The final gentleman

Chapter 644 Abnormality

William looked at the extremely real room in front of him and felt the physical pressure of the bandage tightening his body. It was not much different from reality. It was difficult to distinguish whether it was a dream or reality.

Moreover, the design of the ward overlaps with the memory of Yi Chen's life, but it is not possible to draw a direct conclusion just by seeing one ward.

William wanted to use his abilities to get rid of his restraints, but found that 'opening his eyes' was already his limit. He couldn't even move his fingers, let alone use his abilities.

"Yellow skin, little grape, Yi Chen..."

No matter how I called in my heart, even calling out the name of a creature that was no longer in the body, I couldn't get any response.

It seems that William's ability has been weakened or even blocked,

Only the eyeballs could move, and William took advantage of this to try to observe the room in detail... When his eyeballs turned downward and looked parallel to his body towards the end of the bed, a strange thing came into view.

It is a vermilion wooden [shrine] with a sculpture of a certain god inside.

Since the shrine was almost on a horizontal line with William's body, he couldn't see very clearly when he was lying on his back. Even if he could see clearly, he would most likely not recognize the gods enshrined inside.

But William was certain that it was the existence of this shrine that made him in poor condition and even blocked his abilities.

At this time, someone clicked the lock on the iron door of the ward.

The only thing William could do was to move his eyes and try his best to watch the person coming at the door.

A female doctor with black-rimmed glasses came into view. She was followed by two security guards, but the security guards' faces seemed a little blurry.

The female doctor took out a medical pupil flashlight from her pocket, examined William's eyes, and smiled.

"Is consciousness recovering? You should be able to hear me... Don't worry, we are absolutely safe here. You and your girlfriend or wife are receiving corresponding treatment until you return to normal.

However, I will ask you a few questions at that time and hope to answer them truthfully.

Get a good rest and sleep for a few more days and you should be able to regain your most basic abilities. I will come back for ward rounds when the time comes. Don't overdo it and get plenty of rest. "

Seeing that the female doctor was about to leave, William's eyes suddenly turned towards her, staring into her eyes, as if he wanted to ask for more information.

"This look in your eyes and this appearance... you look very similar to a friend I used to know."

As the female doctor left, William was extremely shocked.

The language spoken by the female doctor turned out to be "Chinese", which was the language used in Yi Chen's world during his lifetime. To some extent, he could infer some things sideways.

"Could it be that Catherine's [nightmare] also formed a 'world connection' effect similar to Galleon's, and combined with the black liquid contained in my brain and the memories of time travel and the world before my death, I traveled back to the original world in reverse?

Or is this just a real dream based on original memories? 』

When William wanted to think more and tried to extract more memories to combine with analysis,

Buzz! A strong sense of fatigue swept through his brain and interrupted his thinking. His eyelids were like a shutter door with a damaged structure, slamming shut.

Time passes,

William has been in a hazy state these days. If he stays awake for almost an hour, he will fall into a deep sleep due to fatigue. If he thinks about it, this time will be shortened.

But every time I wake up, I gain control over my body and my consciousness becomes clearer.

Until the day William could open his mouth to eat, the female doctor came again.

"You should be able to speak now, Mr. Anonymous?"

"Can..." William squeezed out the words with some difficulty.

"Please read a piece of news first."

William was helped by the security guard to sit on the bedside. At this time, he finally saw clearly the shrine standing at the end of the bed. There was no description on it, and only three incense candles were burning.

The statue of the god placed inside has one hand across the abdomen and the other hand with the palm raised in front. However, the face of the statue is covered with red cloth, as if there is something terrible hidden under it.

At this time, another security guard took out his tablet computer and stood in front of William, playing a piece of news.

"At about 11 o'clock on January 23, 2017, a landslide occurred in Shishi Mountain, a 5A-level scenic spot in Yuchuan County, due to unknown reasons, affecting many buses traveling on the mountain lanes and the accommodation area at the foot of the mountain. According to the current official data , at least 213 people were confirmed to be buried, and the number continues to rise.

Search and rescue teams from all parties are arriving one after another and are making every effort to rescue the trapped people. "

"This is?"

"It seems that you do have memory loss, let me remind you. You and your girlfriend or wife happened to be traveling here when the incident happened and were sitting on a bus, and they happened to be buried in it.

It has been about twenty days since you were dug out. Although your bodies are intact, they are already covered with corpse spots.

Many unclaimed bodies were cremated on the spot, and because of your status as foreigners, you needed to be sent to the local embassy for confirmation of identity.

Unexpectedly, you unexpectedly showed vital signs during transportation. Our hospital picked you up as soon as possible after receiving the notice and took good care of you.

Don’t be afraid~ This kind of ‘resurrection from the dead’ is quite common here, and humans like this will be treated as ‘special patients’.

What we have to do now is to get to know you as much as possible and develop a treatment plan based on your condition. "

"Am I... dead..." William said hesitantly, staring at the news pictures in trance.

"Don't be nervous. Anyway, you just need to know that you are still alive, maybe even better than the average person. Don't let your brain be stimulated too much. Let me ask you some basic questions next."

After putting away the tablet, the female doctor sat directly on the edge of the bed, crossed her long legs, put her notebook between her knees, and began to ask questions.

“I need to remind you before I ask.

Regarding your answers, we will compare them with your girlfriend's answers. If we find anything obviously abnormal, we will suspect that you are deliberately deceiving us.

In this case, our hospital may use some special methods to treat special patients.

So please tell the truth and just cooperate well. "


"May I have your name."

"William Y. Behrens."

“The more specific you are about where you’re from, the better.”

"I don't really remember."

Everything above is normal, from William's height and weight to some of his eating habits, work type, etc.

William relied on the fact that he had severe amnesia to either not know or to be vague. Of course, he still said that he was an 'actor' at work, which Catherine should be able to match.

While the female doctor was taking notes, William also tried to ask:

"Excuse me, can you move the shrine or the statue of the god enshrined on it? I always feel uncomfortable when that thing is here, and I even feel like I can't breathe."

From the perspective of William sitting on the bed, he could only see the profile of the female doctor, with a slight smile on her lips covered with lipstick:

“It’s right to be uncomfortable~ Their function is to make you uncomfortable.

Otherwise, 'people' like you may not be able to maintain your senses and become a threat. Just be patient and you will get used to it in a few months.

Okay, next question.

Have you ever had sex with your girlfriend or wife? On a physiological level. "

"Huh?" William was confused by this question. He was stunned for a moment before answering: "No, at least not in my current memory."

"Have you ever had relationships with other people of the same sex?"

"No, absolutely not."

"Then do you know whether your girlfriend or wife has ever been pregnant or had an abortion?"

"have no idea."

"Have you ever had any major surgery before?"

"Not sure, probably not."

"Okay, since your memory function has not recovered yet, William, let's wait a few days for the question and answer session. Have a good rest and let your brain recover quickly. My patience is not very good."

After that, the female doctor directly inserted a special injection into William's neck, and accurately inserted the needle into the artery so fast that it could not even be seen clearly with the naked eye.

For a moment, his whole body felt weak and he wanted to sleep. Even if William tried hard to hold on, he couldn't hold on for three seconds.

Suddenly, it was already late at night,

The door of William's ward was quietly opened, and a black shadow entered against the wall and closed the door again.


A big dick was slapped directly on William's face, and then a basin of fishy-smelling water was thrown in to force him to wake him up.


"William, why are you so useless and still trapped in the bed... If we don't escape from here, we will die!"

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