The final gentleman

Chapter 556 Pilgrimage

The 'accidentally formed' palm mask is larger than a regular palm, just like an adult's palm covering a child's face. It completely covers William's forehead, eyes and nose, leaving only his mouth outside.

When the mask of this palm structure is fully formed on William's face,

Even Lord Karimus, the black tree man who controlled the settlement, was sweating thickly from the tree trunks. He instinctively leaned back. If his legs and feet had not turned into deep roots, he would probably have retreated. A few steps.

"Why are there masks of such a shape? All the masks of the Face Condensers should be of the same shape, only the strips that make up the masks are different.

Moreover, the abyss strips formed by this guy are actually so thin, they are even thinner than the strands I condensed back then, and the number is several times greater, and there is also an indescribable feeling, as if this There is something in Zhang Mask that dominates.

Obviously there is only the limit of open source, why can it reach this point? "

As Lord Karimus continued to stare at the young man, he even slowly saw some unrealistic pictures.

First I saw a pale arm resting on the young man’s shoulder,

Then I saw a head with a strange smile rolling down on the young man's side.

Immediately afterwards, more and more illusions of the dead stuck to the young man's back, and the final stacked up scene was even taller than his giant tree body.

But in a blink of an eye, these images disappeared again.

The young man who had finished condensing his face at the foot of the tree did not move at all. He seemed to be quietly experiencing the process, and he seemed to be suppressing the murderous intentions and thoughts that were growing crazily in his body, or he was reconciling with his 'self'.

He remained seated for three days and three nights, during which time no one dared to approach.

On the fourth day, William, who was sitting cross-legged, finally made some moves, moving his body and slowly assuming a standing posture.

Support the back of the cervical spine with one hand, and rotate the head in a full circle... click~click~ The sound of the cervical vertebrae echoed in the square area.

"Ah, it's really... great! This is the essence of the Abyss Condensation Mask. It uses the virus to reproduce the body's optimal genes and shows the truest and best side of the individual in the form of a mask.

Facing the abyss in this state is enough to show sincerity.

You say so, William. "

"Yi Chen, is this your purpose? Influence the face condensation process in the form of memory implantation, so that your consciousness can attach to the mask and exist at the same time as me."

"It is undeniable that this is indeed one of my purposes... However, William, you have to admit that this is definitely the most perfect and most suitable mask for us.

Only by coexisting with me can we bring out the maximum potential of this body.

Don't worry, I'm not the brat I used to be. I can still achieve the most basic self-control. I will help you honestly to complete the next important things and complete the path that you think about day and night. "

"It better be so."

"Let's quickly start the next step ~ experience the so-called [tour]."

The above exchange looks like a conversation between two people.

In fact, from the perspective of a bystander, William is talking to himself alone.

This kind of self-formed dialogue also invisibly exudes a more specific form of social phobia. No one dares to come forward for fear of being suddenly spoken to.

William, who was wearing an abyss mask, took the initiative to walk towards the black tree man. The latter slowly stabilized his body, calmed down and asked as a gatekeeper:

"You have completed the Condensation and can start the tour according to the rules... However, it is recommended that you rest in the settlement for a day. People who have the Condensation can enjoy the highest-level services of the settlement for free for a day."

"(Yi) Oh? Is there that kind of service that provides me with some beautiful-looking women who have clone mutations in their lower bodies, preferably legs and feet?

If you have any, please help me call a few more, and then set up a school scene. It would be best if you can wear school uniforms!

(William) We're here to do business, don't waste time! After three days of condensing, I have rested enough. I quickly set out on the road of pilgrimage and faced the abyss.

(Yi) Oh, that’s right! As long as we can establish contact with the abyss, or even completely control the abyss, we can play however we want at that time, and we can directly perform directional lesions according to my XP.

Okay, then please ask Lord Karimus to start a pilgrimage to the abyss. "

Looking at the mentally ill boy in front of him, the big black tree actually felt a little bit of fear, and social phobia actually grew in the veins of his trunk.

Facing the young man's request to embark on a pilgrimage, he said nothing more.

