The final gentleman

Chapter 620 Half a Month

The largest city under the original organization-Frommouth

【Yisla Seafood Shop】

Originally, the business was pretty good. The seafood shop was almost full every night, but tonight there was only one table... In other words, half an hour ago, all the diners paid in advance and left. The diners who came later saw that table. The people sitting there all left one after another.

The two "special combat forces" plus William, the figure who killed the Seventh Marquis, were drinking wheat wine while eating large pieces of various seafood.

Even though some seafood is already infected with diseases, and ordinary people may contract ichthyosis and fish eye disease from eating it, to the three of them, these pathogens are more like old world seasonings, making the food more delicious.

It was also at the dinner table that Mr. Asimov unzipped his collar for the first time and unbuttoned his ring-shaped collar that covered his mouth and nose.

The nose structure is normal,

But his mouth was completely blocked by tiny chains that penetrated his lips, and even his tongue had been completely removed. In this way, Asimov reduced the frequency of speaking, and had a feeling of "talking less nonsense and doing more".

Another purpose is to block "appetite" so that the monks can concentrate on their work and reduce the probability of making mistakes.

At present, Asimov is alive and unplugging the iron chain between his lips, removing the iron nails in his mouth and returning to his normal appearance, abandoning the 'fasting' constraints of the monastery and feasting.

Zed on the side does not have much demand for food. He is usually locked down under the teaching building and the college will bring him whatever he wants to eat, not to mention that he now has a full day of free activities every week.

At this time, Zed's corpse arm gently fell on William's shoulder, pinching it back and forth, using physical touch to understand William's relevant experiences during this period.

"Hmm... It seems that you didn't lose your physical training during the period of leaving school, and there is something else mixed in your physical body, a special kind of passionate and rhythmic muscles. What kind of physical level did you encounter in the old world? The strong one?"

William quickly cut off the grilled squid tentacles and replied: "Yes, there is an absolute strong man in the physical level in the [Circus of Fear] organization that I am currently joining.

I just learned some superficial knowledge, and may get in-depth contact with it in the future. "

When William said this, Asimov, who was instigating the giant shrimp head opposite, suddenly raised his head.

"Mr. Rabbit?"

"Yes, do you know Mr. Asimov?"

"It's just that I know the existence of this person unilaterally, this kind of monster doesn't know me.

The true origin of that rabbit is top secret even if it is kept in the monastery, and the monastery's records about him are completely backward. According to our speculation, this rabbit is probably in the process of, or has already completed the [ultimate ascent]. "

"Is that guy physically very strong?" Zed's curiosity was immediately aroused.

"It's so ridiculously strong that it can't even be described using conventional concepts and standards... He should be regarded as the number one physical person in the Silver Circle of the Old World. In terms of physical strength alone, he can be compared with the Plague Lord."

William echoed from the side: "Mr. Rabbit is the "first person" in the circus besides the boss. Because of the [Nightmare Incident], Mr. Rabbit also learned of your existence, teacher.

Mosander, the third leader of the acrobatic troupe who was defeated by you, teacher, is Mr. Rabbit's subordinate.

He very much hopes that you can go to the circus and have some physical communication. "

"Well, I will consider it. But it will have to wait until Zion is rebuilt and the organization is stabilized.

However, once I set foot in the old world, the monastery will surely come to arrest me immediately, right? Asimov? "

Asimov did not deny the question raised by Zedd, "That's for sure~ After all, Captain Zedd is a historical black spot since the establishment of the monastery. The fact that you escaped from the monastery and killed the monks on the way must be erased." , once this incident spreads, it will damage the reputation of the monastery and greatly damage the prestige established by the monastery in the old world.

As long as your aura appears in the old world, the monastery will immediately send [Executioners] like me or even higher-level beings to capture you.

However, if we can reach the circus before the pursuit comes with the recommendation of your students, the monastery will have no choice. "

William also took this opportunity to say: "Teacher, you can indeed consider going, or even joining the circus.

