The final gentleman

Chapter 646 The girl in the ward

Keep going up the narrow and cramped stairs,

The sense of oppression brought by this liminal space is still very strong. After walking for almost ten floors, both William and Catherine felt a little uncomfortable, as if there was a sigh of relief in their hearts.

But he still gritted his teeth and continued upwards, but after walking a full thirty floors, he still couldn't reach the roof.

"It's so frustrating!"

William couldn't help but swear. In his normal posture, he could quickly penetrate the current stairs and find out the problem with his brain alone, but now he couldn't do anything.

"Hahaha~" Catherine covered her black lips and couldn't help laughing, "You will also have times like this, William~ I can see you like this, this nightmare trip is really worth it.

What do you do if you can't get out of the stairs? "

"This way."

William retreated directly to the stairwell and returned to the original passage,

By observing similar wards along the way and seeing the ward where the iron door was slightly open and the idol was smashed, it was determined that the floor of the two people had never changed.

The two people who spent more than ten minutes were just standing still.

“There is indeed something wrong with the stairs, but there is something else strange.

The female doctor clearly said that the "three-level alert" was activated, which logically meant that surveillance in all areas would be strengthened. However, we walked in the stairwell for half an hour and no one came to find us. "

William could only look at the other side of the passage, which was also the only option at the moment - the "elevator".

But modern equipment such as elevators must be full of surveillance. Once two people enter, they may become turtles in the urn.

"However, we can choose not to take the elevator and climb up the elevator shaft."

After saying that, he quickly came to the elevator entrance. William forced the elevator door open, and the elevator shaft with the metal cable hanging down was right in front of him.

When William tried to look down, the elevator car about ten floors below blocked his view, preventing him from peeking into the situation deeper.

When I looked up at the top, I couldn't even see my head, it was pitch black.

"How high is this hospital?"

William jumped into the elevator shaft in one step and climbed up along the central steel cable.

Catherine used her octopus legs to easily climb up the wall, and her speed was naturally much faster.

"Can you do it, William~ Hurry up!"

The two of them climbed almost twenty floors, but when they looked up, it was still pitch black.

William stopped wasting energy, turned around, opened the elevator door and returned to the floor passage. Sure enough... it was still the original floor, which meant that he could not escape from the current floor whether he took the elevator or the stairs.

Some unknown ability creates a 'ghost hitting the wall' effect.

Although he does not have the effect of epilepsy, William's thinking ability is not weak, and he can think quickly while leaning against the wall.

“No matter what you do, you cannot leave the current floor, and the seemingly existing stairs and elevators cannot fulfill their functions.

However, it seems that the relevant personnel of the hospital cannot reach the current floor. Otherwise, during the time we were wandering here, hospital personnel would have come to arrest us.

In other words, this layer is "locked".

There is no way out or in.

Who blocked it?

According to the female doctor, she will track Catherine and me throughout the hospital. If they were to block it from the outside, they wouldn't be able to get in, and they wouldn't be able to conduct various investigations and manage patients. It's completely unnecessary.

In this case there is only one possibility. "

William clasped his five fingers on his face and looked through the gaps between his fingers towards the current corridor and the various wards arranged in this passage.

"A certain patient has blocked the floor we are on, or used some means to prevent us from moving vertically. We need to find him."

By the time William came to this conclusion, Catherine had already taken action.

She walked through each ward in turn and sniffed the smell at the door and window with her nostrils, and soon got the answer.

"William, we found it! It should be this guy."

Catherine always had a clear mind,

The stairs she walked or the elevator shaft she climbed in were all left with strong-smelling tentacle slime.

If someone is deliberately manipulating the 'space structure' of stairs or elevators to prevent them from leaving, they will inevitably be exposed to this smell.

William also smelled a smell of the deep sea when he got close, "Smell~ Catherine, you are quite smart."

"The method of duplicating the liminal space to achieve an infinite loop and trap the opponent for a short period of time is something I often used when creating nightmares. It couldn't be simpler.

Now that we have found the culprit, we can finally try what it feels like to kill people in this world. "

The tentacles unlock and push the iron doors.

The dark ward that appeared in front of them was only illuminated by the red candle on the shrine, and it also provided a light red light.

The patient imprisoned here is a little girl, at least from the back, she is between 8 and 10 years old. She wears a long red dress and has black hair hanging down on her shoulders.

She stood upright in front of the shrine, gazing at the statue, with her back to the door.

Catherine's right arm has grown a spear-like tentacle, intending to penetrate the little girl directly.

"Wait, Catherine!"

William grabbed it and blocked the attack.

"What are you doing?"

"I don't feel murderous intent, and the direct attack you just made might be dangerous...let me do it."

In fact, Catherine herself felt a sense of inexplicable danger. Since William took the initiative, she gave up her position.

"Please, Mr. William, who calls you the chief?"

William and Catherine swapped places,

He did not touch the little girl directly, but stood two meters away to negotiate.

"Since you have the ability to manipulate the stairs and elevators to prevent us from going to other floors, you should also have the ability to report our situation here to the outside and let the doctor catch us, right?

Why not do this? If you perform meritorious service, the hospital should also give you a reward, right?

Or do you mean you have no malicious intentions? "


A strange sound came from in front of her, and the little girl began to slowly raise her head. The sound was the sound made by her cervical vertebrae folding.

He continued to lean back, even his throat was torn open, until he leaned back to 180 degrees, hanging his head upside down, facing the two people at the door.

Seeing the appearance of the 'little girl', both William and Catherine were stunned for a moment.

There is no face, or the whole face has been gouged out,

A continuously rotating "Flesh and Blood Rubik's Cube" is embedded in the little girl's face. It seems that it is this Rubik's Cube that is constantly affecting the stairs and elevator shafts, creating a ghostly effect.

However, the little girl could not speak, and tilting her head back seemed to be the only movement she could make.

Moreover, the Rubik's Cube embedded in her face was still bleeding, which seemed quite painful.

It was obvious that she was also suppressed by the idol. The reason why William and the two could not get out was because she hoped that they could find this place and help her destroy the idol and gain freedom.

William took one step and walked to the side of the shrine.

At this time, Catherine's voice came: "Hey! It's not easy to be a good person. Once you are bitten, you may die directly. William, you have to think clearly."

William did not respond, and directly punched the shrine and the statue into pieces.

In an instant, the flesh and blood Rubik's Cube on the little girl's face stopped bleeding, and her condition quickly recovered.

He even constructed a mouth in the middle of the Rubik's cube, "Thank you~ There are actually people who can break the influence of 'god' on their own. You are really amazing."

Please come with me. The hospital is currently on lockdown and I will try my best to get you out. "

"May I have your name."

"Just call me Fangfang..."

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