtight.

At this moment, tens of thousands of members seemed to form a whole, forming the scene required for the next circus performance - [Human Maze].


William backstage was completely shocked by this scene, "This! How many people are there in the acrobatic troupe?"

Catherine came closer at some point and said, "Hehe, you don't know this!

These "folding people" are all from the Second Group, the sisters with perverted personalities who were fond of "collecting people" from the very beginning. Anyone with a slight talent for bone and flesh will be collected by her as a member.

After all, before Rabbit, she was the head of the group and had enough power.

As long as you learn "Folding Jiu-Jitsu", no matter how many people there are in the acrobatic troupe, they won't take up too much space.

On weekdays, these lowest-level people are stuffed into the [100-person dormitory]. Their daily life is to fold together and act in units of a hundred people. Even some physical problems are solved together.

Use this to cultivate wholeness. "


"However, this is the first time I've seen such a large-scale maze. Besides, Mr. Rabbit's team hasn't played yet, so I'm really looking forward to it."

A chapter about asking for leave at the weekend... I have been in a bad state recently, my energy level is poor, and my sleep quality is also poor. I feel confused every day, so I am going to drink some soothing and brain-boosting liquid.

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