The final gentleman

Chapter 700 Beach Program

Desline was holding an instant noodle bucket and drinking the soup inside, while watching William show off his speaking skills.

I have to say that although such behavior goes against the character of a gentleman,

But in this situation, if you want to erase the gap, even the hatred, between the two, and re-establish contact with Lorian, you can only rely on this special words and means.

Moreover, Lorian's current development has exceeded the scope of the old world to some extent. If we don't establish a good relationship now, it will be very difficult later.

Desline continued to be immersed in the deep experience of drinking soup and no longer paid attention to what was going on at the dinner table.

After waiting for about five minutes,

During this period, Lorian kept staring at William's eyes with his moon eyes, trying to see the impurities in them.

After confirming many times that no impurities had surfaced, Lorian asked again:

"What kind of performances do I need to perform? How many performances are required? How much time will it take for me? Can you list them one by one?"

William did not answer directly, but asked another question, "I can't tell you this. After all, the specific number of performances depends on the performance effect.

If the scale is large enough and the effect is good enough, the effect may be achieved in one go.

Moreover, the performance must be performed in the old world, which will definitely delay your moon project, Lorien. By the way, with your current level Lorian, you should be able to shrink the moon and take it with you, right?

It's better to just bring the moon in. That way you can balance performance and moon management, right? "

"You are really whimsical. You want me to take the whole moon and join the circus... So be it, William! I don't know what you are thinking, but I do have a need for such food.

However, this requirement is not entirely necessary.

You are now one of the chiefs of the circus, and you should have many subordinates below, right?

How about we have a competition? If your subordinates can defeat mine, I will agree to this deal, and after the sea research is completed, I will join your department as an external expert on the moon.

If you lose, you have to find a way to get me five-figure instant noodles. "

William's face was full of sorrow, "Subordinates... My department has just been established not long ago and has not hired many people. However, since it is your request, Lorian, I agreed. By the way, when and where will we compete?"

"It's right here, and we can start now. Isn't it perfect that we can continue to dine and watch a nice late-month show?"

"Lorian, are you going to let Miss Fana play?"

"Fana was my first creation, and she is also an abnormal patient who has always been by my side. Especially during the period when I first left the Twilight Clinic and became weak, I relied on Fana's companionship and care.

She has been following me and growing up with me. She was also the first individual to accept "Chaos Transformation".

This important matter that determines the direction of the moon in the future, of course she has to take on this important responsibility, don't you think~ Fana. "

The female doctor didn't speak, she just nodded by shaking the metal bracket.

"Hold on……"

William inserted his little finger into his ear hole, and after a while, he pulled out a slug-like thing. And in a very short period of time, this thing evolved into a human form. The scattered eyes that were moving around were difficult to focus, and it looked very intelligent.

"Ah~ Oh, boss... I'm sorry, you said before that you don't need to move for a long time, so I went to sleep! What's the situation now?"

"It's okay. Let's compete with Dr. Fana. Try to win as much as possible but don't kill him."

"Oh! This one... has a really strange body structure. There is actually a section of it made of metal. It looks very fierce. I will try my best."

Nash began to do a series of simple body stretching exercises. He felt that his body was very uncoordinated, and he felt no different from a mentally retarded person. He has been in a parasitic state for this period of time and has somewhat forgotten how to behave.

Lorian looked at this independent parasite that did not rely on a host. His moon eyes could see the differences and hidden dangers at a glance, "Why don't you introduce such an important member, William?"

"Mahart J. Nash is the new deputy director of my department. Currently, it is just the two of us and my candle puppet who manage the theater together."

Lorian stretched out his hand and gently stroked the female doctor's center frame, and said very gently, "The Circus of Horror is worthy of its name. This parasite kills countless lives and is difficult to deal with... Fana~ Don't be stressed, winning or losing doesn't matter. Just don’t get hurt.”


Fana pursed her red lips. Because she had eaten instant noodles, she was in almost the best condition and the chaotic parts of her body were stabilized.

Wearing dark red high-heeled shoes, she walked on the shoals of the sea water and didn't stop until she was two hundred meters away.

