The final gentleman

Chapter 690 Arrival


Due to being recognized by Deep Sea and accepting the special mission given by Yuyuan, this ship will be recognized by Deep Sea. Therefore, there is no need to carry out any deep sea camouflage. It can travel at full speed and even get a boost from the sea water.

The seawater between the cabin passages was completely drained and returned to a dry state.

The four of them were sitting around a table in the corner of the restaurant area, eating breakfast and discussing.

William said apologetically at first, "I'm really sorry for involving Miss Jessica. When the time comes, I will ask the captain to stop the ship on the nearest continent. You can just find a nearby passage to return to the old world."

Jessica, who had a mask hanging on one ear, glanced at William with dotted pupils, and then looked back implicitly.

"The fish source has completely targeted us. If the ship deviates from the course in any way, the sea will probably not allow it. It is even more impossible to dock on the edge of the continent. It doesn't matter if I get involved. Anyway, I have nothing to do recently. thing.

Can you tell me more about the [Silver Ocean]? Who can actually fight for control of the sea from Yuyuan? Who is so capable? Is this the ‘friend’ you mentioned earlier? "

"Yes, it is indeed related to my friend~ But I didn't expect that he would actually occupy a sea area, and I don't know what he is doing specifically.

As for Silver, it is directly related to his illness ~ he is the origin of the moon disease in this world. "

"What!?" The dentist was suddenly shocked. This identity is no small matter.

The moon of the old world has long been destroyed. Once the two worlds are combined, this person will have the same status as the Moon Queen.

"The relationship between me and him is quite good, but something has been unpleasant recently. This time I went over to apologize and prepare to ask him to do a favor~ That's about it.

As for the matter of the deep sea being dyed silver, we'll have to wait and see what happens. Anyway, Yuyuan didn't force us to kill anyone, we just need to bring enough evidence.

correct! Suddenly I remembered something! My friend is very interested in medicine and even opened his own clinic on the moon. "

These last words directly aroused dentist Jessica's interest. She even put down the knife and fork in her hand, rested her arms on the table and leaned forward.

"Huh? How is the moon related to medicine? The queen of the old world was not proficient in medicine at all.

What is his medical level? "

William spread his hands and said, “I am a layman myself, so I don’t know how to evaluate it.

But as far as my experience is concerned, his medical level is still very high, and he also brings a medical team himself, who can handle all kinds of difficult surgical operations.

Since Miss Jessica is going to come with us, let's see if we can go into the clinic and have a look. You are more professional, and maybe we can exchange medical knowledge. "

"Yeah! Okay!"

In this way, Jessica is fully integrated into the team and has subjective motivation.

Principal Deslin, who was also sitting at the dining table, listened to the conversation between the two and could clearly detect the speaking skills used by William.

Even from the initial physical examination, he had been setting a trap on Jessica, tying her up with his group step by step.

For some reason, she felt for a moment that this former student, the confidante who meditated among the planets with him, had become a bit strange. There was even a chance glimpse of a mask on William's face, with his hands covering his eyes and nose, leaving only his mouth outside.

Thinking of this, Desline cut off a piece of foie gras, decorated it with stars and took the initiative to bring it to Jessica's mouth with a fork.

The latter immediately turned her head over, her eyes flashing with confusion. She seemed to have never been fed by others.

But seeing that the person feeding the food was Desline and that the surface of the foie gras was rich in star energy, she still chose to swallow it in one gulp.

Seeing the dentist choose to eat foie gras, Desline said with a gentle face, "Jessica, follow me closely when you arrive at the silver ocean area. I can predict any dangers in advance."

"Thank you sister."

The star particles mixed in the foie gras made Jessica's brain clear up a lot, and she began to think about the potential dangers of her next actions instead of just thinking about the moon and the clinic.

【at night】

After a long day of physical examination, Jessica fell asleep due to fatigue. Today's physical examination has yielded some results, and Jessica also slept relatively soundly.

William still chose to sleep alone in the bathtub, separated from the two ladies as much as possible.

In the middle of the night, when the bathroom door did not open, there was an extra person in the bathroom. The principal was leaning against the wall like yesterday, but his expression was colder.

“William, you have been setting up a trap since you set foot in Diptus, right?

You are obviously in a hurry but deliberately choose a physical examination, causing problems for the local hospital and attracting the old world's silver circle dentists. You use your methods to trick the other party on board the ship, and then induce the other party to join us step by step.

Your method is completely against the character of a gentleman. You didn't have so much scheming in the past. "

Bathroom area late at night with no light,

William, who was lying in the bathtub, had his head covered in darkness and couldn't see his specific expression clearly.

"Principal, you are right. Dentist Jessica's joining the team was indeed my inducement and setup. However, my initial thoughts were not like this.

When I arrived in the port city, it was the first time I heard about [Dental Clinic], and I also wanted to know my own shortcomings, so I spent some time to experience the medical standards of the old world.

But when Miss Jessica arrived unexpectedly, I took advantage of it.

The reason why I did this was that I had a bad feeling that the danger of this trip would be much higher than expected. With Yuyuan's actions, this is more certain. Lorian's current state is very abnormal, and even the sea has been turned into silver.

If Miss Jessica is here, the survival rate can be greatly improved.

Only this time, I will try my best not to use such despicable methods in the future. I am really sorry... Maybe it is because I have been away from the organization for a long time and have forgotten my status as a gentleman. "

The principal didn't reply, and in a blink of an eye, William was the only one left in the bathroom.

At this time, William's back squirmed, and the 'second person' embedded in it slowly climbed up, his face pressed against his ear, and the breath of death even completely dyed the bathtub black.

"Aha~ William, is it because you have had more contact with me recently and the unexpected experience of traveling to that world that gave you a different understanding of human nature?

It doesn't matter, just do what you want and don't worry about other people's eyes.

Pulling in the dentist is a clear choice, and what we are going to face must be the entire moon.

After all, if I were Lorian, I would want to pull out your muscles and bones, and eat all the soup and meat to relieve your anger. "

William, whose face was hidden in the darkness, did not respond to Yi Chen's words, but said something else:

"The sea has been silvered, ownership has been taken away, and the fish source even sent people to discuss with us, hoping that we can help investigate, which means that the personnel he sent failed to bring out effective information, or even brought out no information at all.

Once our ship reaches the Silver Sea, it will inevitably be exposed immediately.

As you said, Yi Chen, Lorian is very likely to hate me~ Therefore, my identity cannot be exposed immediately.

When the time comes, you will take over the ownership of the body, erase all auras related to me, first investigate what is going on in the Silver Sea, and then try to land on the moon. "

"Hey, hey, do you want to take full advantage of me?"

"It doesn't matter. If you don't want to do it, Yi Chen, I will ask Nash to cooperate with me in joint disguise. I should be able to conceal my identity for a short time."

"What are you doing~ What are you doing~ After all, this is for the good of both of us. Remember to call me when the time comes, William~"

It took a full ten days,

The captain followed the direction pointed by William and finally arrived at the expected destination. A sheet of silvery sea water came into his eyes, scaring the crew to stop the ship immediately.

William's lunar induction reached its highest value here, but when he stood on the deck and looked up at the sky, he could not see any moon hanging in the sky.

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