The final gentleman

Chapter 572 New Home

After saying goodbye to his boss, William gradually calmed down and dispelled his fear, exiting this hairy underground area and heading to his department's default location - [Acrobatic Troupe].

Walking in the castle-like passage, William also clenched his fists and punched the air, unable to conceal his inner excitement.

The excitement was not that the boss planned to pass the circus to him, but that the matter of returning home a month late was no longer pursued, and William was even granted an extra month of leave.

In this way, he can return to Zion with Jin.

However, William also got some important information from the conversation. The first one was the 'prehistoric abyss' mentioned by the boss. The war had not yet happened at that time, and the abyss could still be formed even when the evil sun was at its head, and there were two of them.

One place is the beginning of darkness for all things in the world, and it is also the place where death first appears, [Original Tomb].

"The deceased turned out to be the eldest son of Xie Yang.

The [Bonfire Mountain Range] that blocks and isolates the dead was formed by the second son of Evil Yang.

No wonder there is a huge stone tablet titled ‘Dedicated to Brother’ standing on the lowest floor of the original tomb leading to the palace of the original deceased, with flowers scattered in front of it.

As the eldest son of the evil sun, he actually turned his back on the sunshine and turned to darkness..."

When William thought about this, he became more and more interested in prehistoric things.

“There are also bosses who start chasing the darkness after witnessing death coming to the old world.

In an almost impossible form, "itself becomes an abyss" and redefines the [fear] of the old world. Although it was targeted by many epidemic areas, it always maintained a good state due to its ability to escape into subspace, until the arrival of the invaders caused irreversible serious injuries to the boss.

In addition, from the incident of the boss hating the blood people, it can be roughly seen that the one who specifically targeted the boss at the beginning should be the source of the epidemic area corresponding to the blood people.

It is even possible that this group of bloodthirsty and despicable blood people carried out sneak attacks on the boss during the war.

Anyway, no matter what, the blood people must be killed...otherwise, I will not be able to fulfill my promise to Huang Pi and become the owner of the leather factory.

Let’s not think about so much for now, and quickly find a way to finish the preliminary work of [theatre]. "

[Acrobatic Troupe], as the largest group in the circus, enjoys the largest available tent space.

The internal layout is still the same as before, similar to a large-scale photography base. Various studios with dimensions of tens of meters and hundreds of meters are set up inside. The intervals between different studios form a maze-like aisle structure.

Various arrows with rabbit labels pointed into the depths, always reminding 'Beware of rabbits'.

William had already been here once and was very familiar with the rules here. When he saw a green-eyed rabbit, he was about to invite the rabbit to come to his shoulder.

A disturbing breath came from behind,

Pap tap tap~ There was the sound of footsteps in high heels and bare feet on the ground. It was not two feet... but four.

"Yo yo yo~ Isn't this the chief actor, Mr. William? He has finally returned after missing for three months. The aura exuding from his whole body is different. The purity of his promotion is very high."

William also turned around and saw a blond woman in a pure white tights, high heels and a single ponytail standing behind her. Her curvy figure and aura that she exuded was quite like a popular Hollywood actress. Feel.

However, she was holding a similar-looking head in her hand, and could vaguely see the woman's two extra arms, legs, and feet.

The visitor was none other than the second leader of the acrobatic troupe, Sister Natalie.

"Captain Natalie, is Mr. Rabbit here?"

"Rabbit has gone out to do some business. I am currently in charge of the entire circus. Come with me quickly... According to the boss's instructions, your theater is temporarily built at our place.

The basic building has been set up. You, the new chief, just need to monitor it. If you are dissatisfied with it, you can make changes at any time. "

"Then I'll trouble Captain Natalie."

When following the sisters, you will no longer encounter any rabbits along the way.

What makes William a little strange is that his temporary department is arranged in the acrobatic troupe, which should be set up in the outfield area. But as the sisters continued to deepen, William felt that the theater seemed to be set up at the core of the acrobatic troupe.

Passing through a long passage that I have never been to before,

The studios used for rehearsals and training between the acrobatic troupes were completely separated and came to a relatively quiet intersection.

There is a road sign inserted here that corresponds to the four directions. The wooden sign is also marked with the numbers 1 to 4.

“This is the center of the acrobatic troupe, and it is separated from the rehearsal area to maintain absolute silence.

Our acrobatic troupe originally planned to recruit four leaders, but unfortunately the fourth candidate has not yet appeared... In fact, at the beginning, Rabbit liked you very much, but unfortunately the boss had other plans.

The area originally planned to be reserved for the fourth leader will be temporarily allocated to you.

Rabbit's "Club", my "Jutsu Gym" and Mosande's "Leg Making House" are all nearby. You can come and play with us at any time. "

With that said, Sister Natalie led William towards the direction indicated by the road sign [4] and pushed open a manor-style hollow iron door.

A straight stone road extends inward. The stone street lamps on both sides are designed as human structures, holding kerosene lamps in their hands in an inviting gesture.

At the end of the stone road is a huge theater building that looks like a Renaissance theater. Several oversized Roman columns make the theater look calm and noble. Together with the exquisite and complex carved window lattice and some gold decorations, the theater's appearance is... Go up a notch.

"Already built!?"

William originally thought that the acrobatic troupe had only set aside a piece of space to provide a rough theater framework, but he did not expect that an entire European-style theater had been built, and it was in line with William's human aesthetics.

"Of course, with the boss's personal instructions and Mr. Rabbit's absolute support, we don't dare to fool around.

I have many members, many of whom are humans from your side. They used their memories of the human theater to transform and beautify it in a circus style to form such a [theatre].

If you feel dissatisfied, you can come to me directly, and the acrobatic troupe will actively cooperate with your preliminary construction work. "

"Thank you so much." William made a standard gentlemanly gesture to the sisters.

Unexpectedly, the sisters stepped forward, and the sister who was held in her arms gently touched William's temple with her tongue.

"Just saying thank you verbally is meaningless. How about making me a bowl of red oil dumplings? Just like the ones at the last magic banquet. It doesn't matter if you don't have the boss's meat. Just a simple's so delicious.

Besides, your flesh smells very good~ The rabbit must like it very much, but before the rabbit comes back, please play with me first. "

"No problem, I will bring the dumplings to your jutsu gym tonight. As for the sparring issue, I hope it can be postponed a little. I just came back and I was too tired."

"Who said I want to compete with you? I'm talking about physical communication. The acrobatic troupe is a place that values ​​the physical body, and you have a pretty good figure.

Let's do this~ Since you feel very tired, how about you bring me the red oil dumplings tonight and I will personally give you a full set of Jiu-Jitsu massage? "


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