The final gentleman

Chapter 681 Toothache

Zion's newly developed high-end carriage suddenly stopped before it reached its destination and stopped moving.

William and Desline also discovered something at the same time. The horse responsible for pulling the carriage was the reformed death row prisoner and was already dead.

The two got out of the car at the same time to check.

The level of the gray domain that permeates here has reached the fourth level [forbidden] given by Zion. A regular gentleman will definitely die in such a gray domain.

The once cement road has completely deteriorated.

A structure similar to fish bones runs through the center of the road, serving as the 'ridge' of the road, while the road surface is covered with silvery fish scales.

It makes the entire road look like an infinitely extending hairtail fish in the gray fog.

But the horse's death was not directly related to the road. He was drowned, and water was constantly seeping from the horse's eye sockets, nostrils, and mouth.

After William performed a craniotomy on the horse, he found that the cranial cavity was also filled with seawater.

The moisture in the air is also mixed with deep-sea Vibrio bacteria, which is very deadly to life below Kaiyuan. Even people with Kaiyuan disease will be very uncomfortable.

There is also a non-fatal disease that affects horses. The horses' teeth have completely fallen out at some point, leaving dark holes in every gum.

"The influence of the Gray Realm is actually so strong?"

"Of course, the horse's ability to persist here depends entirely on the death row prisoner's own certain disease abilities, otherwise he would have died a few hours ago.

Such a thick gray area is fatal to most gentlemen. Only if we complete the path in this way, individuals who are fully recognized by the old world will feel nothing. "

When she said this, Deslin suddenly reached out to cover her cheek, and an irritating toothache made her whole body tense.

William also felt that a virus more aggressive than deep-sea Vibrio was quietly penetrating into his body.

However, no matter how hidden this virus is, even if this virus does not invade the brain or blood and only targets teeth, anyone who dares to make any attempt on William's "Gestalt Body" will be discovered immediately.

Just like a skilled ninja secretly sneaking into a certain street under the cover of night,

He is not interested in the various shops and residential buildings on this street.

Instead, they use the 'street lights' as an entry point, trying to pry open the street lights and invade the entire street through the wires buried underneath.

Just when the ninjas were tampering with the street lights, a group of weird groups walked out of the darkness. Some were shaking their chest muscles, some were tearing their flesh with steel nails, some were stepping on sheep's hooves, and there were even black and full ones. It's a giant parasite of a hole.

No matter how much the ninja used all kinds of destructive ninjutsu, he was still pushed to the ground and beaten wildly until he didn't even recognize his mother. Finally, he was mashed into pulp and poured into the sewer.

"Principal, it seems to be some kind of tooth-related virus. Do you want me to help you clean it up?"

"No need~"

Desline's palm against her cheek emitted bursts of starlight, and the latent viruses that had just taken root on the surface of the tooth nerves were immediately radiated by cosmic rays and all died.

"I have long heard that the virus in [Dental Clinic] is very secretive, and it is indeed very powerful... Just this kind of ordinary virus scattered randomly can invade my mouth unknowingly."

"Interesting~ I didn't expect there to be such an epidemic area. Let's go there quickly."

William was already excited and couldn't wait to see what the cross-infected port city would look like. The two stepped on the fish bones in the center of the road and kept approaching in the direction where the sound of the tide came from.

The principal was performing stargazing throughout the whole process, and it could be seen that planet-like objects were rotating in his palms, trying to capture possible dangers in advance.

In this case, William followed him obediently, and even took the opportunity to communicate with Nash.

"Nash, do you know much about [Dental Clinic]?" 』

"Tooth shop~ This is very famous in our old world. This is the 'general hospital' of our old world, a special epidemic area. It has the same position as the monastery and is an important institution affiliated with the disease center.

During the war, the dental clinic also provided important medical support, allowing many patients who should have died to be sent to the dental clinic or branch clinics to recover to full health in a short time and return to the battlefield.

