The final gentleman

Chapter 536 Body

Several of the mouse eyes embedded in the corners of the interrogation room have been disturbed by Little Putao's pupil technique and cannot provide surveillance footage.


In the plague bed monitoring room, a fat-bellied rat is enjoying today’s donuts.

They can be said to be the most relaxed group of people in Rat City, because it is almost impossible for anyone to cause trouble in the plague bed. They have long been accustomed to fishing all day long, and they feel tired even when they look up at the monitor.

Little Putao even went against the eyeball nerves to observe the status of the monitoring room.

William, who was originally planning to cause trouble directly, showed a helpless smile when he saw this scene, and simply played with the quarantine officer in front of him who was suspected of being eroded by the abyss.

With his hood up and his signature needle-punched mask on, William looks like a real inquisitor from a monastery.

Then, a leather glove that exudes the apostle's aura grows out of the clothing, and he presses his fists on the table, giving the opponent tremendous psychological pressure.

Role reversal.

"Next, it's my turn to ask questions. What is the name of the person in charge of the plague bed? What are its characteristics? Has the path been completed?"

"Dugar, Heart of the Plague, was awarded the title of [Green Prime Minister] a long time ago, and has now found the green door that represents the plague during the exploration of the plague.

Soon, when our research makes a breakthrough, you will complete the final path and become the second person to complete the path after Lord Yue.

At that time, we will also start the plague expansion plan and transport the ore containing the plague to the surrounding areas. "

William looked very happy after receiving the news, "Huh~ I was shocked, it turned out that it was still on the path. I thought there would be two people in Rat City who completed the path... That's good.

If I destroy the entire plague bed and kill the green prime minister, do you have any objections? "

"I have an opinion. Lord Dugar is the backbone of Rat City. It is precisely because of the plague he studied that Rat City can exist without the protection of the Moon Lord and can continue to occupy the dominance of Darknest Mine.

If the adults die and the plague is gone, the entire Rat City will be completely engulfed by the ruined old world. "

"That's it... the rat people you captured seem to have been used as research materials, and none of them can escape. Even you are bound by the plague and must be connected to external devices for the rest of your life to stay alive.

Does this bottomless lifestyle make sense? "

The quarantine officer replied calmly: "Those are just the humblest lower-class rat people. They were born for the continuation of the will of the ethnic group. Every rat people who are sent here as materials should feel proud and proud."

"Hey~ You should have family or friends too, right?

When they were sent over as materials for research and processing, were they proud and proud, and how did you feel at the time?

I guess it must be very uncomfortable, right? Did you really always think that this kind of plague management was good? Or is it just your personal compromise, a powerless compromise? "


William's whisper forcibly awakened the quarantine officer's memory, and the rat's claws began to scratch his head crazily.

In this process, William did not use direct education, but at most only strengthened the effect of language.

Now he props up his body and approaches the other person's ear, whispering from a distance:

"How about it? How about resisting with me... and then find another reasonable and bottom-line way to keep Rat City alive.

All you need to do is lead me to the green prime minister's bedroom, and I will handle the rest. "

"Okay! No...Okay! No..."

The whispering effect began to take effect, and the quarantine officer fell into a state of intense struggle.

Just when he was about to figure it out, click! The skull cracked, and pitch-black tentacles emerged from it.

This situation made William frown, "Well! I fell into a strong self-contradiction and my consciousness was weakened. Did I accidentally lose my body to the will of the abyss... Damn it! I was so close to achieving 'verbal enlightenment'." "

At this time, the quarantine officer suddenly pounced on William across the table as if he was mad.


However, William slapped his palm directly on the table!

The huge force of the palm strike caused the other end of the table to tilt upwards, hitting the quarantine officer's jaw and knocking him into the air.

The suitcase was not opened,

William just clenched his leather-gloved right fist and hit the abdomen with a front fist! Put physical strength into it.

Like a balloon exploding,

The quarantine officer's protective clothing exploded together with his body. In addition to the rotten organs and green blood mixed with infectious diseases, there were also several pitch-black tentacles scattered on the ground.

These tiny abyssal products squirmed toward William like snakes and worms, trying to invade.

When it was about to get closer, a ray of light shone.

The tentacles exposed to the white candlelight evaporated quickly, leaving not even a trace behind.

At the door of the interrogation room, Thirteen with a white candle on his head whispered: "Teacher, I have thought carefully this time! The current situation must be an all-out war with the plague bed, and I should not have to hold back. "

William nodded slightly, then blew off the black liquid attached to the surface of his right fist, looked at the quarantine officer whose flesh had turned into powder, and stopped lingering.

"Well, get ready to get started! Thirteen, help me get the suitcase."

"Teacher, don't you use weapons?"


Unbutton the three-breasted buttons of your suit,

Roll up your sleeves to your elbows,

Untie your tie and loosen the top button of your shirt.

Gently tugging on the edges of the two gloves representing the apostles' skins, attaching death to the surface,

Then rotate your fingers along the collar and twist your neck.

When everything was ready, William directly raised his right leg and kicked it out... click! The reinforced iron door of the interrogation room was directly kicked into scrap metal, and even a deep dent was made in the wall.

A moment of time,

The alarm bells are ringing in the plague bed area,

The two sides of the passage where William was were instantly crowded with quarantine officers wearing only protective clothing, and at the same time, strange-looking plague transformations were released.

William asked with a relaxed look: "Hey! Does any of you know how to get to Dugar's office?"

Seeing the young man calling Dugar by his name, the rats in the passage immediately went berserk.

Deep in the subspace, a certain tent floats in it.

Circus of Fear.

After the official performance is over, the tent will continue to digest and grow for several months after eating a lot. During this period, the circus members can move around freely, but they still need to take leave if they want to go out.

It was sealed deep in the cave beneath the kitchen, where the boss was.

Today, in addition to Chef Timmy arriving with nutrient solution, a chief executive also arrived, Mr. Rabbit wearing a hood.

The two communicated spiritually through fear,

As the deputy director of the circus, Mr. Rabbit made a plea, hoping that the director could merge the new department - [Theatre] and the [Acrobatic Troupe], and build the theater directly inside the Acrobatic Troupe. He was even willing to give up a large area space.

"This is the first time I see you making such an opinion to me, Rabbit.

Do you really want to keep William by your side? Is his body more interesting than the people the acrobatic troupe has recruited over the years? "

Facing the boss's question, Mr. Rabbit put his hands on his chest and nodded carefully.

"Okay, I will explain the situation to William when he comes back. If he has no objection or the construction of the theater will not conflict with the acrobatic troupe, I will consider accepting your opinion.

Ahem~ Rabbit, if you and his body are compared in terms of potential, who is stronger? "

Regarding this question, Mr. Rabbit lowered his head and rubbed his fingers between his ties. It took about ten minutes to carefully give an answer.

"This is the first time I've seen you so hesitant about the physical issue, and the answers you gave don't seem to be accurate~ In that case, let's teach that boy how to dance when he comes back.

Once I die, the stable work of the circus will fall on the heads of you chiefs.

If William can be developed before my death, he may be able to take over my position based on your estimated potential. "

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