The final gentleman

Chapter 628 Campaign and Ascaria


The largest and most ancient group of large pathogens in the Old World,

Unlike microscopic pathogens such as bacteria and viruses, parasites tend to be larger and remain autonomous.

Bacteria such as Bacillus aerosolum, Tetracoccus ichthyosis, etc., or epilepsy virus, blood plague virus, etc. in the virus world, will form a complete whole after infecting an individual, that is, a "sick person".

There is no such thing as a separate discussion of host and pathogen.

Parasites are different. Most of them can be incorporated into the macroscopic world, and some even mutated super-large mimic parasites can move freely like humans.

Mahat J. Nash, the current deputy actor of the Circus of Fear, is such a super-large amoeba brainworm that directly mimics the appearance of an adult without the need for parasitic infection, and is even far stronger than its peers.

Parasites care deeply about autonomy;

Strictly distinguishing the concepts of "self" and "host", they often even use other sick people as hosts... In the early days of the old world, parasites were more criticized by sick people than the crazy people like the Blood People.

In order to control the proliferation of parasites and the problem of wanton parasitism,

The Old World Center sends a direct signal to a large number of parasites who have reached the Silver Circle level, allowing them to participate in a special trial located in the core of the world.

Select the most powerful one among them as the [Plague Master], and establish an epidemic area to integrate different types of parasites, restrain and control them, and manage them by this plague master.

Any parasite that disobeys discipline will be hunted and killed.

Because all different types of parasites are integrated together, the epidemic area is called the "general nest".

The parasites living in the main nest cannot choose their hosts as they did before, but their instinctive impulse to yearn for their hosts cannot be suppressed.

So he began to research biotechnology, and even hired insane people to help at a "high price", and finally realized the technology of producing hosts within the main nest.

"Host production" is unstable, and unqualified hosts will be directly thrown into the garbage station for disposal.

However, there is a very low probability that a host with excellent numerical values ​​will appear, which is called a "perfect container". Such a host will naturally be coveted by a large number of parasites.

When the perfect container appears, the main nest will hold an event called ‘campaign’.

All registered parasites are implanted into the container within the tolerance range, and the host's body is used as the battlefield. The parasites that survive in the end are qualified to occupy the container.

The effect of this campaign mode was excellent. A group of truly strong men soon appeared in the main nest and created groups equivalent to the 'Knights of the Tumor', the 'Red Nobles', and the 'Skin Apostles'.

Even though the original intention of creating [Parasitic Nest] was to integrate and control parasites, it was founded later than the major epidemic areas, but it caught up in a short time through such biotechnology and campaign mechanisms.

It has always occupied the third position in the comprehensive list of epidemic areas.


[Black Roundworm Company] is based on the main nest’s ‘campaign’ and integrates modern biotechnology to obtain a selection experiment called ‘roundworm’.

It’s just that experiments are fundamentally different from campaigns.

The tapeworm experiment does not erase the participant's consciousness, that is, the container's self-awareness.

As long as the container itself is strong enough, it can even still occupy the dominant position in the body after the experiment is over, and use the parasite obtained by cultivating the poison in the body as an auxiliary body to become a true "perfect parasite" for the headquarters to use.

This is exactly the answer given by President Bourne as "Holynest\

,"In his opinion, containers are by no means props. Only by the joint development of parasites and containers can it be possible to break through the shackles of ancient times and allow the parasite group to go further and to a higher level.

Black Tape Company can quickly rise to become the second largest transfer company, and the role of this concept cannot be ignored.

in addition,

The subjects of the roundworm experiment are often 'external employees' from branch companies. After making a lot of contributions to the company and gaining the attention of the headquarters, they will receive a special invitation card.

After arriving at the headquarters, external employees will undergo a series of inspections and be informed of the relevant rules of the roundworm experiment.

Once the individual passes the experiment with a high completion rate, the individual will be directly promoted to a reserve cadre at the headquarters and will work directly with the boss in the future.

