The final gentleman

Chapter 585 Special Note on Combat Power

Just when the "needle iron chain" inside William's body was trembling,

The footsteps outside the conference room door also stopped, and after waiting for three seconds, they were slowly pushed away.

William originally expected him to be a monk in black gelcoat with a hideous face, who would even inflict torture on visible parts of his body to maintain a state of pain.

However, the person who entered the door was a human being.

He has a slender figure, almost 1.95 meters tall.

Wearing a fur coat that combines a white coat and a fur coat, the ring-shaped collar covers the mouth and nose, leaving only two special eyeballs exposed.

The pupil is only a small black dot, and the rest is all white.

The hair is healthy and quite thick, but it is all white... I don't know whether it is caused by illness or torture. One of the bangs hangs down between the eyes, sweeping between the high neckline as he walks.

This person stepped into the conference room and met William's eyes.

This was the first time for both of them to meet, and William was certain that this person had never appeared in Zion before.

"William Y. Behrens...right?"

William was suddenly shocked. His extra middle name was defined by the old world as the path was completed, and this man actually called it out.

"Yes, you are?"

"Fyodor Sergeyevich Asimov."

William immediately conducted a name search in the brain library, but he searched for all names related to Zion, including names recorded in books he had read, but found no results.

Before William could ask further, the other party had already stepped forward.

“Because you tied chains outside the monastery and indirectly caused the deaths of many monks, you were once listed as a wanted person in the monastery.

However, after it is determined that your goal is related to the abyss and has achieved a certain effect, and you have done something that has positive feedback to the old world, your name has been removed.

I have also been paying attention to you because you are the person of the organization.

Unexpectedly, it has reached this level in just one or two years. "

When Dr. Asimov said this, he reached out his hand, and William naturally couldn't refuse.

When their palms came into contact, a tingling sensation spread throughout William's body, and the acupuncture iron chain fused between the bones and flesh produced a super-fast resonance.

"Huh? You actually completed the iron chain...and integrated it with the body so perfectly...even your body is transforming and evolving towards the ancient patient.

Next time you travel to the old world, come to the monastery when you have time. I will make sure you are safe. "

"Ah? Doctor Asimov, how about we just focus on the matter at hand?"

"Yes, there is a problem in Zion, so let's solve the immediate matter first."

This Asimov gives people a very strange feeling. He seems to not take the fall of Zion seriously at all. He came back this time just because the First Doctor sent him a signal for help.

The whole person looks very relaxed, but also exudes a sense of restraint and oppression inexplicably.

Moreover, when shaking hands just now, William's perception also tried to penetrate the other party's body, but at the moment of penetration, it was cut off directly by some kind of internal scalpel.

The only thing William can be sure of is that the 'iron chain level' in the opponent's body is far higher than his own.

At this time, the strong first doctor in a purple suit stretched out his right arm to the mysterious gentleman who was late, "Ahem! I think many of you here, especially the gentlemen from non-central hospitals, have never seen or even heard of Asimo Husband doctor.

He is currently the gentleman with the highest attainments in the field of medical skills in the Gentlemen's Organization. He is better at both internal and external surgery than me. At the same time, like Hogni Zed, the current No. 1 Gentleman Gallon, he is listed as " A special individual with special "combat power".

Currently, he is mainly active in the Monastery of Pain, the plague area of ​​the old world. Because the monastery has extremely strict restrictions on individuals, he rarely returns to the organization.

Asimov, please introduce yourself a little bit. "

"Old man, haven't you finished the introduction? Let's get straight to the point. I finally took a leave of absence from the monastery, so every second is precious."

“Okay, let’s start the meeting.

Before formulating a complete retrieval plan, we must meet an essential prerequisite. It is necessary to find a way to roughly determine the total number of patients in Zion, especially the total number of silver circle patients.

It has been four months since we evacuated Zion. It is entirely possible that the other side will send more powerful people over to establish a colony based on Zion.

After all, once the world is completely infected, there will be no barrier between the Old World and ours. It is also very important for them to establish colonies in advance.

Moreover, this group of blood people are the remnants of the war and are in urgent need of finding an opportunity to rise again.

If there are more than ten Silver Circle patients in Zion, multiple "Seven Marquises" are present, and there are even support from the Skinned Apostles, our recapture plan will be no different than suicide.

Therefore, before formulating a plan, an effective reconnaissance of Zion is needed.

The current plan is to draw an induction array ten kilometers away from Zion with Principal Deslin as the center, and multiple prophets will jointly assist in spiritual scanning of Zion.

However, there are certain risks in doing so. The blood people may have built a sufficiently complete shielding barrier in four months, resulting in induction failure or even severe mental backlash.

Does anyone here have a better detection plan?

For example, Asimov, could you use the identity of the monk to inspect the blood people? "

"No, the search must be carried out according to the rules. There must be a search warrant issued by the monastery... These blood people are quite cunning. If there is no search warrant, they will be exposed at a glance."

As soon as he finished speaking, William raised his hand.

"Let me try... I should be able to figure out the current situation in Zion without being noticed. I just need Principal Deslin to cooperate with me a little."

"How certain are you?" The first doctor Alaus did not ask about the specific plan, but first asked about the success rate.

"More than 80%."

"How long does it take."

"It'll be done in a day, and with any luck we can continue the meeting tonight to formalize a plan to recapture it."

"Are you sure you're not kidding me?"

"I would not joke in such an important parliament."

"Go ahead and wait for your good news, young man."


William glanced at Desline, and then... click~ Only the ankle joints made a twisting sound, William disappeared from his seat, and the door more than ten meters away also opened a gap simultaneously.

This situation made the conference room suddenly quiet.

"Old man, did you let him do it without even asking about the specific plan?"

"Just knowing that his success rate is high enough is enough."

At this time, Jin, who was sitting opposite, crossed his legs directly over the table: "Don't worry~ William's level is very high. He is directly related to the famous Circus of Fear in the old world, and he is also the chief member of it.

Moreover, the new doctor also said just now that William is related to the abyss, so just leave it to him. We just wait for his good news.

By the way, your name is Asimov, right? Since your medical skills are very good, your suturing skills should also be very good... Can you help me repair this armor? "

Jin threw the woven bag directly on the table.

Asimov looked at the flesh-skirted armors scattered on the table, "Are you a knight with tumors... Haha! There are really more and more talents in Zion. It's really interesting to come back this time."

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