Nash trotted over, turning his head in the middle, and said very worriedly: "Such a close distance, will it affect your meal, boss?"

"Do your own thing and don't worry about us."

"Oh! Okay! I will do what the boss asks."

When Nash turned his head back and faced the female doctor, his whole aura changed instantly and his expression began to twitch, "Ah~ It feels wonderful to be stuffed in the boss's head, but I am still not suitable for [parasitism]. This kind of inability to move freely It feels so bad.

Now it just so happens that I have such a special patient to help me move my muscles and bones, and at the same time, I can perform well in front of the boss.

I'm sorry to bother you, Miss Fana... I can see that the boss cares about you, I won't kill you~"

Faced with Nash's super-quick change of face and this very annoying tone, the female doctor couldn't help but tilt her head slightly and said, "Aren't you going to attack?"

"No, I don't like to be preconceived! Besides, I'm afraid I'll kill you accidentally, hehe... How about you let me try your power first, come on!"

As soon as he finished speaking,

The red high-heeled shoes kicked him directly from the front, boom! In the direction in which the high heels were kicked, a crack of tens of meters was torn out on the island.

The parts where Nash was kicked, including his abdomen, torso and head, were all destroyed.


The female doctor’s long legs hadn’t even been retracted before Nash completed the ‘super-rapid regeneration’.

The high heels and the female doctor's ankles were actually stuck in Nash's reconstructed upper body.

This scene also shocked the group of people dining not far away. Such a rebirth would be too exaggerated.

Nash said nonchalantly, "Try harder, I'm okay!"

As if she had been humiliated, the female doctor used her right foot trapped in Nash's body to lift it up and tear Nash's body in half again.

Lift your right foot fully to make a 180° angle to the other foot.

Then it fell like a heavy hammer, smashing Nash's body into pieces.

The huge impact even caused huge waves to splash in the silver sea behind her, completely soaking the female doctor's body, and water droplets slid down against the steel pipe.

But wait until she blinks,

Nash was already standing in front of her again,

"The power is enough, but the speed is a bit off... An attack that is too direct is useless against me. Do you have any other tricks? Come on~"

The female doctor was stunned. She was actually not good at actual combat. She was better at managing Lorian's physical condition and various surgical techniques. After all, she was essentially an IV pole.

Although she learned practical combat during this period, she could not understand the weirdo in front of her at all.

She turned her head and looked at Lorian, who was dining not far away, as if she was begging for something.

As Lorian nodded in affirmation, some kind of shackles of chaos hidden in the female doctor's body were lifted.

Click~click~click! Continuous metallic sounds spread,

The stent metal tube serving as the female doctor's torso cracked, and infusion tubes and needles as dense as hair spilled out.

A large number of sterilized infusion tubes with needles squirmed and swayed in the air like tentacles.

There are hundreds of main needles inserted into the female doctor's brain from the neck, injecting a chaotic liquid that does not belong to the current world, and at the same time playing a supporting role in the head.

The original metal bracket was replaced,

The head of a female doctor is floating in the air relying on an infusion tube. She is extremely crazy.

Countless infusion tubes even formed a giant cross on her back, drawing blood from her lower body and flowing through the tubes, dyeing the cross red.

Showing her identity as a doctor with such extreme chaos,

At the same time, a twisted living frame appeared above her head, silver but full of rust spots.

[Forced infusion-Fana Oligovich (Crimson Cross)]

As he raised his hand, countless infusion catheters shot into Nash's body, and the attack mode completely changed.

Once pricked by a needle, a variety of deadly and chaotic drugs will be injected into the body.

Just when he was about to hit, something flashed suddenly, and even many people present didn't see it clearly.


A large number of broken pipes were scattered on the beach.

Nash's whole aura completely changed, and endless killing intent surged out of his body.

In his hand he held a special dagger, the handle of which was densely packed with miniature heads. The dagger body is twisted and spiraling, ancient and exquisite.

Nash's tongue also licked the surface,

"It's really troublesome... I actually need to take out the "Hundred-Headed Hunter". If I do this, I will kill you accidentally. "

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