The final gentleman

Chapter 531 The Tail in the Wall

When he saw his teacher being swallowed whole, Thirteen's mechanical body also trembled, eager to light a candle to dispel the evil in the darkness.

But recalling the teacher's reminder, she thought further and used epileptic brain induction to confirm that the swallowed teacher was fine. Finally, she suppressed her restlessness and waited quietly in the room.

Gulu gulu~

This huge rat skull woven through the tail does not shape structures such as tongue or teeth. Its function is more of a 'transmission device'.

The swallowed William, pushed and squirmed by the rat's tail, slid deeper into the hotel and was sent to a secret area, somewhere shady.

During the transmission process, William even vaguely felt the compression and folding of space, as if he was really being transported between the cracks in the wall.

"This feeling is very similar to that of a circus tent. Is it a special feature of the hotel's building materials?" Is it really related to the abyss? 』

Keep pretending to sleep,

Let the passage formed by the rat's tail lead him deep into the depths, to the corresponding dark entity behind the hotel.

In a dark and deep unknown space, William, who was covered in synovial fluid, fell from a height of nearly a hundred meters and hit the ground hard... It felt like one of his hands was broken.

ah! The pain forced William to wake up from his sleep, holding his left arm pierced by a broken bone and screaming in agony.

He calmed down as much as he could and looked around.

This rotten and stinking underground space is filled with broken limbs and broken bones in small hills, with some kind of digestive juice remaining on them.

It should be some kind of unknown eating space, and the other party's appetite is so huge that any outsider staying at [Black Tail Hotel] may be sent here as a midnight snack when they fall asleep at night.

William seemed a little panicked, running around like a headless fly trying to find an exit.

at this time,

The ground shook, and something was about to appear from the darkness, accompanied by the neighing of countless rats and the sound of rat tails shaking and lashing.

"This is the world inside the wall. It is a space constructed by the abyssal power obtained by my worship of darkness and continuous sacrifice. I also possess the "power of the abyss" that is unimaginable to outsiders and far exceeds that of my kind.

And you... are the most weak and incompetent foreign open source I have ever seen.

The food that had been sent here before was at least able to calm down for a short period of time, and even launched some decent attacks on me, demonstrating their open source disease.

And you actually woke up because you broke your arm, and you haven't completely calmed down yet. I really don't know how you completed open source.

But...your body looks very delicious. If I guessed correctly, you must be a human infected person in the outside world, right?

Hiss~ Although it is weak, it is delicious like I have never tasted before. I am really looking forward to it. "

The sound echoed in the world inside the wall, and the strong sense of oppression forced William to collapse to the ground, trembling, and he even felt some kind of odor coming from his trouser pockets.

A black rat, about four adults in size, stepped out from among the corpses. He was also the real owner of this [Black Tail Hotel].

The upper body still barely maintains the 'rat-man' structure, with a strong and dark torso. The huge rat head seems to have had its skin and muscles removed, leaving the bones directly exposed, making it ferocious and terrifying.

Six dark eyes stared at the young man in front of him,

His lower body has been completely 'tailed', and countless rat tails are densely clustered into the lower body structure, crawling on the ground like a snake's body.

The tails that are all over the walls of the hotel and growing out of the gaps come from here.

He is the real owner of the Black Tail Hotel, and he is full of oppression!

Snapped! The boss held William's head with one hand and lifted it toward him.

"Oh~ Look at your frightened look, it's really outrageous...excrement will taint your deliciousness, let me help you clean it."

A tongue as black as a rat's tail stuck out from the other person's mouth and helped William lick the liquid seeping out from between his pants.

"Well, it tastes really good~ It seems that you haven't done anything to give birth, so it's very good! For the sake of your cooperation, I will bite your head in advance and suck the brain as an appetizer. In this way, he will There will be no more pain.”

The boss opened his mouth and slowly introduced William's head into his mouth.

Like the fangs of a guillotine, it fell down instantly...Crack!

Something was thrown into the air and fell heavily to the ground, and there were more than one.

If you look closely, you will see that it is a completely cut off rat arm and a whole rat head... The boss was decapitated and had his arm amputated in just a moment.

William landed steadily and placed one foot on the mouse's head, leaning down to stare. He no longer felt the timidity and weakness he had before... but a sense of mystery and threat.

"How was my performance just now? Did I really portray the feeling of a weakling? The impression I presented to you was also that of a cowardly and incompetent junior, right?

May I ask, have you ever had any doubts in your heart? "


Seeing that the black rat didn't answer immediately, William stared suddenly, as if some fatal heat was about to be transmitted from his pupils, and he was so frightened that the other person replied quickly:

"No doubt! No doubt at all."

"Very good... I have to hone my acting skills during this trip, otherwise my acting skills will deteriorate even as my strength improves."

While William was talking to himself,

The black rat boss controlled his lower body from a distance and shot out a large number of rat tails, piercing him like spears.

However, William just called softly.

"Yellow skin..."

The gentleman's clothes that were taken off in the guest room immediately searched for the induction here, and instantly turned into a yellow curtain in front of William, like an unshakable membrane that could not be broken through even if the rat tail penetrated it.

William continued to step on the mouse's head and asked casually, "Don't worry, I still have a lot of questions... What is the [Abyss] you are talking about?

How did you get what you call the power of the abyss?

There is still a lot of time left tonight, so tell me this story seriously. "


The black hand ax was inserted directly in front of the boss, and strong death energy poured out, reminding the boss of a terrorist group in the old world. He was even so frightened that he read out:

"Death Plague Knights!"

At this moment, he seemed to have a death scythe on his neck, his brain was completely confused, and he even forgot that he must not mention a single word about the abyss.

"The abyss...the abyss is in the mine, we..."

Just after saying a short paragraph, the atmosphere changed.

Even William, who is in control of the overall situation and determined to win, feels an unprecedented threat.

The gentleman's clothing, which could easily withstand the rat tail, was suddenly torn apart by an unknown force, and even Huangpi let out a faint scream.

The rat tail, which was originally unable to penetrate the yellow leather, actually tore the costume easily.

Each one seems to be condensed with endless darkness, and has even achieved a qualitative change, rising from the concept of "tail" to a higher-level "tentacle".

They did not attack William, but directly penetrated the head of the rat that stepped on William's feet and retracted its lower body.

Boom! self-destruct

Countless tails exploded and fell to the ground, turning into puddles of black water. The boss's aura died instantly as if it was directly sucked away by some kind of darkness.

The world inside the wall also collapsed with the death of the boss, and the entire Black Tail Hotel disintegrated and collapsed.


The guests staying in the hotel evacuated one after another, but the hotel attendants had no intention of leaving, and took the initiative to bury themselves among the ruins of the hotel and continue their work.

Thirteen also ran out immediately,

Just as she was eagerly searching for the teacher, an arm hit her from behind.

"Thirteen, let's go...I accidentally made the noise a little louder. I hope I won't be targeted."

"Teacher, what happened?"

"The abyss is here, and it is different from my original understanding. The abyss we are about to face seems to have a strong sense of autonomy, and may even be a 'living creature'.

You have to be more vigilant from now on..."

"Teacher, your clothes!"

"Hmm~ I accidentally broke it. It seems that I have to combine it with the apostle's skin in advance."

There are many holes in William's clothes, and even a small part of his butt is exposed. However, this is the Rat City, so this kind of dress seems normal.

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