Click~ As the bottom of the tree trunk slowly cracked, a path stretching downwards to the bottom of the deep roots was revealed.

Just when the body controlled by Yi Chen couldn't wait to step into it, William suddenly took over the control with strong willpower and stopped at the root entrance.

Looking up at the top of the big tree,

"Lord Karimus, there should be relevant precautions or conditions regarding the tour, right?"

After William said this, the gatekeeper realized that he had forgotten to explain the matters related to the tour. This was one of his main responsibilities as the gatekeeper.

"Ahem! Yes, the tour is a necessary process for meeting the abyss.

The so-called "Pilgrimage Road" is an absolutely dark road with no concept of direction. Only those who are pious enough to move forward in a pilgrim manner can walk unswervingly in the right direction.

Even if there is a trace of distracting thoughts, the direction will be deflected and the abyss will never be reached.

During the tour, the mask will continue to grow. If the mask completely wraps the head and still fails to reach the edge of the abyss, the tour will be considered a failure.

Through this you will stay here forever and become a slave of the abyss. "

"Are you pious enough? It's a very broad condition... OK, I understand."

"Good luck to you then."

Lord Karimus's attitude improved a lot at this moment, and he even forgot the disrespectful words the young man had shown before.

William stretched out his hand to hold the opening of the tree root. He didn't know if it was his illusion, but he felt that he could smash the Lord's tree roots with his bare hands while concentrating on his face. He could even collide head-on with the Lord who had completed his journey.

When William had this idea, Lord Karimus also felt a chill in his crotch.

The lower part of the trunk was resolutely reinforced, and several spikes rose up from the soil, hovering around it.

"See you later, my lord... don't worry, I haven't lost control yet."

William stretched out his hand and gently tapped the root of the tree, then jumped into it.

Under the trunk is a slideway woven through ancient roots. The length is beyond William's imagination. The only thing that is certain is that the concentration of the abyss continues to increase during this process, and it is getting closer and closer to the tenth abyss.

During the sliding process, the two consciousnesses communicated again.

"William, leave the rest of the tour to me."


"Because I am more pious than you in this regard. I had certain beliefs during my lifetime, although these beliefs did not have much effect."

"Is it another memory that I haven't inherited?"

"No, no, no, it's just a matter of cultural influence. The place where I live has related concepts such as tours and pilgrimages...and William, you seem to have never believed in these things. The only thing you believe in is yourself.

Just leave it to me, I won't make fun of my own future.

Just watch my operation. I'm not just good at killing people. I'm also very good at these so-called 'piety' things. "


William did not deny Yi Chen's words. Indeed, he did not believe in any gods. He had always only believed in himself.

At this moment, he voluntarily gave up control of his body, allowing Yi Chen to fully control his body through the abyss mask.

Ten minutes passed, and he finally slipped out of the tree root passage.

Unlike the black and white picture in the settlement with black candle lighting, there is only endless darkness below, but it is nothing to Yi Chen who is used to small dark rooms.

Any release of light without the use of small grapes for illumination is impious.

Yi Chen, who had always been crazy and irritable, calmed down in the darkness, taking off all his clothes and leaving only his mask.

The chin is retracted, the tongue and gums are intertwined, the chest and back are held in the mouth, and the Qi is lowered with humility.

Stand still on both feet, bend over and kneel down, fold your palms together, and cup your hands in front of you.

A Taoist etiquette learned during his lifetime - [Three Bows and Nine Kowtows] was performed in the darkness with an extremely standard process.


What Yi Chen was doing was a personal enhanced version. Every time he knocked on the capital, he would smash his face deeply into the ground.

By the time he finished kowtowing nine times, the entire facial bones were shattered, and the palm used to rest his forehead was smashed to pieces.

After completing one round of prostrations, Yi Chen slowly stood up, stepped into the groove formed by the prostrations, and entered into the second round of prostrations.

This method of movement seemed extremely slow, and it even moved less than thirty meters in an hour.

But... the aura of the abyss below became stronger as Yi Chen kowtowed.

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