The final gentleman

Chapter 538 Negotiating Conditions

The sirens of the plague bed have ceased,

It's not that the danger has been eliminated, but that the alarm room has been completely destroyed.

This piercing alarm made William quite irritable. He even remembered the scene when the alarm was triggered in the orphanage before, so he came directly to find it.

Raise your arms and stretch your back to give a slap,

Snapped! The strong wind pressure directly destroyed all the equipment here.

The rats that should have been coming in a steady stream now only have one or two coming occasionally, and they are still in a trembling state.

In the eyes of the rat people, this well-dressed and smiling young man is an out-and-out demon, the ultimate demon that is impossible to defeat. If he dares to get close, he will explode to death in an instant.

William smiled and waved to the rat man at the door, "Hey~ If you are really scared, don't force it. Why not take me to Dugar's office."


As soon as Dugar's name was mentioned, this group of people seemed to be in a state of stress and rushed over to die until there were no more ratmen left in the entire plague bed.

"Huh~ Warm-up completed! These guys seem to be afraid of the supervisor Dugar. It seems that the other person will bring them something more terrifying than death.

But it’s really strange~ I’ve cleared out all the ratmen in the entire plague bed, but the green prime minister still refuses to show up. Little Grape, can you sense the other party's existence and specific location? "

As William shouted, a small black ball appeared on his shoulder.

"During your warm-up period, you were peeked at from three different directions.

There is always a feeling of green light shining when snooping, and the surrounding plague will temporarily condense, seeming to help transmit visual signals.

It's almost certainly the same person spying,

Hiss (swallowing)~ And the grapes of the other party must be very special. I guess they may be sweet and sour.

But the strange thing is that every time I try to trace the past in reverse, I can't get the specific location, and the corresponding locations are scattered in different areas of the Plague Bed.

The guy was very cautious and seemed to be... stalling for time. "

William tapped his chin lightly, "Are you stalling for time? Isn't this guy asking for help from the Cancer Palace?

After all, Rat City also falls under the jurisdiction of the Cancer Palace, which would be a little troublesome. If an unreasonable tumor knight really comes, he may attack me directly.

Little Grape, is there any way to find the other party directly? "

"Yes~ but you have to let the other party spy on you again!"

"This is easy... Thirteen, follow me."

William whistled cheerfully and walked at a gentle pace, stepping on the corpses of rats scattered in the passages, and soon arrived at the central laboratory of the Plague Bed.

William, who had memories of his life, knew that the experimental equipment in front of him was well-made and of high value.

To be able to design and build such an advanced laboratory in a place like Rat City must have taken a lot of effort and experienced more than one failure, with at least five equipment upgrades during the period.

Compared with the hopeless and ideologically enslaved rats before, William really couldn't bear to destroy the laboratory in front of him.

Huh~ take a deep breath.

A punch was thrown.

The fist waved out by the leather gloves actually condensed into a fist shape visible to the naked eye, which was slightly black in color... The reason why it could be seen clearly was because the aerosol bacilli contained in it, and it also contained vaporized black water.

The fist and wind hit...dang!

Directly destroying the reactor in the center, the death effect caused extensive damage to the reactor.

The huge sound echoed in the plague bed building, causing Dugar, who was hiding in the dark and maintaining the plague form, to gnash his teeth. At the same time, he cursed the Cancer Palace in his heart as to why support had not come after such a long time.

Dugar's mentality changed as he heard that one piece of experimental equipment that had consumed his countless efforts was destroyed.

Although he has been warning himself in his heart that the instrument will not be of much use until he has fully accessed it, but he still bleeds in his heart when he recalls the scene of building the plague bed and the scene of designing and manufacturing the equipment day and night. .

Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore.

The "Three Eyes of Plague" clustered between the brows are overflowing with luster. Using the plague as a medium, they once again try to spy on the outsiders who are destroying the equipment, trying to see the weaknesses of the other party in advance.


