The final gentleman

Chapter 686 Changes in the Ocean

The night passed.

Nash, who had self-removed his frontal lobe, drank so much that he was out of shape at the cruise bar, and was finally carried back to his room by the crew.

When he woke up again in a daze, it was already the afternoon of the second day, and exactly one day had passed since he boarded the ship. The "prefrontal lobe" had regenerated unconsciously while he was drunk. He instinctively climbed up the wall and continued to listen to what was going on next door.

Wow~ A louder scream penetrated the wall,

This unreasonable cry made Nash's whole body tense up. He didn't think that a perfect being like the boss would make such a cry. He thought everything was because he was violent, so he quickly dug out the whole brain and soaked it in the bathtub. I plan to get some serious sleep.

The house next door,

William's basic physical examination took longer than expected, taking up a full day.

The final stage,

After washing his whole body, William lay in the bathtub with his right foot stretched out.

Jessica squatted half-crouched and bit William's toes with her teeth.

While applying constant pressure from his teeth, he slowly untied the sutures in his mouth, fully opened and bit William's half of his foot. The densely packed teeth in the mouth give the strongest acupuncture stimulation to the soles of the feet, reaching the entire body.

This feeling was stronger than before, forcing William to scream loudly.

The whole body bite ends here,

Jessica gently removed the saliva from the corner of her mouth with her right hand, re-sutured the gaping mouth, and put the mask back on.

A 'Tooth Sensor Body Detection Map' had already been generated in her mind, and she was shocked but also a little confused.

"I have dissected many human bodies, even those infected with cancer and resulting in large-scale hyperplasia. Your body structure is completely different from theirs, except that the outer skin and skeleton look like a human.

Your body must have used "ancient genes" to carry out basic changes and complements, right? Was it done during the silver haze period? "

"As expected of Doctor Jessica, you are absolutely right."

“It’s indeed perfect, at least I couldn’t find any flaws the first time I inspected it, but after I tasted it carefully, I discovered problems.

I shouldn't be the first person to point out that there is something wrong with your body, right? "

"Yes, many people who are stronger than me, or people who are proficient in the flesh, have said similar things."

"Did they ever say what was wrong?"


"Then let's use my medical opinions to talk about the current problems of your body."

After all,

Jessica popped out her index finger, a special front tooth grew on the end of her finger, then she reached into the bathtub and touched William's body,

Press and move between the chest muscles and abdomen, scrape the muscle gaps with your fingertips and teeth, or squeeze some muscles hard.

William gritted his teeth, feeling an indescribable sense of pain and relief. As the fingers moved around, whole-body twitches and spasms even began to occur.

"It feels pretty strong, right?"


"[Xu], this is your problem... your body construction is indeed perfect, and it is obvious that a large amount of silver liquid was used to create such a body.

Although the exterior structure is perfect, no flaws can be found in the various frame arrangements. are empty inside!

In other words, although the diseases in your body are complex and diverse, most of them are not pure enough to fill, occupy, and utilize this perfect framework, and can only make some superficial arrangements.

In the end, the body is left empty. Many areas are just shells and frames, but the inside is empty. This is [Void].

With the support of your special skin, you may be able to barely cover up this layer of [emptiness]. But once you encounter a strong enemy, this [virtuality] will be infinitely expanded, eventually leading to defeat or even death.

If you don't count your part in the abyss, you probably won't even be able to defeat the parasite that follows you. Of course, I didn't include your epileptic brain. Judging from the feeling, epileptic brain seems to be quite perfect. "

"What should I do to fill this [vacuum]? Should I improve my various symptoms? Or..."

"You can slowly improve it, use the epidemic books corresponding to each epidemic area to practice from scratch, and improve the purity and concentration of various diseases to fill the gaps in the body.

But this takes a long time, and it is unlikely that every epidemic area will be willing to support you. After all, the epidemic book is still very specific. For example, it is impossible for the Monastery of Pain to support you.

There is another way, which is to use something else, something that is strong enough to control all diseases to fill the gaps and gaps, and even control the body.

Your epileptic brain can only play a regulating role, you need to find something else,

[Abyss] This may be possible, but I have to wait until I complete all inspections of it before I can draw a final conclusion.

Start now? "

Dentist Jessica's white-spotted eyes revealed endless curiosity. This was what she was waiting for. She could even see her throat moving, as if she was swallowing saliva.

"Let's eat something first~ It seems we haven't eaten all day. It's not good to be hungry."


Just as William was getting dressed and preparing to go to the cruise ship's restaurant for dinner with Jessica, a sound transmission from the stars was received.

"There is something strange in the sea, be careful."

William's eyes suddenly widened, and he quickly walked to the sea-view balcony attached to the room.

On the misty sea surface, the whale eyes that swam with the ship all became swollen and bloodshot, and seemed to be preparing for a head-on collision with the ship's hull.

[Old World, Great Epidemic Area-Arc Sea]

It is different from the human world being completely infected and showing colorful sea water.

The Arc Sea is crystal clear as a whole. Under the illumination of an effective light source, the naked eye can see the general situation of about fifty meters of the seabed. The reason is that the pathogens here are highly unified and operate in an orderly manner under the control of some kind of signal.

Lower the camera towards the seafloor, reaching a depth of more than 30,000 meters.

If you search carefully on the absolutely dark seafloor, you will find the source of deep-sea signals and you will find a submarine intestine with a special structure, and the surface is covered with special fish scales for pressure stabilization.

It is completely different from the ‘undersea dream’ that William once had.

The real [Deep Sea Laboratory] is located under the intestinal tract of the seabed. It is the true secret of the deep sea. The memories related to it in Catherine's brain are blocked and cannot be shared.

Experimental projects related to studying female bodies, octopuses, and dreams are all conducted in a laboratory below, and dreams are just one of the projects.

Different laboratories are located in different intestinal branch areas,

Currently, in a laboratory with "eye" carved on the door.

Thousands of bottles and jars are stored here, and each one is filled with fresh eyeballs. Each eyeball corresponds to a "surveillance eye" in a lake, river or even the sea.

In addition, there is a special large experimental table in the center of the room.

A fixed-shaped pit was dug out inside the experimental table and filled with seawater. If you observe the outline of the pit, you will find that it was dug out according to the proportion of the ocean in the human world.

The real-life sea conditions in the human world will be perfectly reflected here.

The cruise ship that William and the others boarded also floated on the table with a figure of the ship corresponding to it, and there were also a lot of eyeballs around it.

And the famous Yuyuan happens to be here today, observing that this human sea is also his new home where he is ready to take root in the future.

However, his eyes were not on the ship. After all, ships like this are often seen, and he will not actively interfere or even allow "cross-infection" to occur.

His eyes stayed on a certain sea area, somewhere outside the sea area he managed. The ocean here actually showed an unusual silver color.

Any eyeball caught in it will become disoriented and eventually self-destruct.

Even though some so-called 'capable subordinates' were sent, they were completely missing. Some Silver Circle-level deep-sea patients wanted to go there to investigate, but considering that world travel would have considerable side effects and limit their strength, they were eventually rejected by Yuyuan.

He needed to retain the strength of the Deep Sea in order to achieve a complete Deep Sea relocation.

Yuyuan has tried many new methods, but still cannot obtain any information about the Silver Sea.

At this moment, he suddenly discovered that the ship that did not attract his attention at first had been able to roughly estimate the navigation route after a day and night of sailing.

It was strange. There was a high probability that the sailing route would not reach any continent. Instead, there was more than a 65% probability of heading to the Silver Sea. Such a route made him immediately interested.

I personally controlled the whale eyes surrounding the ship, trying to see what was so special about this ship.

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