The final gentleman

Chapter 633 New Home

When William walked through the Avenue of Skins and stepped into the theater hall.

What comes to your face is a fusion of metal and biology. Various circuits and oil pipelines are wrapped in metal shells and arranged on the surface of the wall, allowing the vascular structure to blend with the metal style to create a unique of beauty.

The "lighting" in the middle of the hall is even more advanced.

This is a three-story crystal chandelier composed of 108 dolls. Each doll has at least 18 individually controlled candles in its body.

The lighting atmosphere formed by the light emitted from different body positions will also be completely different.

Not only the lighting, each puppet has its own expression and posture, and can even perform simple aerial performances under the pull of silk threads and gears.

At present, everyone bows to William and welcomes the return of the master.

"Is this Thirteen's work?"

"Yes~ Sister Zhupou is very artistic. During the time you left, several key members came here. Every time they walked into the hall, they would stop to watch and give high praise."

"It's really good."

When William walked through the hall to the theater infield, the seats here had all been replaced with creature-style ones.

The complete spine and ribs form the back structure of the chair.

The armrests of the seat are made of multiple arms sewn together.

The lower body leg bones and fleshy fillings serve as cushions.

At the same time, there is a "spectating skull" on the spine of the back of the chair.

The skull is also equipped with nerve tissue connected to the stage. The audience can directly obtain the surround sound effects on the stage by simply wearing the skull, which greatly improves the viewing experience in the back row.

"How about it, boss! I have modified this stage many times, and it completely matches the artwork you left before you left."


"Boss, please don't worry about the theater today. You must be very tired after coming back from outside! Go back and rest quickly. I will handle anything for you."

"Okay, but~ come with me, I have something to tell you."

After hearing these words, Nash's whole body tensed up instantly and his blood accelerated, "Boss, do you want me to follow you to your office!?"

"Yes, there are some things that need to be discussed with you privately."

"As you command!"

Nash took the initiative to lead the way, and even his walking posture changed, sometimes trotting and sometimes jumping, and he even felt that his whole body was crawling against the ground.

There is even a parasite mucus secreted that soaks the shirt, and a sticky and stringy substance is left under the feet.

【Chief Office】

The design of the door is also very particular.

It adopts a double door structure, with William's bust and profile carved on the left and right respectively. The differences between the two William can be seen from the carving details. One of them even has a sinister look in his eyes, giving him a feeling of "Yi Chen".

"This guy is good, I like him!" You have never met me, but you can create such a work. ” Yi Chen praised it greatly in his body.

William opened the door directly and entered without making any comments.

What was once an ordinary office has been transformed into a library-like structure.

A total of three levels of design,

All walls have been transformed into bookcase structures with multiple partitions.

The books here are also bought by Nash from various cities on behalf of others. After all, patients in the old world are very similar to humans, and there are many writers.

"How's it going, boss?" Nash rubbed his hands unconsciously, waiting for the praise to come.

"Very good~ How did you know I like reading, Nash?"

"Sister Zhu Ou, she likes to read books and calls you teacher. I guessed it based on this ~ and these books are all carefully selected by me. I know that boss, you were born in the world next door, and your essence belongs to the humans there, right? Our old world understanding may not have been refined enough.

These books deal with human geography from various parts of the Old World, as well as novels based on famous historical events. "

"Thanks a lot!"

William's right hand patted Nash's shoulder. This move directly caused the other person's whole body to convulse.

At this time, Thirteen, who was holding a candle, walked down the spiral staircase.

She no longer wore a tattered, patched maid uniform, but instead put on a pure white dress obtained through condensation wax technology.

And the whole person's temperament has become different, like a housekeeper who can control the entire theater.


Thirteen gently pulled up the hem of her skirt with her fingers and bowed to William.

"Thirteen, you are growing up very fast~ and your lamp works are also very good."

“It’s all thanks to the opportunity that teachers gave me to “further study” that I have been able to understand myself more clearly and can further study the knowledge I have learned in the past. "

"Well, I have something to talk to Nash about first, and I'll check on your brain state in the evening."


Thirteen left here at a faster pace and thoughtfully closed the door.

Click~The moment the door closes,

William suddenly smelled some kind of thick bodily fluid,

Turning his head to look, Nash felt that his whole body was slowly melting. A large amount of dense body fluid seeped out from the surface of his skin. His whole body was slowly shrinking, as if he was about to return to his parasite form.

"Nash, what's wrong with you?"


After leaving Thirteen, the two of them were alone in a room.

Nash has imagined all kinds of crazy scenes in his mind, and his whole person has been completely immersed in such exciting fantasies.

Until... bang! William directly made him wake up with a double-peaked move.

"Be serious, I have something to tell you."

The melting Nash immediately stopped secreting. He took out an oversized water glass from somewhere and started to fill himself with water, and soon returned to his original appearance.

"I'm sorry, boss~ I can't control myself because I haven't seen you for a long time."


Unexpectedly, Nash had just stabilized, and William started to take off his clothes in front of him.

He threw the suit lightly and hung it on a hanger a few meters away.

Unbutton your waistcoat and further unbutton your shirt,

Revealing that incomparable figure and the wonderful, deep and dark belly.


Nash's body instantly generates high pressure from within! Bang... gray-white slime flew everywhere, and the whole person exploded.

The broken body tissues quickly converged towards their original positions and returned to their original state, but they were still somewhat unstable.

Nash was in a state of confusion. This scene that should have appeared in a dream suddenly became a reality, which he couldn't accept at all.


William's next move was to reach into his belly and take out a black roundworm with spiral patterns.

When creatures of the same species appeared, Nash suddenly became normal, and even showed some murderous intent.

"Black Ascariae... No, it's different from regular Black Ascariae. It seems to be mixed with a special spatial attribute. By the way, is this thing parasitic in your body, boss?"

In the second half of these words, Nash was almost in a state of gnashing his teeth.

"No, I just used a large number of black tapeworms to comprehend the abyss. It was just a lucky person who accidentally survived the process."

"Oh~ So that's it. I just said how can such a low-grade parasite be worthy of the boss's body? Even I am not enough."

"Let's get back to the topic, the boss of Blackworm Company, the former Hallownest Protozoa wants to meet you. Are you free?"

"If it's your request, boss, of course I'm free~ If it's just a message from the other party, I won't be free... After all, I just joined the theater and I need to devote myself to my career."

"Then come and meet for me. I have a cooperative relationship with Heiyi Company, and they helped me a lot this time... The other party entrusted me with this matter, so it's hard to refuse."

"Yes, do you need me to take leave now?"

"Don't worry~ Just take a day to go there when you are free. In addition, Nash, I need your help with something."

"What's up?"

"How's your stealth ability?"

"That must be second only to you, the boss. When I was [J], I was responsible for handling some shameful things."

"Help me investigate Catherine and see what she has been doing recently so that she doesn't get discovered."

Nash's expression became serious for the first time, and his two stray eyes also focused together, "Catherine... I'm in a bit of trouble~ Do you need me to get close to the clown house?"

"It's best if you can get close."

"Okay, I will do my best..."

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