Just when the plague vision captured the young man, he discovered that there was something on the young man's shoulder that was not there before, a small black ball.

"What it is?"

Just as Dugar gradually enlarged his field of vision, trying to see clearly the small black ball that made him feel uneasy instinctively.

Buzz~ The black sphere suddenly turned its head.

There is actually a mouth on the surface of the sphere, and in the mouth is an independent eyeball covered with ember scars, staring at Dugar in reverse! An irresistible burning sensation came through.

It was as if the fallen evil sun had risen again, hanging high in the old sky.

Dugar's body was directly burned out, and the entire rat head continued to be on fire. The pain that could directly burn his soul made him scream.

He rushed back to the hot spring room almost like crazy and soaked his whole head in the original plague liquid.

Sizzle! Green smoke rose... It took a lot of raw liquid to put out the flames. Fortunately, the "Plague Eye" closed in time and did not suffer much damage.

When Dugar raised his head from the hot spring, boom! The secret room door behind him was destroyed by a huge force.

William put his hands in his pockets, took back his right leg that was kicking in the air, and stepped into the dark secret room of the plague bed without any scruples and even gracefully.

"Mr. Dugar, it turns out you are taking a bath here~ I just said why I can't find you anywhere."

Feel threatened.

Dugar immediately dismantled his whole body into plague gas, condensed it at the other end of the hot spring, and looked directly at the young man in front of him with a puzzled look.

Sinister sounds came from the burnt rat's head:

"Why, you, a dead person, can actually use the power of the evil sun?"

"Who told you that I am dead?

By the way, your place really stinks! The entire laboratory above is like a digestive system, and the final excrement seems to be accumulated here.

You actually use it to take a bath, it's really disgusting. "

As he spoke, William deliberately put on his acupuncture mask to show the other party another attribute of the epidemic area.

When the needle-pricked iron chain was revealed, Dugar was really panicked and even used an honorific:

"Are you sent by the monastery to arrest me...I am only conducting disease research in the city under my jurisdiction. There may be some excessive things, but it has not affected the order of the old world, right?"

William waved his hands quickly, "Don't be afraid~ I'm not from the monastery, I'm just proving that I'm not dead."

Listening to the young man denying his identity as a monk, Dugar also breathed a sigh of relief, and his mood gradually became angry, "Then why do you want to kill them all?"

William's eyes widened and he looked very confused, "I want to kill them all? Weren't you the ones who made the first move?

They wanted to eat me when I stayed in a hotel, and then they arrested me for interrogation after the hotel was destroyed. They filled my body with germs and parasites all the time.

Do you still want me to use it as research material in the end?

I'm just acting in self-defense.

And I never thought about taking the initiative to kill the rats, or even took the initiative. It was all because they had to pounce on me and force me to fight back.

And I don’t want to kill you. As long as Mr. Dugar is willing to cooperate, I am even willing to help repair the plague bed. "

"How do I need to cooperate?"

"Well..." William tapped his lower lip lightly with his fingers, pretending to think, "I'll tell you one by one.

1. I need you to be my guide, take me to visit the so-called [Darknest Mine] in person, and show me the abyss hidden inside.

2. I need your help to introduce me to the real city lord, that is, the mouse in the Dark Moon Tower.

3. When everything is finished, give me the three eyes on your forehead. "

When William made such a request, the aura of Dugar standing opposite the hot spring changed instantly.

His plague robe was fully opened, revealing the indescribable structure of his lower body, and a voice of extreme anger came from his mouth and lower body at the same time:

"I don't know who you are, and I don't know why your body contains symptoms from multiple epidemic areas... But you are not the only one who can express multiple symptoms at the same time.

I just don't want to be disturbed at the end of the path,

Since you are pressing me every step of the way, just go ahead~ Even if I have to pay a certain price, I will completely kill this arrogant guy like you.

No, I won't kill you! I will continue to study you as a material until all the symptoms of your illness are extracted. "

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