With your strength, you can definitely occupy an important enough position in it. Even if [World Infection] is completed and there is no longer any barrier between the two worlds, the monastery will not be able to effectively hunt you down. "


Zed nodded thoughtfully.

Asimov, who was half full, changed the topic, "Captain Zed, you are still as scary~ You were able to single-handedly repel the Marquis Gratoni. According to the objective ranking given by the monastery, [Gluttony] can rank among the seven Marquises." Ranked third.”

"It's still far away... The main reason why that guy retreated was because William killed [Greed] and he chose to retreat only when the situation was over.

If we only consider "one-on-one", it's really hard to say who will win and who will lose in the devouring posture that guy finally displays. "

"You are still the same as before. You are so strong that you still don't feel satisfied at all."

William sat aside like a good student, trying his best not to participate in the conversation between the two and not to disturb their reminiscing.

It can be seen from the conversation that the two used to have a very good and close team-mate relationship, similar to the relationship between William, King and Reagan.

Moreover, their physiques are relatively similar, and they were both favored by the monastery when they set foot in the old world.

Zed relied on absolute individual strength and willpower to escape, while Asimov stayed inside,

Because of this, even though Asimov has the "monk label" on him and is even an important member of it, the two are still good friends.

In addition, before going out to eat, William also went to the ICU ward, which was covered with vegetation. Jin was wrapped in a huge red lotus formed by himself, and everything was normal.

The next day.

Asimov said goodbye early and left. He paid a high price for taking leave this time. If he went back later, he would be severely punished even as an executioner.

Jin was discharged from the hospital early, but she had no idea of ​​staying in the organization, participating in the celebration banquet or accepting awards. Instead, she dragged her unrecovered body back to the old world and the cancer palace quickly.

Facing the powerlessness of the Seventh Marquis, she didn't want to experience it a second time.

William didn't hold him back, anyway, we could see each other often in the future.

As for William himself, he chose to stay for a while. Anyway, he had already asked for half a month's leave from the circus. Killing one of the Seven Marquises would also make the boss very happy.

William stayed here to assist and speed up the reconstruction work of Zion. At the same time, he could ask Zed for some spiritual questions, as well as catch up with friends and teachers.

Half a month has passed, and the gentlemen have moved back to Zion from Frommouth one after another.

Except for the abandoned Shenpi Mansion and the 'First Gentleman' that no longer existed, everything seemed to be back on track.

【Star Observation Room】

William slept here last night, or in the familiar bathtub filled with star particles, and chatted with the principal all night, telling about his experiences in the old world and the process of killing Glid. .

William originally wanted to extend an olive branch and let the principal go to the circus. There is currently no stargazer in the circus. A figure like the principal must have obtained a very good position in the past.

But after thinking about it, I realized that a gentleman’s organization cannot exist without a principal.

Moreover, the principal is also the [middleman] of the old world astrologer group in this world, and needs to provide astrology-related information here. For the principal, it is better for her to stay in this world.

"William, are you ready to leave today? Aren't you ready to accept the organization's commendation and enjoy the feeling of being admired by all members of the organization?"

“The organization is already severely weakened, so we should stop engaging in activities that waste manpower and material resources.

And I have declared war on the blood people, and I can’t let them wait too long... I wanted you, principal, to go to the old world with me, but you probably can’t leave. "

"When there is no longer a barrier between the two worlds, I can go with you."


Before leaving, William selected a ring from the Greedy Treasure House that seemed to be made of fallen stars, and handed it to Desline.

"Well! When did you get such a good thing?"

"Haha~ Principal, just take it, it should be good for you."

"Then I'll accept it without mercy. Be careful when you get there. Don't rush too fast... If you're confused, just find a higher place to look up at the stars. Maybe you can chat with me."


William turned his back, waved his palms, and left alone.

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