The final gentleman

Chapter 640 Late Night Visit

Mr. Rabbit sits in his office and can completely supervise and control the entire "Rabbit Fairy Castle" without any equipment. He only needs his physical body.

If he wanted to, he could even change the structure of the Rabbit Fairy Castle and turn it into a super-large muscle giant, or condense it into a muscle pill as a physical supplement.

He spent the whole day today sitting in the office observing William's situation.

Generally speaking, outsiders like William who came here without going through the "Rabbit Man Screening" would find it difficult to pass the training at the Rabbit Fairy Castle on the first day, even if they were very talented.

Mr. Rabbit has even thought about it,

When William overdraws the energy of all his muscle cells and falls into a complete coma, he will be taken to a secret area of ​​the club by the Bunny Man to receive a special bath treatment.

By then, Mr. Rabbit will also soak in, and when William wakes up, he will be able to give him more intuitive physical guidance. He is rarely interested in young people anymore, and he is still such a new chief.

But the actual situation was completely beyond his expectation.

The muscles trembled, and the physical language was translated into spoken language by the Lucky Rabbit on the desk,

"Using killing instead of playing, using self-wrestling to meet training is really different, and the spiral in the air that is displayed at the end is obviously related to the abyss structure in the abdomen.

When he rose to the highest point, his abdomen showed obvious signs of contraction, and he used it as an axis to achieve ultra-high-speed rotation, and even almost completely tore the ground of the Rabbit Fairy Castle.

Although he has not exercised his body recently, his talent on the physical level is ridiculously high. It is a pity~ He was spotted by the boss in advance and given a status, otherwise he would have become the fourth leader of the acrobatic troupe and completely dependent on me. club. "

In the passage of the circus castle, a figure was moving quickly, coming to the cliff of the passage, and jumped onto the roller coaster covered with smiling faces and balloon graffiti.

William did not have any hidden identity and went directly to the clown house as the chief,

Even if Art asked in person, he would respond positively that he had personal matters with Catherine.

In the past, after a whole day of physical training, William would have gone directly home to take a shower and sleep. After all, he had to go to the Rabbit Fairy Castle the next day.

But this matter of Catherine has always been pressing in her heart. If she can't even get through the other party's active invitation, then she really has no chance.

When his body retracted into the roller coaster, William finally had time to take a rest.

Who knows, when the tight muscles in the whole body just relax.

Buzz! There was a sudden sharp pain in the abdomen. When he looked down, he saw that the abyss was forcibly contracting and twisting, even more intensely than before.

"Is it because I slightly used the characteristics of the abyss during the wrestling... Wow! This pain is completely different, it feels like my soul is being torn apart!"

Even if William used his monastic characteristics, he still couldn't bear it. This pain that was almost tearing his soul into pieces was completely superior to the body, and it was impossible to use it as a stimulant.

William lay as flat as possible on the roller coaster, trying to ease the pain with deep breaths, but his DNA still showed no signs of improvement.

Until a flash of inspiration flashed in my mind, it was what Mr. Rabbit said.

'If you can find the 'rhythm' instead of just imitating...'

"Yes~ rhythm!"

William tried to carefully feel the state of his body, feel the rhythm contained in the contractions, and breathe according to this rhythm.

When the roller coaster reached the station, the contractions finally stabilized.

"I didn't expect the side effects to be so severe. It's really not that simple to control the abyss alone... Last time we opened up the abyss, tens of millions of high-quality black roundworm larvae were sacrificed. Take your time."

William no longer paid attention to his own condition and immediately scanned the situation in the clown house.

"It's a bit strange. According to Art's character, he should show up immediately, but now he doesn't even have a breath coming out."

William continued to sit in the roller coaster and adjust his suit, raising his collar to completely cover his mouth and nose to block possible poison gas, nightmare factors and other substances.

His eyes scanned the factory-like building in front of him.

