The final gentleman

Chapter 554 Face Condensation

Yuonmin, who had just been kicked out due to social phobia, just left the square area and did not go too far.

The sound of the ground shaking and the tree trunks bending attracted their attention again.

Unexpectedly, the black tree man Lord Karimus, who had not made any big moves for several months, would actually bend down at this moment and invite the young man just now to enter his body.

It seems that the last time such an invitation to a tree hole happened was three years ago.

It is rumored that the Abyss people who were invited in not only completed the face condensation, but also completed the tour and became the highest-level Abyss envoys. They enjoy the right to move freely in this area and can execute any outsiders who may threaten the Abyss at will.

When the Yuan people stared at the alluring tree hole, salivating greedily and wanted to come forward, the young man from before appeared in their heads, and they did not dare to approach it due to social phobia.

They chose to watch from a distance, and when the invited young people stepped into it, they could return to the square and continue to stare at each other.

But time passed by, but no one could be seen stepping into the tree hole.

Faced with the kind invitation of the black tree man Lord Karimus, the young man seemed not to respond and even remained seated.

"What on earth is that guy thinking? Once he enters the tree hole, he will definitely be able to complete the face condensation. Why not go in?"

Not only the Yuan people were puzzled, but Lord Karimus was also puzzled. His invitation was absolutely well-intentioned. Once he entered the tree hole, he would share the face-condensing method he had personally summed up.

Seeing that the young man in front of him remained motionless, Lord Karimus continued:

"You didn't hear it or you have something in mind, young man! Since I became a watcher, I have only invited seventeen people. All of them have achieved a very high level of face condensation, and ten of them have completed the tour and become envoys.

You should be honored enough to get my invitation just for open source, why don't you come in and listen to my experience. "

William, who was currently meditating shirtless, responded with disdain: "You are really annoyed. Why should I gain the experience of a loser?"

As soon as these words came out, the whole big tree began to shake, and the corpse fruits hanging on it continued to fall, and many of them fell directly around William.

When the people outside the square heard what William said, their jaws almost dropped.

They really couldn't believe that a sick person who had not yet completed the journey dared to say these words to Lord Karimus. They must know that Lord Karimus was the earliest pilgrim and was respected enough by the abyss to serve as a guard here.

Faced with William's lies, Lord Karimus suppressed his anger and asked as calmly as possible: "Am I a loser?"

"If you were a successful person, would you still be here guarding the gate? Don't say that you actively volunteered to be a gatekeeper, unless you were born with tragic servility engraved in your soul.

Is it hard to admit your failures? Lord Karimus.

I may have sounded a little harsh, but I'm completely uninterested in your experience... There you go! The abyss matter in my body has almost accumulated, and the important stage of face condensation is next. "

As the gatekeeper, Lord Karimus naturally abides by the rules here.

Although the young man in front of him made rude remarks, he did not do anything illegal. If he killed him without explanation, Abyss might hold him accountable.

"Let me see what kind of mask you can condense... If the quality is lower than mine, it would be really ridiculous."

"Then please Lord Karimus, please stop making noise. It took a lot of effort for me to clear the place and get such a quiet square area. Talk less nonsense and do more."

William's verbal stimulation was not just for pretense or for a quick moment.

He has been observing the "Watcher of the Abyss" since he came to the square. From the beginning to the end, he never regarded him as a big tree, let alone someone who needed to be worshiped or please.

As soon as William arrived, he could immediately see the smug look on Lord Karimus's face. He was aloof.

He looked at all the Yuan people in the square as if they were low-level creatures, watching them struggle in the face-condensation stage and finally disintegrate.

Occasionally seeing a talented outsider like William, he wanted to be merciful and help, but he never realized that he was a loser.

Being pointed out by such a hypocritical guy will inevitably disrupt the face condensation process.

This verbal operation not only removes the other party's hypocritical mask, but also allows Lord Karimus to stop talking nonsense and ensure that the subsequent face-condensation process is completely quiet.

"Little Putao, help me keep an eye on the situation outside. If this guy becomes angry and wants to interfere or attack during the face-condensation period, just use the evil sun to burn him." 』

"knew. 』

William sat down cross-legged, and the moment he closed his eyes, he also filtered out all information from the outside world.

It took more than two hours for the social phobia to clear out. Perhaps because of the proximity to the abyss, the abyssal pathogens cultured in the body have been cultivated on a large scale.

Moreover, Epilepsy has finally completed its analysis of the pathogen.

The malignant diseases bred from the Tenth Abyss are essentially single-stranded RNA viruses with extremely high degrees of freedom, adaptability, and variability.

From the time William lifted the black curtain until now, the virus has been allowed to develop, even using the "perfect birther's body" as the ecological culture medium of the virus, and then using the epileptic brain to provide effective guidance that will not affect its development.

After a long period of in vivo cultivation and epilepsy brain guidance,

The abyss virus has intercepted and copied various high-quality genes in William's body, as well as fragments of various diseases.

Unlike other patients, there is often only one symptom in the body, and there will never be more than three.

William had too many diseases, including two types of death - "Dead Sea Bacillus" and the "Dead Sea Black Liquid" he brought with him during his lifetime, not to mention skin diseases corresponding to yellow skin, and acupuncture The iron chain corresponds to neurological disease, the epileptic brain corresponds to epilepsy syndrome, the stargazer corresponds to platinum blood, etc.

It can be said that the Abyss Virus has come into contact with such a diverse patient for the first time, and it has no idea which gene is the best, so it can only intercept and copy them all.

In the end, the Abyssal Virus not only failed to maintain its autonomy, but was trained to take the shape of William by copying all the characteristics and advantages of the pan-type.

As for what kind of mask it will form, even William himself doesn't know.


Under the traction of the epileptic brain, strips that resemble capillaries, muscle fibers, woolen threads, and tortuous brain sulci appear on the face.

Not only did it come out from the facial features, but the pores on William's face were stretched open, and this strange filament continued to overflow like a broken seed.

Compared with other masks of those who focus on the face, the lines are finer, denser and twice as complex.

William also had a full mind, and used his brain to weave these threads himself, trying to construct an abyss mask that was structurally perfect and could fully express its own characteristics.

Just when this process was going smoothly, a malicious voice came.

"William, it was quite interesting to be in the square before, but why have you become conservative again at such a critical period... This is an uncontrolled dark zone in the old world, a place full of chaos and disorder, and it's too much Lawfulness is not a good thing.

I have also been thinking and observing along the way. My understanding of face condensation is different from yours, so I will share with you a memory about the ‘mask’. "

"Yi Chen!"

Before William could react, a memory was forced in... It was a memory that William had never had before.

There was a fire upstairs, and the firefighters came. I carried my computer downstairs to code. Sorry for being a little late.

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