It's a pity that such an important location was naturally targeted by outsiders, and the entire dental museum was severely hit. It was rumored that the director with the most skillful medical skills, who was also an epidemic master in the old world, was assassinated and died.

After the war, the dental shop was in dire straits and disappeared.

Even though the owner of the disease died, the dental clinic retained the title of the source of the epidemic due to its special nature. It has been developing secretly, borrowing the epidemic book "Dental Medicine" provided by the disease center to develop talents and try to cultivate a new appointment. curator.

It's a pity that I haven't heard any relevant news until now. After all, in an environment blocked by various rules like the old world, it is too difficult to give birth to a plague lord.

Now it seems that they are focusing on this side of the world. 』

William was a little surprised by the information Nash gave, "A special epidemic area?" The owner of the epidemic was actually killed during the war... No wonder such a well-known epidemic area disappeared. I have never heard of it or seen it.

According to the principal, the Dental Clinic should now become a mobile organization similar to the Duke Chamber of Commerce, secretly bringing in some dying people to provide treatment and to screen talents.

It's a pity that thousands of years have passed and talents have still not been screened out. 』

Nash also shook his head, "Epidemic Lord~ It's too difficult!" It's not that easy. From the end of the war to the present, no plague lord has been born in the entire old world. Perverts like Mr. Rabbit, Jain and Art are still in the Silver Circle. 』

"I didn't expect you know a lot, Nash. 』

When Nash was praised like this, he immediately scratched its transparent head with his flagellum, "Hee hee~ I often have nothing to do in the circus. After all, when I was the director, I didn't need to think about performing. If I had nothing to do, I would follow other poker players." They chatted face to face, they were all from different regions, and while chatting, they learned about most things in the old world. 』

"Okay, let's see what's going on in the colonies here, and see if the legendary 'Old World Hospital' has brought their medical technology over.

It would be interesting if it was actually brought.

Moreover, this city is also mixed with Sea Arcaea, and we don’t know what kind of infected city it will be. 』

The journey was smooth and there was no danger except for the possible harm caused by germs floating in the air.


Not only the road was visible in the thick fog, but an arched and hollow city gate was slowly reflected, occupying the entire highway.

On both sides of the gate are walls made of bricks and tiles, only more than three meters high. The surface is covered with various corals and shellfish due to moisture.

The wall is equipped with dense awls, and a few meters apart stands a fish-man statue with wings and an octopus-legged beard, in a half-crouching posture.

The eyes of the statue are filled with teeth, which is disgusting.

This seemingly ordinary wall may have a better isolation effect than ordinary city walls.

William's eyes were still focused on the city gate in front of him. The top reached ten meters, and there was a plaque hanging on it with old world words written on it.


Through the hollow door, you can still vaguely see the outlines of various Gothic buildings standing inside.

When William reached out and touched the city gate,

Gulu gulu~ The ground covered with fish scales suddenly sank and turned into a pool, and something began to float up.

Finally, an old fish-man emerged, still wearing a soaked human coat.

The eyeballs are swollen and vomiting, the hair on the head has fallen out, and there is a respiratory structure like fish gills between the neck.

The most difficult thing to accept is that this person has no lower jaw, and the exposed mouth is full of dense teeth, and there is even a tongue holding the teeth hanging in it.

As he spoke, he could clearly see bubbling bubbles in his throat, which was filled with teeth.

"Dear silver circle patients, welcome to Diptus! Since you don't belong here, you need to pay a certain fee to enter the city."

Before the other party could say anything, William directly took out fifty ancient coins from the greedy treasure house.

"Is it enough?"

"That's enough, thank you, sir! I'll open the door for you right now. Do you need me to lead the way?"

"No need."

William didn't want to let this guy who looked like he had trypophobia lead the way. It would be more interesting to explore by himself.

The door opens, and a port city retaining the Gothic style comes into view.

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