The final gentleman

Chapter 652 Exorcism

When William finished the "hand-tearing drama", Catherine suddenly woke up,

As the master of nightmares, she was actually confused by the small idol. She became so angry that she slapped a super-large tentacle directly at the idol, smashing it on the spot just like in the hospital.


The tentacles that were strong enough to break an iron rod were blocked by something when they were photographed.

It didn't even land on the surface of the statue. It was bounced back by a force just as it approached the shrine.

Not only that,

The rebound force was actually multiplied, tearing off the octopus tentacles used by Catherine to whip.

This is part of Catherine's body. She cannot block the pain and cannot regenerate due to the disease's lack of ability.

It was as if a finger had been torn off by the roots. The pain caused all the tentacles on her back to grow out, wrap around her body and roll on the ground.

William's attention fell on the surface of the shrine, and he saw some clues.

When the tentacles were pulled down, a layer of light red barrier seemed to appear on the surface of the shrine, and there seemed to be strange words floating on the surface.

"And a protective layer similar to a force field?"

When William stepped on the torn flesh tissue and stepped forward to observe the shrine,


The body surface of the ‘Sending Son Guanyin’ lit up with a burst of red light.

Under the radiation of the red light, the flesh and blood that had been torn by hands and scattered on the ground began to squirm crazily, and even bursts of babies' cries could be heard.

William immediately realized the seriousness of the problem and shouted, "Catherine, stop screaming! Break the flesh on the ground quickly and throw the pieces of meat out of the window as much as possible."

Catherine once learned to turn off pain through her brain when she was still an experimental subject in [Arc Sea]. It had been a long time since she had passively felt such severe pain, and she felt a little uncomfortable in a short period of time.

But at William's request, she still stared with red eyes and gritted her teeth to hold on.

Use the remaining tentacles to violently slap the female boss's flesh, tear it into as small pieces as possible, and throw some of the scraps out of the window in an attempt to stop the ongoing regeneration.

Unfortunately, the effect of the idol became stronger and stronger, the regeneration speed became faster and faster, and finally the body was condensed on the ceiling.

Because a small portion of the minced meat was thrown out of the window by William and Catherine, the assembled female boss obviously lacked some meat, especially the abdomen was smaller.

Her whole body had become furious,

Under the blessing of the red light given by the god, the black hair fluttered around the body, revealing a withered face that resembled a skeleton, with a circle-shaped mouth that kept making weird roars.

The abdomen also split open again like a mouth, taking on the shape of a bloody mouth.

The fetus crawling all over the abdominal cavity was making heart-rending cries, making it difficult for the two of them to concentrate and even causing nosebleeds.

Catherine was a little afraid. Due to the continuous severe pain caused by the broken tentacles, she did not beat it immediately, worried that the few tentacles would be bitten off again.

Just as William and Catherine were getting ready to fight,


There was a burst of gunfire,

It didn't come from outside the house or from a certain area inside the house, but from the dull gunfire inside the hostess.

Immediately afterwards, there were several more gunshots,

The hostess's body was shot with several bullet holes, her head was also shot through, and her eyes became dull... Immediately afterwards, a pair of rough and huge palms stretched out from the abdomen, tearing open the hostess's flesh again.

The flesh explodes and blood rains down,

But this time, as the flesh was torn apart, two men in black appeared.

The sharp-faced police detective held a special pistol in his hand, exuding evil aura.

The police detective with a sharp face immediately looked at the foreigner at the door, who was also the main target of their police dispatch. His flexible brain quickly analyzed the current situation and judged the foreigner's goodwill behavior.

He immediately shouted loudly, "I will deal with the idol, and you will clean up the mess."

The stern-faced police detective reached out to touch the lining of his windbreaker, and what he pulled out was not a pistol, but a rather delicate ink fountain, with a police badge even engraved on the surface.

Stored in the ink warehouse is a specially refined cinnabar to exorcise evil spirits.

The fingers are hooked on the ink line, quickly wrapping and binding the shrine, and flicking the thread at key parts to break the 'veins' of the shrine.

Everything is ready,

The police detective took out a piece of yellow paper from the lining, touched the linen on his face with his fingers, stained with the blood on it, and quickly drew symbols on the surface of the yellow paper.

The yellow paper floats in the air between your fingers,

The police detective struck out with his palm, even creating tiny ripples in the air, forcibly breaking the barrier of the shrine and patting the yellow paper on the surface of the statue to seal it.

The red light that filled the room instantly dissipated,

The squirming flesh no longer gathered together, and screams continued,

The anxious police detective cooperated with William and Catherine to quickly collect the minced meat, put it into black plastic bags, and then sent it to the crematorium for incineration.


The police detective with a face who had just finished sealing the idol suddenly remembered something.

"Where's the boss? Find him quickly."

Everyone searched the room but found no trace of the boss. Moreover, the master bedroom had been vacated long ago and people had been gone for more than ten minutes.

at the same moment,

At a certain exit of the urban village, the boss dragging a large suitcase no longer stooped and got into a taxi with a newborn baby spliced ​​together from minced meat in his arms.

The taxi's ornament is also an exquisite statue of a god.

...Half an hour passed.

In the boss's home, which was filled with red candles, everyone was sitting around a log table.

The police detectives did not express a threatening attitude or want to arrest anyone. The blood on their azabu faces became very shallow, which represented their current relative friendliness.

"Thank you foreign friends for your help. Without your help, my partner and I might have become sacrifices. It was really unintentional.

In return, I, a small local police detective, will no longer pursue your matter. When I return, I will write in the report that you have left the county.

The only requirement is not to cause trouble in our county, otherwise we will meet again. "

"No problem, I don't look like a bad guy." William showed his usually sunny smile.

"Your smile makes me a little creepy... To be precise, it's your appearance that reminds me of a particularly vicious case that shocked the whole country."

"Huh? Who?" William asked deliberately, but he probably had the answer in his heart.

"You can find out if you just search the newspapers from three years ago. As a police officer, it is not convenient for me to directly tell you things related to the case.

By the way~ I still have a few questions I want to know about.

Where are you from? There should be another person upstairs, right? An escape from some prison, or? If it's not convenient to say it, that's okay. "

"A hidden hospital built in a mountainous area. I don't know its specific name. Aren't you sent by the hospital?"

"Hospital?" The grim-faced police detective tapped his head with his index finger, "We are just local police officers who came to see you for stealing express delivery. Unexpectedly, you seemed to have another identity.

Perhaps it is more troublesome than a fugitive. I advise you to leave the county as soon as possible and go further away. "

"Okay, I also have a question."

"Ask, but we will not answer any questions involving confidentiality."

William originally wanted to ask questions about the idols, but he suddenly remembered that every household in this world seemed to have idols, but there were [differences] between the idols.

If you directly ask such a basic question, the police detective will inevitably suspect their identity, or even suspect that they are spies from abroad, which will lead to even greater trouble.

Regarding matters related to the statue of gods, it was better to explore on his own, so William also changed to a more conventional question.

"It's not a problem, I just want to ask if you can trouble you two to let us take a train to a distant city? After all, that kind of place requires identity verification. If we need to use special means, we may give it to you. cause trouble."

Zha Zilian thought for a moment and nodded, "Okay, I will accompany you to the platform to verify your identity. Leave quickly~ We are already very busy for this county."

"By the way, if you can, help me find the news from three years ago that you just mentioned~"

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