Exactly consistent with Nash's description,

Yate's painting factory is completely sealed off. The door is covered with various iron chains. There are a large number of balloons with human heads floating in front of the door, one every one meter apart.

However, there is a slight gap in the door of Catherine's factory, and the sound of water tide inside can be vaguely heard through the gap.

"Is this guy Art really in retreat? Isn't Catherine's change directly related to him?"

With one hand on the edge of the roller coaster, William jumped lightly and landed in the middle of the two factory buildings.

Look at the time on your hand - "23:46"

With more than ten minutes left before the end of the day, William decided to take a look at the situation on Art's side.

Oh~ the black ball head was instantly dyed silver,

Due to the combination of Zion and Lorian, William is more skilled in the use of the moon. Coupled with the clothing's ability to conceal the breath and the effect of illusion, William tried to get closer to the nearest balloon with a human head.

When the head balloon rotating in a 360° circle sweeps across William's position, the moonlight will completely eliminate William's image from their vision.

In this way, William successfully approached the door of the factory.

Unfortunately, a more difficult problem lies ahead.

The 'iron chains' hanging all over the front door of the factory are not metal at all, not even chains. It is a "human sausage" that has been enema under high pressure, and the surface is just painted with metallic paint.

Across the casings,

Between each sausage section, you can see at least three high-density compressed human structures, and they are not ordinary humans or created androids, but patients who were defeated and absorbed by Art. At least they have reached the level of open source. level.

It can be roughly seen from their eyes that these patients are crazy and suffering from severe mental illness.

As long as any foreign object touches the "intestinal lock", the sausage will explode directly, and the crazy patients stuck together through malignant growth will immediately pounce on the toucher.

The most important thing is that Art will also know about it at the first time.

Just when William wanted to use the moonlight to disguise himself and try to release these intestinal locks, a feminine voice came from the side,

"Please do not disturb Mr. Art's retreat in the near future~ If you have any questions about clowns that you need to consult, please go to my master's factory.

If Mr. Art is made unhappy, he may go on a killing spree. "

William looked sideways and saw that the speaker was a mannequin.

There were obvious octopus tentacles squirming in the damaged head area, and bursts of dark nightmare breath overflowed from the skull.

Now that he was discovered, William could only give up.

He turned around and walked to the mannequin, changing back to his black-haired look, "I'm just a little curious and want to see what Art is doing... By the way, how long has it been since Art came out?"

"It's been more than two months."

William simply calculated the time, and it was almost the time he started retreating after Lorian chopped his shoulder last time.

"Do you know the reason for seclusion?"

"I am just Miss Catherine's servant and don't know so many details. If you are here to see Miss Catherine, please go in. We may disturb Mr. Art if we talk here."


When William followed the model into Catherine's factory, he quickly observed the nature of the model.

It should be that a certain woman, most likely a candidate for the clown house, was stripped alive and her brain was put into a model's body through a special nightmare transformation.

The octopus tentacles grown from the brain as the center penetrate the model's torso and limbs, and can carry out related movements similar to humans.

Such vicious human transformation has never happened before.

"Miss Catherine is waiting for you in the swimming pool. I have no right to get close."

Following the model's direction, William saw the swimming pool at the end of the factory.

In addition, there are dozens of similar female models hanging from the top of the factory, all staring at this special visitor below with wide eyes and stiff smiles.

As William gradually approached the swimming pool,

Similar to the situation described by Nash, the originally normal swimming pool gradually turned into a beach structure, and the deepest wall of the factory ceased to exist and turned into an endless ocean.

As the first person infected by moonlight, William could tell the clues at a glance.

"Catherine's progress is so fast? She can actually erase the "boundary between dreams and reality"... Although she borrowed special seawater and the space expansion of the circus tent,

But to achieve this level of realism, it mainly relies on "real dreams." "

As William steps onto the beach, he feels this unparalleled real scene.


As the waves crash on the shore,

In the blink of an eye, a wooden boat appeared in front of William's eyes, and there was a soft voice urging him to get on it quickly.

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