The final gentleman

Chapter 688 Dreaming

【Cruise Stateroom】

Principal Desline is holding a celestial body in her arms and hanging in the center of the room. The entire room has been infected with star particles due to her stay, and the material structure has been disrupted by cosmic radiation. Even if someone boards the ship, as long as they cannot decipher the star barrier at the door, they will not be able to touch it. room.

The bathroom door is closed, and the physical examination is being carried out inside.

Since the full-body examination was over, William did not need to strip naked. He only needed to unbutton the lower part of his shirt to expose his abdomen.

At the dentist's request,

William unbuttoned the three buttons at the bottom of his white shirt, sat on the toilet with his legs spread apart, and lifted his abdomen as high as possible, revealing the abdominal muscle structure and the central abyss structure.

Jessica is testing the abyss with various instruments.

Time soon came to midnight,

William's side was fine, but Jessica was sweating profusely. During the inspection of the abyss, she was almost sucked into it several times and almost infected with the pathogens in the abyss.

Even on both of Jessica's palms, spiral stripes appeared involuntarily and deformed teeth grew out of her control.

Go to the pool and have your teeth extracted.

The deformed and twisted teeth were pulled out by Jessica, her hands were full of blood holes, and she was leaning against the pool, gasping for air.

"Dr. Jessica, are you okay? The Tenth Abyss will invisibly cause your body to produce unconventional replication. In more serious cases, coagulation may occur. The virus will copy the best and most prominent features in your body in a targeted manner. And condense the mask on your head.

Let's change the method tomorrow. If this continues, you may be completely infected. "

Jessica took off the mask, put her palms full of holes into her mouth, and nourished them with special interdental saliva, and the spiral scars were quickly repaired.

"Medical research is inherently risky, especially when faced with an abyss that even the old world cannot cope with... Don't worry about me, if I can't do this well, I'm not qualified to be a dentist at all."

"Okay, that's it for today, you have a good rest."

In the guest room.

Dentist Jessica slept alone on the waterbed, and Principal Desline was still floating in the air. William did not take advantage or squeeze in between the two of them.

He just took off his leather shoes and socks, soaked in the bathtub wearing a shirt and trousers, and carefully reviewed the physical examination process and Jessica's evaluation.

"There is only a framework but no inner... The epileptic brain can only play a coordinating role at best. If you want to complete it, you must find a way to delve into various [life]-related diseases in the body, or develop into an abyss.

I thought that setting foot in the Silver Circle was already a mainstay in the old world, but I didn't expect that I was still so far behind.

By the way~ I wonder if it would be more convenient if I "turn over" myself and fully reveal my abyssal side before undergoing a physical examination? Moreover, since I returned to the old world, I haven't tried the newly developed abyss ability of "Flip". "

Thinking of this, William clasped his hands on his abdomen,

Just when he was about to turn over to his real body, buzz! The sound of metal friction resounded throughout the entire cruise ship, and all the nuts on the ship began to rotate, and even a sea vortex formed in the kilometers of sea centered on the cruise ship.

The bathroom door was also pushed open suddenly.

The principal held the miniature celestial body in one hand and opened the door with the other. His twinkling starry eyes were staring at the young man in the bathtub with confusion.

In her field of vision, William seemed to be transformed into a black hole, and the surrounding matter was collapsing towards his point.

"William, is this the 'turning over the abyss' in your story? We are on a boat now, so don't mess around."

As William's hands left his abdomen, everything returned to normal.

"I'm sorry, principal~ I didn't expect the movement to be so big. I just remembered the physical examination advice given by Jessica, so I wanted to give it a try."

Desline first glanced at Jessica who was sleeping deeply on the bed. Then she moved her bare feet into the bathroom and locked the door. She leaned against the door and asked softly: "How was the physical examination?"

"Dr. Jessica is still very professional and gave me the answer I wanted~ My internal diseases are complex and not enough to fill such a perfect physical frame. I am still far behind, so I have to take my time. That’s all.”

"Haha~" The principal couldn't help covering his mouth and laughing when he heard this, "How old are you? Can you find a silver circle patient as young as you in the whole old world? Let alone you control and coordinate such a disease at the same time in your body So many diseases.

Since the physical examination is valid, in the remaining few days, let Jessica check the abyss for you. The momentum just now was amazing. I have never seen anyone show a 'black hole' star.

Go to bed early, William. "


The principal wanted to turn around and leave, but when she was opening the door, she suddenly stopped.

Turning around and walking towards the bathtub, William was a little overwhelmed by this sudden change.


The principal bit her finger, and she, who suffered from hyperchylomicronemia (astrological variant), dropped milky-white blood into it. There were ten drops in total, and the entire bathtub was dyed into a milky-white starry sky.

"Meditate and rest among the stars. If you still want to chat with me, you can use the connection created by the star grains to realize a common dream with me."

"Thank you, principal."

Desline walked out of the bathroom and returned to her floating state, her eyes slowly closing, ready to have more star discussions with William in her dream.

But the moment she fell asleep... snap! A wave of waves crashed heavily on the boat, and the loud sound woke her up suddenly.

A feeling of extreme cold swept through Deslin's body, and she felt cold for some reason. Looking at the bed, Jessica who was supposed to be sleeping on it was nowhere to be seen.

She walked to the bathroom with some confusion, and the moment she opened the door, William who was supposed to be lying in the bathtub also disappeared.

Moreover, the seawater overflowing in the room had an extremely bone-chilling chill, which even made Deslin shiver and cross her arms.

"Where are they?"

It was obviously strange, but Deslin didn't doubt it. Her mind seemed to be frozen by the cold sea water.

When she exited the bathroom, the door to the guest room was opened at some point, and the space barrier set above no longer existed.

Desline walked out of the room on the cold water,

Crunchy~ The light bulbs were shining in the water-soaked passage, and the outline of a female body was vaguely revealed at the end corner, and the other person seemed to be in a 'half-kneeling posture', with only the upper body exposed.

no hair,

The skin is pale,

The entire nose was cut off straight away, leaving a wound.

The eyeballs are white and protruding from being soaked in sea water for a long time.

The whole face is also obviously malnourished, with concave cheeks and an open mouth like a round hole.

Looking at the O-shaped mouth, it seemed like something was about to come out.

Zhi~The light is flashing!

After the passage lost light for a moment, the strange woman kneeling at the end moved forward about five meters.

Every time the light flashed, she would move forward a little further, pushing closer to Deslyn.

The oppression caused by the cramped passage, the bone-piercing cold caused by the sea water hidden above the knees, and the psychological discomfort caused by the flashing lights and the strange woman made Deslin a little breathless.

Until the two of them were only less than five meters apart,

At this time, the woman's 'O-shaped' mouth began to squirm and enlarge, and something was spitting out.

First, a strand of hair appeared from the mouth, followed by fair and moist skin, and eyes as bright as stars. It grew bigger and bigger, even forcing the woman's mouth to be completely stretched open and torn apart.

Finally, a head covered in saliva appeared, which was Desline's own head.

He didn't spit it out completely, but held the whole head in his mouth.

At this moment, endless fear struck, and withered octopus legs climbed onto the frightened Deslin's body, preparing to drag her into the sea.

crucial moment.


A sound of clashing teeth sounded in the passage, and teeth began to grow out of the water-soaked passage.


There was another sound, the passage was torn apart by teeth, and the space trembled.


On the third sound, the dream collapsed! Desline opened her eyes suddenly and gasped for air. Her floating state was lifted due to the nightmare. She was currently being held horizontally in someone's arms.

Not William, but Jessica, the dentist.

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