Now, President Byrne has given this authority to a customer who is not directly related to the company's business. The main thing is to value William's personal talents. As long as a parasite can be implanted in William's body through the "roundworm experiment", an inseparable connection will be established between him and the company.

Although William will not be retained to work here, he will definitely be in contact again at a certain point in the future, and even have deeper cooperation.

"Let me see how you perform... How can an outsider with no experience in parasitism withstand the new parasites cultivated by our company, and with what degree of completion can this experiment be completed."

In a hemispherical laboratory of one thousand square meters.

William, who passed the preliminary examination with full marks and had an absolutely empty stomach, walked naked to the middle of the laboratory and stood inside the circle marked by a white line.

The top of the laboratory opens in a donut shape

A bloated and round biological mother body slowly descended, and in 'her' belly there were more than 10 million 'parasite eggs' specially cultivated by the Black Ascaria headquarters.

Gajigaji~ Biological hoses split and grow from the mother body.

Standing below, William did not feel any nervousness, fear or uneasiness. Instead, he immediately spread his arms, relaxed his body, and allowed more than fifty hose spikes to penetrate his body and even the back of his head.

The egg body was injected, and a biological fluid was also included to shunt the parasite eggs to different areas of William's body.

Thanks to William's perfect cooperation, the implantation process was completed in just half an hour. The mother body that had been injected had shrunk and was quickly removed and the laboratory was sealed.

The next ten days will be about waiting and observing. If necessary, the parasites in William's body will be stimulated through sound, light, smell, etc., making them become manic and brutal.

Another half hour will pass,

The eggs in the body hatched one after another, and the larvae emerged one after another. Feeling the warm and moist new environment, they opened their mouths to eat William's flesh and blood as their first meal in life.

The above processes were completely captured by the biological monitors installed in the laboratory and presented to the researchers in the observation room.

An experimenter responsible for the observation said excitedly:

"The subject is in excellent condition. All larvae hatched one hour in advance, and the survival rate is as high as 99.7%! It is the best in history... The subject's body is like a perfect container, very suitable for the growth of parasites .”

"The subject's body index showed no change before and after incubation, and there was not even any negative emotional feedback. The strength and adaptability of the body exceed our definition of a container."

William, who was in the laboratory, didn't move around or have any worries about his body.

He chose to sit cross-legged inside the circle, close his eyes and meditate, and his body even slowly floated in the process.

【Three hours later】

A special researcher accidentally discovered a subtle anomaly in the surveillance footage that was not easily noticed. He picked up a pen and paper and began to check, and finally got a surprising piece of information.

"Report! The larvae in the subject's body are undergoing some high-level regular movement without any mental influence or medium traction.

They circle periodically around the 'hole' in the subject's abdomen.

Although the parasites located in different areas move at different speeds, they all follow a (the cube of the semi-major axis of the ellipse-like shape formed by crawling around the abdominal hole for one cycle)/T (the square of the roundworm's circle period) = k (constant ) this formula. "

When the researcher came up with this conclusion, other researchers quickly followed up and verified its correctness.

At the same time, they adjusted the surveillance screen to erase the image of William's body as much as possible, leaving only the image of the parasite and the abyss in his abdomen.

The picture obtained shocked everyone including President Bourne.

This is not like observing the human body at all, but more like observing some complex cosmic star...

Time passes day by day,

The death battle to determine the only winner that the roundworm experiment wanted to achieve has not happened yet, and not even a death case has appeared.

All parasites carry out periodic movements without interfering with each other.

As they move around the belly of the abyss, William's body will also give them basic nutrients to keep them alive.

The roundworm experiment is developing in a direction beyond the experiment itself...

President Byrne has even put off unimportant meetings these days and spends almost the whole day in the observation room watching everything.

Little Fatty has a cold and is resting at home. I have to take care of her and code words, so I'm a little late. I'm really sorry.

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